Descrição do Produto: Fitteam Fit 30 Individual Sticks (Suprimento para 30 Dias) – Nova Fórmula Melhorada
Descubra o poder transformador do Fitteam Fit 30, uma bebida deliciosa e totalmente natural que se destaca pela sua fórmula revolucionária. Cada stick individual contém uma mistura exclusiva de ingredientes orgânicos certificados pelo USDA, projetados para oferecer uma experiência de bem-estar sem igual. Ao consumir Fitteam Fit 30, você não apenas saboreia uma bebida refrescante, mas também potencializa sua energia, eleva seu humor, controla seu apetite e auxilia na perda de gordura. Essa combinação perfeita de ingredientes naturais proporciona um suporte eficaz para quem busca um estilo de vida mais saudável e ativo.
Os sticks são práticos e fáceis de usar, permitindo que você leve sua dose diária de saúde para qualquer lugar. Basta misturar um stick em água, agitar e desfrutar de uma bebida que não só é saborosa, mas também repleta de benefícios. A nova fórmula melhorada garante que você obtenha o máximo de cada ingrediente, promovendo resultados visíveis e duradouros. Com Fitteam Fit 30, você está um passo mais perto de alcançar seus objetivos de saúde e bem-estar.
– Aumento significativo de energia para enfrentar o dia a dia.
– Melhora do humor, contribuindo para uma mentalidade positiva.
– Controle do apetite, ajudando na gestão do peso.
– Auxílio na queima de gordura, promovendo um corpo mais saudável.
– Ingredientes 100% naturais, garantindo uma escolha saudável e segura.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Fitteam Fit 30, recomenda-se consumir um stick por dia. Misture o conteúdo de um stick em 250 ml de água, agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e consuma preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades físicas. Essa rotina não só maximiza os benefícios energéticos e de controle de apetite, mas também integra o Fitteam Fit 30 de forma prática em sua dieta diária.
Rachel Williams –
Packaging was worn, but actually product works awesome! More energy and less appetite
Catherine Rae Benscoter –
Stacy S. –
This stuff is the BEST. It makes me feel so good, and happy and motivated! That’s the main reason I stick with it. There are a zillion weight loss products but none that make me feel this happy and good.
I actually used to take medication for ADD and quit during my last pregnancy to keep baby safe. Once baby was born I tried fit team for a second time and noticed that it really helped almost as much as my meds except without the jittery feeling that I hated with my meds. So I’m thrilled with the drink.
The taste was a little less then yummy but acceptable to me. After a few days I felt myself adjust and start to enjoy the taste. Probably because my brain enjoys the feeling I get so the taste signals that good feelings are on the way once I start to drink my morning drink.
This stuff has done wonders for me in the following areas:
1. losing weight- postpartum weight loss that wouldn’t come off after 4 babies is finally coming off.
2. Energy-it helps me focus and get going in the morning. I have four kids to get ready in the morning. I have one that goes to a charter school and two homeschooling that need me to be on my game. If I can’t focus we don’t have a good morning and if our morning isn’t organized and on track then our day goes haywire. This drink makes all the difference.
3. Kills the afternoon slump in minutes- I have to go get one of my kids from their school mid afternoon and I nurse my baby right before I go which causes a bug release of oxytocin and that along with the time of day after lunch puts me in a seriously sleepy position. I’m usually struggling to keep my eyes open and I discovered one fit team about 10-20 minutes before I go cures my afternoon slump. I feel good, Mood is listen and I’m able to deal with my kids fighting in the backseat and stay away and drive safely without being jittery.
4. Motivation-I feel SO good! I’m happy, less depressed and I’ve replaced my add meds because I don’t need them when I have fit team. The supplements they use are fantastic for mood and energy.
5. Increase productivity during workout-I hit a higher fat burning range faster after a fit team. I can also get two hour work outs in instead of struggling to get 15-20 minutes on my bike like normal. I’m not in shape, I’m overweight, I had four kids but two of these a day and I have the energy and focus to get my two hour long workouts done.
6. No longer crave soda and killed my redbull addiction- I was drunk 1-2 Red Bulls a day until I started fit team. I quit immediately and never craved them again. It’s been amazing. I never thought I could quit craving blue redbulls no
The only con is that it’s expensive. Especially if you drink two a day. I’ve been looking everywhere for a replacement that’s cheaper but it DOES NOT EXIST. I have some of these supplements and considered just taking the supplements myself but it doesn’t save any money so I decided it was worth it. My husband drinks them too we just have to be careful and can’t always have two a week. We have to budget for them but it’s cheaper then redbull so it’s worth it.
Evelyn Wilson –
As described
Marleen Flugge –
Great product!
Catherine Rae Benscoter –
I have been ordering fit sticks for years now and this is the first time I’ve ever gotten a bag where half the product was damaged. When I opened it a lot of powder came out and what I thought was maybe one stick that had opened ended up being 16. The sticks were not sealed properly maybe a manufacturer defect but now I only have 14 that are sealed and I can use out of 30. I am very disappointed because these are not cheap.
Ann iezzi –
This product is great for energy and I use it on occasion. This a MLM product so if you go through an actual distributor you can get 2 bags for almost what your paying for 1 bag here. This seller is totally price gouging and it took 8 days to get it! Will not order again unless they drop the price!!!
Sherri taylor –
Like the taste