Descrição do Produto: FINISH Quantum Infinity Shine
Descubra a revolução na limpeza de sua louça com o novo FINISH Quantum Infinity Shine. Este detergente em cápsulas para lava-louças foi desenvolvido para proporcionar uma limpeza incomparável, combinando tecnologia avançada e eficácia em um único produto. Com três câmaras de dissolução rápida, o FINISH Quantum Infinity Shine não apenas remove as sujeiras mais difíceis, mas também proporciona um brilho excepcional, superando a performance do tradicional Finish Quantum.
- NEW FINISH QUANTUM INFINITY SHINE: O novo Finish Quantum Infinity Shine esfolia, desengordura e brilha, oferecendo a melhor limpeza e brilho já vista em comparação ao Finish Quantum, com suas três câmaras de dissolução rápida.
- POWER: O poder de esfoliação quebra e remove os restos de alimentos mais grudados em uma única lavagem.
- GEL: O poder de corte de gordura lida até com as sujeiras mais difíceis.
- LIQUID POWERBALL: Preenchido com ações poderosas que secam e proporcionam um impulso final de brilho.
- TUB IS RECYCLABLE: O recipiente é reciclável. Remova a manga plástica antes de descartar.
- Packaging may vary: A embalagem pode variar.
1. Limpeza Profunda: Remove até os resíduos mais difíceis, garantindo que sua louça fique impecável após cada lavagem.
2. Brilho Superior: Proporciona um acabamento brilhante, eliminando a necessidade de polir a louça manualmente.
3. Fácil de Usar: As cápsulas são práticas e fáceis de manusear, eliminando a necessidade de medir detergente.
4. Ecológico: O recipiente é reciclável, contribuindo para a redução de resíduos plásticos.
5. Versatilidade: Eficaz em todos os tipos de louça, incluindo panelas e utensílios de cozinha, tornando-o ideal para qualquer cozinha.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o FINISH Quantum Infinity Shine, coloque uma cápsula na gaveta do detergente da sua lava-louças, garantindo que a máquina esteja vazia e limpa. Certifique-se de que a água esteja quente e que a máquina esteja configurada para o ciclo adequado. Evite sobrecarregar a lava-louças para permitir que a água circule adequadamente. Após o término do ciclo, verifique se a louça está completamente seca e brilhante. Para uma performance ainda melhor, limpe regularmente os filtros da máquina e utilize o produto em ciclos de lavagem com água quente.
Amazon customer –
I’ve used Cascade for year and they discontinued the one i like. they say their pods are scent free but u can smell it on ur dishes and it is too strong with the also plugged up my dishwasher cause i dont think the outer plastic is melting well
..this “finish” is scent free and does a much better job…I LOVE IT THANKYOU!
Dylan Piekarski –
These dish pacs work great! I have always loved Finish Quantum pacs, and these are no exception! They do a great job of removing nearly everything from the dishes, especially when used on tougher loads! My dishware is always sparkling, as is the silverware! The machines themselves are also cleaner for longer as well.
Now, I had to remove a star for two reasons: 1) The price difference, and 2) The scent
The price is not bad, still cheaper than cascade and work just as well, if not better. But, I am not completely sold when compared to the normal Quantum pacs. The normal Quantum pacs are great and work fine for nearly any and every load. These newer pacs are no different, but not noticeably better to me. Now, unless you run a very heavy, dirty, greasy load, then they show their extra power. If that’s what you need than they are a bargain I’m sure, but for most normal loads they are just overkill. Of which brings me to me to my second point…
The scent. The scent is not bad, and again, for really dirty, stinky loads I’m sure they are grate. However I think its a little too strong. I use both a normal full size dishwasher and a small countertop dishwasher and use the same detergent in each. Now, in the smaller dishwasher I noticed that these are simply overkill all the way around, not bad at all, just overkill. They tend to leave the scent behind very strongly, to the point that my dishes started tasting like soap, even after the wash and two rinses. With the large machine I did not notice anything tasting like soap, but the scent lingers and often I would notice that using a cup for just plain water I could still smell the scent.
I will note that for both machines this is exaggerated when utilizing the shorter cycles, and is less of an issues with longer cycles. I would also like to note that both of my machines have plastic interiors, meaning they are more susceptible to scents than stainless machines.
Overall I do like these and will definitely buy more and keep them on hand! I just thing I will utilize them for my heavier loads rather than my normal daily ones.
Joe Poovey –
So easy to use. You just pop one in the dishwasher and the dishes come out spotless. I never have an issue with having to rewash glasses. Absolute perfection.
Francis Goguen –
Finish is so good wuality , it dissolve super easily , easy to use , the size is perfect even for my portable dishwasher. Last long and the Brand is the best on Market , good price. I recommend
My best pick works well and the shine wonderful
Csimon –
Cleans good even when dishes are not rinsed. Good value. Doesn’t seem to build up in dishwasher and it’s convenient
Tylor H. –
These pods work like magic in my Whirlpool dishwasher—everything comes out sparkling clean. I’ve tried others, but these are the only ones I’ll use.
Kat –
The product came well packaged and the pods inside were not damaged at all. This is my favourite dishwashing pods and the price is very good.
Peter G. –
have an older dishwasher and was having issues cleaning the glasses on the top rack like it was leaving coffee in the bottom of the glasses- I run the dishwasher about 2-3 times a week- these things work great and clean perfectly- I have tried all different types of pods and liquids- do yourself a favor and try these bad boys out.
Jaeden Samia –
Got these on sale and they work great. Our plates and utensils will get covered in a kitchen disaster and come out clean after. If you can snag these especially on sale they are a great value.