FlavCity All-In-One Protein Smoothie for Kids (Galactic Brownie) – Grass-Fed
O FlavCity Galactic Brownie Kids Protein Smoothie é uma deliciosa mistura de cacau orgânico, bananas orgânicas e leite fermentado não transgênico, com um sabor rico em chocolate que as crianças adoram. Cada porção contém 15 gramas de proteína, além de vitaminas e minerais para apoiar o estilo de vida ativo e as necessidades de desenvolvimento do seu filho. É perfeito para manhãs agitadas, um lanche rápido e nutritivo depois da escola ou uma substituição de refeição quando estiver em movimento. São 15 porções.
NUTRIÇÃO TOTAL DO CORPO: Utilizamos frutas orgânicas reais e leite de coco em pó para dar aos nossos Kids Protein Smoothies uma textura cremosa e um sabor dos sonhos. Agora, seus filhos podem obter proteína de alta qualidade, proveniente de animais alimentados com capim e não desnaturada (15g por porção), colágeno bovino proveniente de animais alimentados com capim (5g por porção), aminoácidos adicionados e frutas, tudo em apenas uma colherada!
APENAS UMA COLHERADA: Nosso Kids Protein Smoothie foi projetado para uma preparação rápida e é perfeito para famílias com agendas agitadas. Basta adicionar uma colherada da mistura de smoothie de proteína a 180-240 ml do leite de escolha da criança, agitar por 20 segundos e aproveitar.
EU APROVO ISSO: Tenha a certeza de que este All-In-One Kids Protein Smoothie é feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade que seus filhos vão adorar. Cada ingrediente foi minuciosamente pesquisado e cada produto passou por rigorosos controles de qualidade para lhe proporcionar tranquilidade. Se for “Aprovado por Bobby”, você sabe que está em boas mãos.
SOBRE NÓS: Desde 2012, Bobby Parrish conquistou mais de 12 milhões de membros da comunidade, criando conteúdo online sobre comida e bem-estar e escrevendo livros de culinária populares. Sua missão é ajudar as pessoas a saberem exatamente o que colocam em seus corpos para que possam prosperar.
- 1. Nutrição completa para o corpo: O FlavCity Galactic Brownie Kids Protein Smoothie oferece uma combinação de proteínas, vitaminas e minerais essenciais para apoiar o desenvolvimento e o estilo de vida ativo das crianças.
- 2. Ingredientes de alta qualidade: Cada ingrediente utilizado neste smoothie foi cuidadosamente selecionado e passou por rigorosos controles de qualidade, garantindo um produto nutritivo e seguro para o consumo infantil.
- 3. Sabor delicioso: Com uma mistura de cacau orgânico e bananas, o sabor do Galactic Brownie Kids Protein Smoothie é irresistível para as crianças, tornando mais fácil para os pais oferecerem uma opção saudável e saborosa.
- 4. Praticidade na preparação: Com apenas uma colherada e alguns segundos de agitação, o Kids Protein Smoothie está pronto para ser consumido. Perfeito para famílias com rotinas agitadas.
- 5. Aprovação de especialistas: O FlavCity All-In-One Kids Protein Smoothie é aprovado por Bobby Parrish, um renomado especialista em comida e bem-estar, que garante a qualidade e segurança do produto.
Para preparar o FlavCity Galactic Brownie Kids Protein Smoothie, adicione uma colherada da mistura a 180-240 ml do leite de escolha da criança. Agite por 20 segundos e aproveite como uma refeição rápida e nutritiva. Pode ser consumido no café da manhã, como lanche ou substituição de refeição.
Kailyn Deleon –
So, as a full grown adult, I’m not the target audience. But at the end of the day, it’s just protein powder that they’re trying to package toward kids, and I’m not sure they hit the mark.
The good: it smells really good in the package. Very coconut forward, which had me excited to taste it. It blends well in water.
The okay: Almost everything.
If you’ve got a picky eater expecting a “chocolate brownie” smoothy, they’re going to be disappointed. There’s not a lot of chocolate, none of the coconut (somehow even the smell disappears once you mix it), and very little seeetness. I actually thought they just opted to go with low sugar and no other sweeteners, but it lists stevia extract. You wouldn’t guess it. Low sugar is good, and if your kid won’t mind a bland “chocolate” it doesn’t taste bad by any means. But it’s nothing close to a brownie, and it’s not even THAT low (my go to protein has less than half the sugar).
The macros are decent (15 g protein, 4 g fat, 12 g carbs [2 g fiber, 5 g sugar]). Not many micronutrients to speak of.
The packaging is cool and your kid will probably like it.
The bad:
This is pricey. If you don’t need kid friendly packaging, there are much better options out there (that your kid will probably like the taste of better, to boot). At $2.34 an ounce, it’s 2 or 3 times more expensive than my go to, with no discernable gain.
And finally, the bag seal is maybe the worst I’ve ever encountered. It flat out doesn’t work. Terrible design, especially if it’s going to be used by kids. Dump it into a freezer bag and toss the original packaging…but at that point, you’ve lost the one thing that they had to try to justify this as a product for kids. Just buy the normal stuff.
Misty H. Grace –
The first thing I have to mention about this and the main reason for the four stars is the packaging. As soon as I cut it open the seal of the top was pretty much useless. It was filled with the protein powder and it has four very small zip – lock pieces that fit together. However they were completely filled with the protein so I actually had to brush them out to get the package to seal. This is fine for me as an adult but I know the kids would make an absolute mess if I didn’t do this or if I wasn’t the one making the drink. So I had to knock off one star for the complicated packaging.
The important part… The product itself. I mixed this up a couple different ways. Since I was the one testing it, I did not use milk as I tend to be a bit lactose intolerance. Instead I used water and it dissolved easily and tasted amazingly good. So definitely five stars for flavor and I can only imagine it is even better Mixed with milk. One mixing it with milk is gonna start getting close to 25 g of protein in an 8 ounce serving… Which might be a little bit much for a small person at one time.
The other way I tried it was in a smoothie with mixed berries. Again, it blended super easily with my hand blender and the fruit flavor really match the berry flavor. For me, I definitely liked it this way but the berries significantly cut down on the sweetness and the flavor of the drink so it may not be as appealing with the vegetables to a youngster… depending on their taste.
Overall, I wish the packaging was a little bit easier but the product itself is really good. I think the easiest thing to do would be to dump it out and put it into some sort of container so it’s easy to open and scoop out should they want to mix it themselves.
August Moon –
My son liked the flavor, I blended it and was very smooth and not grainy. The bag however, did not close. For the price you would think the bag would close back up.
August Moon –
I have a six year old daughter that just started kindergarten. She won’t eat breakfast some mornings because she’s just getting used to waking up so early. This product is perfect! She loves chocolate milk but I wanted her to have something that had a little more in it so I knew she was getting something that would give her energy, and wasn’t too sugary. It mixes well with milk which was my biggest concern. My daughter likes milk but I wanted something a little more fulfilling that covered all bases and this product is it! It comes with a little scooper so you can measure in the right amount to each portion. It tastes great! If you have a child that likes chocolate milk then this is the best way to sneak in the other vitamins she needs without notice. She’s had ZERO stomach issues after drinking it. She loves it and she gets through her day at school even if she fights me about eating breakfast. This product is the perfect thing I was looking for. For the price it’s definitely worth it and I couldn’t be happier with it. I’d highly recommend it!
PJ reviews –
This powder allows you to make a smoothie quite easily. It has a prevalent blueberry flavor. The powder is an interesting color but once it dissolves the milk it becomes blue. It takes a little more effort than I expected to get the powder to dissolve, but not a big deal. I used 8 oz of milk, that seemed more reasonable than just using 6 oz. The scoop included makes it easy to get the correct amount of powder. Would recommend.