Descrição do Produto: Good State Liquid Ionic Iron (48 porções de 10 mg de ferro elementar, além de 2 mg de ácido fúlvico – 8 fl oz)
Good State Liquid Ionic Iron é um suplemento inovador que oferece uma forma altamente biodisponível de ferro, essencial para a saúde e bem-estar. Cada porção contém 10 mg de ferro elementar, que é fundamental para a produção de hemoglobina e transporte de oxigênio no corpo. Com a adição de 2 mg de ácido fúlvico, este produto não só melhora a absorção do ferro, mas também potencializa a entrega de nutrientes às células, promovendo uma saúde otimizada. A fórmula líquida facilita a ingestão e é ideal para aqueles que têm dificuldade em engolir comprimidos ou cápsulas. Com 48 porções em uma embalagem de 8 fl oz, é uma solução prática e eficaz para manter os níveis adequados de ferro, especialmente em dietas restritivas ou para pessoas que sofrem de anemia.
1. Alta Biodisponibilidade: O ferro iônico líquido é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, garantindo que você obtenha os benefícios máximos.
2. Suporte à Energia: Ajuda a combater a fadiga e a fraqueza, promovendo níveis de energia mais elevados ao melhorar a oxigenação do corpo.
3. Saúde Imunológica: O ferro é crucial para o funcionamento adequado do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
4. Fácil de Usar: A forma líquida do suplemento torna a ingestão simples e conveniente, ideal para todas as idades.
5. Apoio à Saúde Digestiva: O ácido fúlvico presente na fórmula pode ajudar na absorção de outros nutrientes e na saúde intestinal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) de Good State Liquid Ionic Iron diariamente, preferencialmente em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. O produto pode ser diluído em água ou suco para facilitar a ingestão. Agite bem antes de usar e mantenha em local fresco e seco. É importante seguir as orientações de dosagem e consultar um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Princess Apophenia –
It works. Flavour is fine considering it’s iron and could taste so much worse.
Jeannie –
I read the reviews that said this iron worked better than any other they’d tried. I also read that it tasted horrible.
I ordered it anyway because I am desperate to get my iron levels back up and the iron supplement I was using had…um, side effects that shall not be discussed but were miserable and I don’t absorb iron from anything but red meat and I only eat steak maybe twice a year normally.
The taste…I had to laugh. I have never been able to swallow pills and I’m going to be 50 soon. So I’ve had to take medications that were truly vile by chewing them in a bite of food. Have you ever chewed an Advil? No? Well they don’t just taste heinous…they actually burn your mouth if you don’t get them down fast enough. lol
This iron is nothing compared to that. I plug my nose, down it goes, and the metallic aftertaste isn’t pleasant but a few swallows of water get rid of it no problem. It does not upset my stomach in the slightest which is a huge relief!
I am THRILLED with this iron as far as it being easy to take. I’ve also been taking it for two days and my energy already seems improved.
I have very high hopes that it will replenish my badly depleted iron and I will quit being so anemic. 🙂
Amazon Customer –
I’m super sensitive and anemic -I was excited to try a form of iron more absorbable and easy on the GI system. First try I took 10ml. Got hack afterwards. Second try same, 10 ml. Made my throat feel hard and afterwards laying in bed felt like my intestines were on fire, like someone had taken them out and emersed them in rubbing alcohol. Made me feel odd light cramps too.. I threw the bottle in the trash.
Now I’m trying floradix liquid brand with success and no upset but lowest dose 10 ml and with food. All the best! Remember that supplemental iron produces ROS (look it up) which is what causes inflammation and even cancer. Be careful. Listen to your body as you treat iron levels. All the best.
Celestina L. Berriochoa –
Easy and fast way to get iron into one’s sytem.
Mrs L –
This is an amazing product for improving iron levels and also generally makes me feel better (in subtle ways like maybe a bit more energy, skin looks better etc). It’s often unavailable so I stocked up for a while! It cause no issues with digestion or upset stomach, much better than tablets. I would highly recommend this product.
Tita –
I’ve bought this product several times, great iron substitute to compliment your daily intake from food. I track my vitamin and minerals intake, and sometimes fall short on iron, so I like that the dose on this product is small, so I can control how much iron to take.
Family Taylor –
If your anemic you’ll need this.. It worked for me within a week I felt like a new person no longer tired in the morning sluggish.. only problem is tastes awful but it works.. just wished it would stay in stock!!!
TurtleDemon –
My wife’s iron was very low, and she was horribly fatigued, unable to sleep, and miserable. If your iron is low, you know precisely what symptoms I’m talking about.
Her physician told her to take one iron pill per day for three months. At the end of the three months, her levels had actually DROPPED to dangerous levels. What did her physician say? “Take TWO iron pills per day, and get tested again in three months.” Unbelievable!
Our chiropractor told her to take ionic iron, two teaspoons per day because of how low her levels were, and to hold the liquid under her tongue as long as she could for immediate absorption.
After three weeks – three WEEKS, not three months – she requested another test, and her iron levels are now in the Low-Normal range. THREE WEEKS!
We will be ordering another bottle today, and she will drop the dose to one teaspoon per day, and then request another test in a month.
Ionic iron is extremely absorbable, whereas iron pills (ferrous sulfate) are NOT. They are referred to as “constipation pills” for a reason, and it’s not worth gambling on your health waiting for them to work. They don’t. My wife could have avoided three months of misery if her M.D. had told her about this ionic iron. As it was, her doctor had never even HEARD of it! Not a surprise, considering how backward-thinking allopathic medicine is.
If you’re reading this, you’re obviously having some problems with your iron levels, or you’re looking into it for someone who is, as I did for my lovely wife, who is now feeling MUCH better.
Avoid the misery and get results: buy this ionic iron, take charge of your health, and don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for monthly iron level tests: you don’t want to wait three months, because your levels could become too high.
Please let me know if you’ve had results this good, or if my review has helped you get better. Thanks for reading my review!
Becky –
I have come from a place of severe anaemia where I could barely get oxygen in my body or stand up. I was on meds prescribed by the doctor for a year and when I finally got into the early stages of normal iron levels, they stopped giving me the tablets. However I was still exhausted every day. I ordered this bottle and it changed my life. In the early stages of taking this suppliment I noticed the immediate effect it had on my body. I’ve just finished the bottle and now when taking it, I don’t notice such a huge energy boost…. because I am living as a normal healthy adult! It worked! I can get up the stairs, I’m no longer tired, I’m no longer out of breath. If you’re anaemic, this will change your life.
Wellness Luxuriate –
I habe used liquid iron in the past and its never an amazing taste.. but for sure this one is the least offensive, especially considering you dont have to use it as much or as long as traditional liquid preparations.
Its pretty potent stuff, and works super well in getting iron levels up without loading your digestive track with a highly infammatory substance, as this just absorbs straight into tissues due to the micro absorbability of this product. I even cut my finger about 3 days after taking 2 doses of this product and my blood had a straight iron taste, so i know it really gets into your system fast.
I had used this brand a few years ago, and i didnt think it worked because it was so clear and mild compared to the other brands i had used. In less than a month after being told i was a hemoglobin level of less than 8 and a severely low ferritin level, 2 doctor friends told me that i didnt look or seem anemic at all and they didnt see why i was taking iron. So I stopped. Now I realize it because the product worked so quickly that I totally didnt realize how rapidly it rectified my problem!
This is one and only iron i recommend to friends now!