As gomas de vinagre de maçã da Feel Great Vitamin Co. são um suplemento alimentar inovador, projetado para atender tanto crianças quanto adultos que buscam uma alternativa saborosa e prática ao vinagre de maçã tradicional. Com uma formulação que preserva os benefícios do vinagre de maçã, essas gomas são enriquecidas com “a mãe”, um composto rico em enzimas digestivas que potencializam a absorção de nutrientes e promovem uma digestão saudável. Ao contrário das cápsulas ou do vinagre líquido, que podem ser difíceis de ingerir e causar desconforto estomacal, as gomas oferecem uma experiência agradável, tornando o cuidado com a saúde mais acessível e prazeroso.
Essas gomas não apenas facilitam a ingestão do vinagre de maçã, mas também atuam como um poderoso desintoxicante natural. Com antioxidantes e ácidos acéticos, elas ajudam a limpar o organismo e a fortalecer o sistema digestivo, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral. Produzidas nos Estados Unidos em instalações certificadas, as gomas da Feel Great Vitamin Co. garantem pureza e eficácia, proporcionando aos consumidores a confiança necessária ao escolher um suplemento alimentar.
– Alternativa saborosa e eficaz ao vinagre de maçã tradicional.
– Potente desintoxicação natural para fortalecer o corpo e o sistema digestivo.
– Promove um intestino saudável e suporte digestivo.
– Produzido nos Estados Unidos em instalações certificadas.
– Garantia Feel Great: experimente por 30 dias sem riscos.
Esses benefícios tornam as gomas de vinagre de maçã uma escolha ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde digestiva, aumentar a energia natural e desintoxicar o organismo de forma prática e saborosa. Com a conveniência de um formato de goma, é mais fácil incorporar esse suplemento na rotina diária, ajudando a resolver problemas comuns de digestão e promovendo um estilo de vida mais saudável.
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Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 gomas de vinagre de maçã por dia. É importante mastigar bem antes de engolir para garantir a melhor absorção dos nutrientes. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada para evitar possíveis desconfortos. As gomas podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora do dia, tornando-se uma adição prática à sua rotina de saúde.
Virginia Allain –
These have a pretty strong vinegar taste. Kid’s didn’t like, and that’s saying a lot for my toddler who will literally eat cardboard lol. Also curious as to why it has so much iodine since it’s in many other vitamins and I would be hesitant about having too much iodine taking this in addition. I do appreciate that it has the mother in it but I wish it just focused on having ACV without much else as I like to take more at the onset of an illness but again would hesitate to the high levels of iodine and folate.
Kindle Customer –
So far seem to be working for our family
MJ –
My family has long been a fan of the “apple cider vinegar in a medicine cup” for various ailments… The kids are usually reluctant to go that route… so these gummies make that process a little easier. They do have a pretty overpowering vinegar smell when opening the lid, but I guess that’s to be expected given what they are.
The list of ingredients is somewhat concerning… but, I’d guess that is likely the case for most of these types of products.
Simon Heintzelman –
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I like that these gummies not only taste great but they are not sticky to my teeth. I also like the way my stomach feels when I use them. I believe that it helps me with my digestion. They make a nice sweet treat as opposed to something not considered to be healthy.
Simon Heintzelman –
My husband and daughter really like these but for me the aftertaste is quite strong. I just make sure to take this before my other gummy vitamins lol. We are looking for ways to improve our gut health so we are giving these a try for a couple months.
They do have a good texture so that helps me tolerate them daily. We are also trying to eat more fermented foods and whole foods along with supplements like these to counteract out sad American diet. Hopefully these help:)
kandi –
Gummies make it easier to get the benefits of apple cider vinegar without having to take it in water or by the teaspoon. Strong stuff. Although the gummies are given a flavor and sweetened, you still get a bit of the tang of vinegar in the taste. That seems inevitable as I’ve tried a variety of brands for this.
These gummies are easily chewed and don’t stick together in the bottle. You get one bottle for adults and another for children. I would get them again.
Since I take other gummies, I chew these first, then go to the next gummy supplement. Works for me.
Baluka –
Kids didn’t like the taste
Baluka –
I ordered the Feel Great Apple Cider Vinegar gummies to see if they can help improve my stomach and digestive system. I have issues with acid reflux and diabetes and figured my wife thought these might be helpful. I have been using them for over a week and while it’s still too early to tell for sure I am happy with them so far. My biggest complaint is that I am not a big vinegar fan and these do give off a fairly strong odor of vinegar when you open the bottle and they do have fairly strong vinegar taste to me. So while they are not my favorite flavor of gummies, I am okay with them if they can be helpful in the long term.