O Filtro de Substituição GermGuardian Filter B HEPA Pure é a solução ideal para quem busca um ar mais limpo e saudável em ambientes fechados. Este filtro genuíno foi projetado para capturar 99,97% das partículas com tamanho tão pequeno quanto 0,1 micrômetro, incluindo poeira, pólen e pelos de animais. Com a tecnologia de filtragem multi-camadas, o GermGuardian garante uma purificação eficaz, proporcionando um ar mais seguro e respirável.
Fabricado na América do Norte, o filtro GermGuardian é respaldado por rigorosos testes científicos realizados em laboratórios independentes, assegurando sua qualidade e eficiência. Ao contrário de filtros de marcas genéricas, que muitas vezes não atendem aos padrões de teste HEPA, o filtro GermGuardian oferece um encaixe certificado e máxima capacidade de filtragem, evitando problemas de compatibilidade e danos ao purificador de ar.
Além de sua função principal de purificação, o filtro também atua como um desodorizador confiável. O pré-filtro de carvão ativado é capaz de capturar e absorver compostos orgânicos voláteis, além de poeira e pelos de animais, reduzindo efetivamente odores provenientes de fumaça, cozinhar e pets. Este filtro é compatível com diversos modelos de purificadores de ar, incluindo AC4825E, AC4825W, AC4870, AC4820, AC4300BPTCA, AC4300WPT, AC4900CA, AC4850PT, CDAP4500BCA, CDAP4500WCA, PureGuardian Model AP2200CA e Black+Decker BXAP150.
– Filtragem Eficiente: Remove 99,97% das partículas nocivas, garantindo um ar mais limpo.
– Tecnologia Avançada: Multi-camadas de filtragem que proporcionam uma purificação superior.
– Compatibilidade Garantida: Projetado para se encaixar perfeitamente em diversos modelos de purificadores GermGuardian.
– Desodorização Eficaz: O pré-filtro de carvão ativado elimina odores indesejados, melhorando a qualidade do ar.
– Qualidade Comprovada: Fabricado na América do Norte e testado em laboratórios independentes, assegurando a eficácia do produto.
Para utilizar o Filtro de Substituição GermGuardian Filter B HEPA Pure, comece desligando o purificador de ar e desconectando-o da tomada. Remova o painel frontal do aparelho, seguindo as instruções do manual do usuário. Retire o filtro antigo com cuidado e descarte-o de acordo com as diretrizes locais. Insira o novo filtro GermGuardian, certificando-se de que ele esteja posicionado corretamente. Recoloque o painel frontal e conecte o purificador à tomada. Ligue o aparelho e ajuste as configurações conforme necessário para desfrutar de um ar mais puro e fresco em seu ambiente. É recomendável substituir o filtro a cada 6 a 12 meses, dependendo do uso e da qualidade do ar em sua região.
Wendy Carney –
This arrived promptly from Amazon, and it’s quick and easy to change filters. The new filter fits perfectly, and functions well. I recommend all GermGuardian products. I love the air filter that this new Filter B goes into, which I bought from Amazon.ca also. Besides the obvious benefits of clean air without allergens and less pollutants, the house is less dusty, saving me housework. The one time I needed customer service, they were fantastic down there at GermGuardian. Works well for me.
Kayla T. –
I bought this filter as a replacement for the old one in my germ guardian air purifier. I received it in a timely manner and just as described. It was as easy as ever to insert and works very well. The fit was perfect for my Germ Guardian. I noted that the airflow is adequate.
Will definitely buy again for my next replacement filter.
Karmah –
Works well in my air purifier. Really helps to reduce allergens and keeps the air in our living room clean.
Deanna –
Easy install, fit perfectly and last about 30ish days.
Always –
I bought this unit and an extra filter December 8, 2021. It works fantastic! I love how easy it is to change the filter. It’s nice looking. It’s super quiet and seems to do a very good job. It even lets you know when to change the filter! However, It’s January 31, 2022 and one downside is, I am a heavy smoker and the filter is just black and it stinks to high heaven! So I got a month and a half out of the filter. The other downside is the filters are a little pricy. Even though the change filter light is not on on my unit, the odor tells me it’s ready to be changed. I realize the 6 month filter change they advertise was probably for non-smokers. But I still love it! Worth every penny! I will always have an extra filter on hand.
I clean the Hepa filters on my vacuums (they say not to) and they still work good as new as far as I can tell, so I’m gonna try to clean this filter before I toss it. Who knows? I might get an extra month out of it!
Funny thing though…when I checked the filter just now I thought…is it supposed to be brown/black? Apparently not! LOL
But yes, I highly recommend it! Just might have to change out the filters more often if you’re a smoker.
Sean –
I have 3 Germ Guardian air cleaners (2 models); they and filters work great!
Amazon Customer –
Buen producto
dturner220 –
Last year, I threw away my Honeywell Air Genius 5. As much as I liked it, it was frustrating to maintain and it had a mind of its own. I trust Peer Guardian products. I’ve had numerous humidifiers made by them so I bought the Germ Guardian AC 4825 to replace the Air Genius. Out of nowhere, about 6 months after buying it, it started flashing a red light to change the filter. Air Genius had a permanent filter. But don’t fooled by the permanent filters, it’s one of the reasons I got away from the Air Genius, the filter wouldn’t clean properly. So, I knew the Germ Guardian had to have replacement filters but I hadn’t bought any. I bought one of the generic versions here from Amazon and it’s good but when I turn my purifier on, I love the fresh smell, it’s probably not even noticeable to most people. The generic replacement filter never gave me the fresh air smell but it was doing a good job on everything else and at the time it was eighteen dollars less than the name brand, about a sixty percent difference in price. I need that fresh smell. I have a puppy that stays in my office and he’s a little guy and he stinks. He can’t help it. I give him baths but I think it’s because he’s so short, his belly hits the ground. I’m picking on the puppy. He has hair that sheds and sucks up any moisture so he don’t really stink but he has his own unique smell. The name brand filters help with that and give me a more fresh smell in my office.
This upgraded version is a perfect fit and it comes with an attached carbon prefilter. It goes right in, no problems and it brought the fresh air back. Simple, easy, change and I caught these on what I assume was a sale for right at twenty dollars, so I bought 2 of them. They are usually around thirty. I also recommend this purifier even over the bigger version and the other brands. I run it on the medium speed from the time I walk into the office until I leave the office. It’s like flipping a light switch on. The room it’s in is roughly 15 x 17 and it also keeps the air fresh in the 8 x 10 bathroom that’s connected to the office. Not the funnest present to buy yourself but if you’re like me, your nose and sinuses and stinky puppy will thank you!
Kayla T. –
Seems great, hopefully doing its filtering job well, no sign of issues.
Other aftermarket filters I’ve had and used require cutting and sizing and separate pre filters and main filters. This was an all in one cartridge type preassembled unit that seemed well made and snugly fit as I would expect
WW –
This is a really great air filter for my purifier, I have been using these for years now. I do also use the extra Pre Filter B’s with it though, to give it the most success.