Femmenessence MacaHarmony: O Equilíbrio Natural para a Saúde Feminina
Femmenessence MacaHarmony é um suplemento revolucionário, cientificamente comprovado para apoiar o equilíbrio hormonal natural das mulheres. Com uma fórmula premiada, este produto foi reconhecido como o Melhor Suplemento Feminino na Expo West, destacando-se como o primeiro a demonstrar efeitos estatisticamente significativos nos hormônios femininos em mulheres de todas as idades. Através de uma combinação única de maca gelatinizada, MacaHarmony oferece alívio rápido e eficaz para uma variedade de condições que afetam a saúde feminina.
- ALÍVIO RÁPIDO: Combate sintomas de TPM, inchaço, acne, cólicas, oscilações de humor, estresse, ciclos menstruais irregulares e períodos menstruais intensos em apenas 1 a 4 ciclos.
- FERTILIDADE: Apoia naturalmente a saúde menstrual e reprodutiva através do equilíbrio hormonal. É amplamente utilizado por especialistas em saúde feminina e fertilidade ao redor do mundo.
- INGREDIENTE DE MAIOR QUALIDADE: Nossa mistura exclusiva de fenótipos de maca gelatinizada é projetada especificamente para o equilíbrio hormonal feminino, com biodisponibilidade ideal e níveis concentrados de ingredientes ativos até 10 vezes superiores ao pó de maca cru.
- INGREDIENTES SEGUROS E LIMPOS: Orgânico, Kosher, Vegano, Vegetariano, Não-OGM, livre de alérgenos (sem glúten, soja, nozes, milho ou laticínios) e sem químicos, excipientes ou aditivos.
1. Equilíbrio Hormonal Natural: Ajuda a regular os hormônios, promovendo um ciclo menstrual saudável.
2. Alívio dos Sintomas da TPM: Reduz cólicas, inchaço e mudanças de humor, melhorando a qualidade de vida durante o período menstrual.
3. Apoio à Fertilidade: Contribui para a saúde reprodutiva, sendo uma escolha ideal para mulheres que buscam engravidar.
4. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Combate a acne e melhora a aparência da pele, promovendo um brilho saudável.
5. Ingredientes Orgânicos e Seguros: Garantia de um produto livre de aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável e natural.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Femmenessence MacaHarmony, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma rotina consistente de uso, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos se acumulem no organismo e proporcionem os benefícios desejados. Para mulheres que estão iniciando o uso, é aconselhável monitorar a resposta do corpo e ajustar a dosagem conforme necessário, sempre sob orientação de um profissional de saúde.
Laura Matuseviciute –
I don’t feel any different at all…
Labbit –
Took this product for about 2 weeks. It did seem to control my emotion fluctuations but it caused bad headaches for me. Pity
Agne M –
This supplement has changed my life. I been having a very stressful time for months now. A lot of things out of my control that I had a hard time dealing with. I felt very moody, depressed, antisocial, and on the edge most of the time. When my mom came to visit me and staid with us for several weeks she advised me to get my hormone levels checked because I was happy one minute and mad the next. Of course I didnt pay attention to it at the time. several months after when year was coming to an end I was making my new years resolutions and goals that would help me find my happy self again. I remembered my moms suggestion and started reading much about natural ways to regulate hormones. I figured it wouldn’t hurt. when I read about benefits of maca supplements I started looking for product to order and came across this product. I liked everything I read about it so I ordered it. I started taking it right away after it arrived. Just days after taking it I started reeling better, more relaxed and calm, reacted better at bad news and even become more social. Even my period that was almost two months late at the time for mysterious reasons probably stress (I definitely wasnt pregnant) showed up after a couple of weeks of taking it. It was very light and unusual but at least it showed up, and then exactly 28 days later I got period again. I am normally not that regular so it was nice surprise. It was heavy first couple days and then very light for a few more days, which was much shorter and easier than my regular periods used to be. I love this supplement! I started healthy lifestyle at the beginning of the year also and really feel like a million bucks! It helped me to come back being myself again. I highly recommend this product. It really works!
Amanda M –
I hope every female out there with PCOS sees this post and tries this product! I have had irregular periods since they started, at age 12. I was put on birth control at age 14 and took it for about ten years in order to regulate my cycle and control my acne. I started to have difficulty with the birth control and was getting hormone-related migraines around that time of the month. So horrible that my OBGYN sent me to a neurologist and tried an estrogen supplement patch for the week of my period. Nothing worked and I was frustrated with putting more hormones into my body to basically fix what the birth control had goofed up.
Because I have PCOS, I do have to take a higher dose. I have learned that if I take two in the morning and one in the afternoon, I ovulate in about 3 weeks, giving me a 5 week cycle. If I take two in the morning and two in the afternoon, I have a perfect 4 week cycle but sometimes feel painful twinges in my ovaries during the first two weeks of the cycle, while I am working on pushing out an egg to ovulate. Regardless of the option, I always know when I ovulate (breast tenderness) and when my period is due. I also used those ovulation strips when I first tried Maca to make sure I knew what was going on and when I was ovulating. This is really a life-saver and the only way I can have a regular cycle without birth control, and I like knowing that my body is actually functioning. I have also learned that I can stop taking the Maca after I have ovulated, as my problem is with ovulation and once that happens, my body does what it is supposed to do until I have a period. This drug has not cured my acne but I would say it is no better or worse than when I was on birth control, which actually is saying something about how well my cycle is regulated.
As an aside, I did once try another brand of Maca that was more inexpensive. It worked but not quite as reliably as this brand, and I switched back. It is worth the price. If you have PCOS and are desperately trying to regulate your cycle, especially if you need to know when you are ovulating to get pregnant, BUY THIS! You will be so happy you did!
teamnasty –
I’m almost 31 years old and I’ve had horrible acne since I was 17. When I was in my early 20’s I also developed eczema on my face and neck, which looked like pimples that were always oozing and spread like a rash. It itched and burned, too. The only times I have been acne and eczema free since age 17 were while I was nursing. But after I stopped nursing or got pregnant again, my skin problems would return. It seemed like my big problem was a hormone balance, and that during lactation my hormones would balance perfectly. But nothing else could imitate or recreate that balance. I have tried everything anyone has ever suggested trying to clear up my skin and been to multiple dermatologists, and long ago I gave up hope that I would ever get rid of my skin problems. Everything on the shelves, out of catalogues, or in pharmacies treated the sores but couldn’t prevent them from happening. Birth control made me feel like I was going crazy and made my body think it was pregnant, which actually made my skin problems worse. My mom began taking Femmenessence for menopausal women earlier this year and told me how much it had helped her with symptoms she’d been suffering from for years, and suggested that maybe Macaharmony could help my body achieve that perfect balance that lactating had brought me. I decided to try it, because why not? My face was covered with 20-30 pimples, my neck was spotted with eczema, my chest and arms were covered in little red adult acne bumps…I had nothing to lose. It’s been a little more than 1 week since I started Macaharmony, and all my acne is GONE. My eczema is GONE. My PORES aren’t even clogged. It’s a MIRACLE! The first couple of days on Macaharmony I felt slightly nauseated and strange, like the first weeks of pregnancy, and I didn’t feel like I was sleeping deeply, but by day 4 I felt great. More energy, happier, and my skin was clearer than it had been in months. In fact, my skin was clearer at night than it was in the morning, and then clearer the next morning than it had been the previous night. It really was miraculous. If this continues, Macaharmony has a customer for life. For the first time since my last baby was born I’m no loner ashamed to be seen in public, no longer feeling like everyone is cringing at my horrible complexion. I’m so grateful for a product that works with my body and has fixed my skin problems at their source, from the inside out.