Firefly My Little Pony Toothbrush Set é o conjunto perfeito de escovas de dentes para os pequenos fãs de My Little Pony. Com um design encantador e colorido, essas escovas tornam a escovação uma experiência mágica e divertida. Cada escova apresenta uma personagem diferente, como a adorável Twilight Sparkle ou a corajosa Rainbow Dash, incentivando as crianças a cuidarem da saúde bucal de forma lúdica. As cerdas macias e arredondadas são ideais para as gengivas sensíveis, proporcionando uma limpeza eficaz sem causar desconforto. O cabo ergonômico facilita o manuseio, permitindo que as crianças escovem os dentes com facilidade e conforto.
Este conjunto de três escovas é ideal para famílias com várias crianças ou para uso individual, garantindo que cada criança tenha sua própria escova. Cada escova vem com uma tampa protetora, assegurando a higiene e a durabilidade do produto. Com a Firefly My Little Pony Toothbrush Set, a escovação se transforma em uma atividade educativa e divertida, ajudando as crianças a entenderem a importância de cuidar dos dentes desde cedo.
1. Design Encantador: As escovas possuem personagens adoráveis de My Little Pony, tornando a escovação mais atrativa para as crianças.
2. Cerdas Macias: As cerdas são suaves, garantindo uma limpeza eficaz sem irritar as gengivas sensíveis.
3. Cabo Ergonômico: O design do cabo facilita o manuseio, permitindo que as crianças escovem os dentes com conforto.
4. Higiene Garantida: Cada escova vem com uma tampa protetora, mantendo-as limpas e prontas para uso.
5. Educação em Saúde Bucal: Incentiva hábitos saudáveis desde cedo, tornando a escovação uma parte divertida da rotina diária.
Para utilizar as escovas de dentes Firefly My Little Pony, aplique uma pequena quantidade de creme dental nas cerdas. Escove os dentes suavemente em movimentos circulares, garantindo que todas as superfícies dos dentes sejam limpas. Recomenda-se escovar os dentes pelo menos duas vezes ao dia, durante dois minutos cada vez, para uma limpeza completa. É importante trocar as escovas a cada três meses ou quando as cerdas estiverem desgastadas, assegurando a eficácia do produto e a saúde bucal das crianças.
Private Customer –
I’m really bad at brushing my teeth, so I ordered these to actually motivate myself to brush them because I like MLP. I have zero clue where these toothbrushes came from, but they ARE new in the packaging– which smelled strongly of some sort of cleaner, and even had some residue of whatever was used to wipe them down on it, but the toothbrushes are untouched by this. Thanks!
Luc Gauthier –
My daughter loves my little pony, it actually makes it easier to get her over to get her teeth brushed. Good quality toothbrush as well, my kid bites the toothbrush and usually wrecks it but each one lasts atleast a month.
D –
Great for when kids visit
Howie –
We buy these expecting the Mane 6 brushes as pictured, but this time we got ones with the New My Little Pony characters (Sunny, Izzy, etc…). Thankfully my daughter still likes them even though they are inferior to the Mane 6.
Amazon Customer –
Thank you- arrived on time and item is exactly as pictured
Mara –
Exactly as pictured but not a great value. The product itself is fine hence the five stars but after purchasing here I found these at dollar general.
Kate –
I have been buying these for years. I buy several packs at a shot and have a little box that’s filled with all different designs. We get these, the hello kitty, and the tsum tsum ones. I have boys but they don’t care these are “girl” toothbrushes and I’m glad because I’m not buying something that’s poor quality just because of the color/picture on the package. I’ve tried lots of brands and this one is my favorite. I keep a brush for me to use on each kid and each kid gets their own. I don’t care how badly they chew the bristles or mess them up. I just want them trying to do it on their own (practice makes perfect!) and we replace them frequently. I’ve used other brands that had bristles fall out or start fraying right away. These hold up though!
Nancy A. –
Bought these for 2 granddaughters! They love then and actually picked them out online with me. Were so excited to get something in the mail! Work as intended.
RK A –
MLP obsessed 4 year old likes these and they are easy for her to old and start to master brushing her teeth well
Ana Arsenova –
My 4 year old is a diehard “my little pony fan”, so I bought this set of toothbrushes with very little expectations in mind, the theme was all that mattered. To my surprise, they are very good, ergonomic and brush better than any other toothbrushes we’ve ever used.