Descrição do Produto: Fibercon (Caplets) Fiber Therapy for Regularity with Calcium Polycarbophil, 140 Count
Fibercon é um suplemento de fibra em forma de caplets que promove a regularidade intestinal, formulado com poliacrilato de cálcio, um agente de fibra solúvel que ajuda a manter a saúde digestiva. Cada frasco contém 140 caplets, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca melhorar seu bem-estar intestinal. Este produto é ideal para pessoas que enfrentam constipação ocasional ou que desejam aumentar a ingestão de fibras em sua dieta diária. Fibercon atua absorvendo água no intestino, formando um gel que facilita a passagem das fezes, promovendo um trânsito intestinal saudável e regular. Além disso, a presença de cálcio na fórmula contribui para a saúde óssea, tornando este suplemento uma escolha inteligente para quem busca benefícios adicionais.
1. Promove a Regularidade Intestinal: Ajuda a aliviar a constipação ocasional, proporcionando um trânsito intestinal saudável.
2. Fácil de Usar: A forma de caplets torna a ingestão simples e conveniente, ideal para o dia a dia.
3. Apoio à Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para a saúde geral do sistema digestivo, melhorando a absorção de nutrientes.
4. Benefícios Adicionais de Cálcio: Fortalece os ossos e dentes, oferecendo um valor nutricional extra.
5. Sem Sabor e Sem Açúcar: A fórmula é livre de sabores e açúcares, tornando-a adequada para diversas dietas.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Fibercon, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 a 4 caplets, três vezes ao dia, com um copo cheio de água. É importante aumentar a ingestão de líquidos ao usar este produto para garantir a eficácia da fibra e evitar desconfortos. Para resultados ideais, utilize Fibercon como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo. Caso você tenha alguma condição médica ou esteja tomando outros medicamentos, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso.
ConsciousCat –
But they do work , and I have no complaints.
TMI story : one day I was so constipated going on 2 days . And day 3 when I tried to go I felt like a child was coming out of me just to be a little pebble basically. So I had ordered these already on day 2 and they were delivered on day 3 in the evening. So i popped 2 pills in hopes there was going to be relief soon. Nothing happened so i popped another 2 on Day 4 . I would say by day 5 maybe around 7-8pm I felt a sudden cold sweat and something was about to happen. I ran to the bathroom and at first it was painful but once that initial poop came out it just started flow right after.
Fiona Carotenuto –
This is one of those products that as you age you need. The good thing is these are easy on your stomach, easy to swallow and have no taste. Plus they work!
Customer Review –
Poop is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get. It’s almost always brown, but sometimes hard and chunky, other times soft and gooey, and occasionally, juuuuust right. Ideally you’d like M&Ms, nice clean pellets that melt in your toilet bowl but not in your hands or stick to your nooks and crannies. Of course you also don’t want it packed into your intestines as if it’s a tied off sausage casing.
Fibercon is billed as a laxative but if you’re like me (what I call a “pastie”), a concrete colon is not the problem. On the contrary, the problem is that gooey, pasty mess you thought you had left behind (so to speak) in your (baby) diaper days. You know, the kind of mess that simply CANNOT be cleaned without stepping into a shower. The kind that defies and shreds toilet paper and no matter how careful you are, winds up finding its way to your fingernails. The kind that makes visiting a public restroom a nightmare as you rub yourself raw just trying to get clean enough to step out of the stall without setting off smoke alarms. The kind that humbles the most arrogant narcissist and reminds us that we are but a half step removed from feral chimps.
We’re not talking about diarrhea here. Diarrhea is nasty stuff but at least it’s easy to clean. What we’re talking about is more like pushing toothpaste through a straw or squeezing tar out of a baloon. The real problem, if I have not yet been sufficiently graphic, is that cleanup is a nightmare.
What’s great about Fibercon is it is not just for the constipated (too hard), but is also for the pasties. Fibercon has the wonderful attribute of migrating your bowels from the pasty left or the hard right toward the reasonable, comfortable, and unexciting middle. If only our politics could be fixed as easily I’d ship a case to every member of congress. Alas, they’re so full of crap that no quantity of laxative could help.
Anyway, if you’re a pastie then you need to give Fibercon a try. After about three or four days of the right dosage you’ll be shooting out pellets like a Pez dispenser, bringing endless joy to your rectum. I find that about six a day is the right quantity. The bottle says you shouldn’t take it for more than a week, but I’ve been taking it for years. My guess is their concern is that if you haven’t solved your problem in a week, there may be something more serious going on than a fiber imbalance. As always, your mileage may vary and you should consult your doctor if you have concerns, not some fool posting an Amazon review.
One downside to Fibercon: they are pretty big capsules so this might be an issue if you have trouble swallowing pills. Unlike some generic versions, Fibercon are coated so they shouldn’t get stuck on the way down, but drink plenty of water to wash it down.
Bottom line, Fibercon makes your pooper a happy trooper. Don’t wait! Experience the sublime ecstasy of gastrointestinal normalcy.
Kelli Nugent –
Keeps you regular
Customer Review –
Highly suggest for regularity
Chi –
I think FiberCon might have just cured my hemorrhoids and anal fissure. I think. (Knock on wood. I will post updates later.)
Yesterday marked the first day in a year when I did not have excruciating pain throughout the day or find blood in my toilet. And yesterday was only the second day I took FiberCon.
When the hemorrhoids initially happened, I thought it was only temporary. “I pooped too hard, and accidentally popped some veins,” I said to myself. But then the bleeding persisted. Things got worse during COVID shutdown. Since I got to spend more time at home and every time when I felt the urge to go, I go. Some days I would go as much as six times a day. I know that’s a lot. But I thought that the increased frequency was caused by my new plant-based diet and that it was supposed to be healthy.
I switched to a vegan diet in the summer of 2019. What I did not know was that the new diet actually caused me Irritable bowel syndrome. I tried all kinds of home remedies I could find: setting daily schedule for the the time I use bathroom and reducing the time spent sitting on the toilet (which helps greatly), kegel exercises(which help a lot, but one should not overdo them. Otherwise they would impose too much pressure on the inner sphincter.), alcohol-free, ph-balanced wet wipes (they help, too!), psyllium husk powder (helps to a degree), coconut oil (does not work; Aveeno works so much better, providing the skin proper moisture and improved elasticity.), PreperationH cream (irritates my skin so much I discontinued after just one use), … to name a few.
I seriously believed that I could combat this hemorrhoid thing all by myself. But after a year my husband finally lost his patience with me—I complained to him pretty much everyday— and made me go see my family doctor. It was my doctor who recommended FiberCon to me and, oh praise God, it works.
What FiberCon does is that it calms my bowels so I do not go too frequently. Even though I have reduced my frequency to three times a day, FiberCon reduced it further to once to twice a day. Also FiberCon firms up my stool so I no longer have diarrhea-looking poop and thus less trauma incurred during bowel movements.
In conclusion, I recommend taking FiberCon if you constantly have loose, mushy excrement that causes you problems, such as hemorrhoids and anal fissure. It’s mild and I haven’t had any negative reaction. (Again, know on wood!) Like I mentioned earlier, I will post an update, possibly in a month or so and hopefully by then I am completely recovered. Cheers!
Larry F McLin –
Great product. Great price!
Roger –
Works Great
S H. –
Worked 1 day, after that nothing. Like the amount of fiber but disappointed in the results
Biggie’s Equipment –
Helpful and works as stated. Many thanks