O FATBOM Zero Tea é um chá detox de 14 dias que se destaca por sua formulação cuidadosamente elaborada, composta por ingredientes naturais e ervas que promovem a desintoxicação do organismo. Este produto é ideal para quem busca uma limpeza interna eficaz, além de auxiliar na perda de peso e na melhora da digestão. Com uma combinação de ervas que potencializam o metabolismo, o Zero Tea não apenas ajuda na queima de gordura, mas também proporciona um aumento significativo na energia e uma redução do inchaço, tornando-se uma opção saudável para um estilo de vida equilibrado.
A fórmula do Zero Tea é projetada para estimular a capacidade do corpo de processar o excesso de gorduras, otimizar o trato digestivo e promover uma circulação sanguínea saudável. Ao contrário de outros chás detox que utilizam a folha de sene, um laxante natural, o Zero Tea oferece uma desintoxicação mais suave, apoiando as bactérias benéficas no intestino e contribuindo para um metabolismo eficiente. Os ingredientes selecionados ajudam a manter níveis saudáveis de elementos no cólon, prevenindo problemas como movimentos intestinais lentos e o acúmulo de metabólitos tóxicos.
1. Suporte ao metabolismo: O Zero Tea pode ajudar a impulsionar o metabolismo do corpo, auxiliando na queima de gordura e na perda de peso.
2. Desintoxicação suave: Formulado sem sene, proporciona uma limpeza mais suave e natural, ideal para quem busca um detox sem desconfortos.
3. Redução do inchaço: A fórmula especial do Zero Tea pode ajudar a aliviar o inchaço, promovendo uma digestão saudável e eficaz.
4. Ação antioxidante: Rico em antioxidantes, os ingredientes do Zero Tea combatem os radicais livres, contribuindo para uma pele saudável e radiante.
5. Fácil de usar: Com um modo de preparo simples, é uma opção prática e conveniente para incorporar na rotina diária, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o FATBOM Zero Tea, recomenda-se consumir uma xícara pela manhã e outra à noite. Para preparar, adicione uma colher de chá do chá em uma xícara de água quente e deixe em infusão por 3 a 5 minutos. O chá pode ser consumido quente ou gelado, conforme a preferência. É importante lembrar que, para potencializar os efeitos do Zero Tea, é fundamental seguir uma dieta equilibrada e praticar exercícios físicos regularmente.
Angela –
I Have tried multiple brands of Detox tea. i will say this one stands out it has a more pleasant flavor then most of the other ones i tried which makes drinking it enjoyable. Also this is not a harsh detox. Some of these products work more like a laxative and for me this one is more of a bloat control. overall this is a great product if you are looking for a mild type of detox. Definitely worth the try.
MindyS –
First of all, this tea smells and tastes good; I had no problems drinking it. No change in energy or mood from this tea.
As for the detox feature, the results are inconclusive. Following the directions exactly for a few days, I then increased brewing time to 10 minutes for the next few days. No change, never once running to the restroom and zero abdominal discomfort.
Today on Day 9, I left the tea brewing for about 30 minutes while I went for a walk and drank it immediately after I returned. I did have an increased urgency to visit the restroom about 5 hours later, but I can’t be sure it was the tea, something new I ate last night or a little of both. Bloating is down somewhat and I’ve lost about 2 lbs.
The tea may simply be a healthy accompaniment to increased water intake and daily walks. There are healthy ingredients in the tea, so there’s that alone is a positive. However, don’t expect major changes just by the tea alone.
RoniV –
I Hate Tea! But Zero Tea is the exception. My morning addiction of choice is Starbucks coffee with caramel cream often 2 cups…I stumbled across this delicious tea while searching for something else and thought “what the heck lets give it a try, nothing else has relieved my achy knees.”
I’m 53 years old, pretty decent diet, and normally regularly work out daily. But over the past 8 month the inflammation in my knee has kept me immobile. After about 1 week I began to notice less pain in my movement.
How I use: Tea normally make me feel nausea and so does drinking water on an empty stomach.
First thing the morning I drink my water. I make tea with 16 ounces of water steeping for 3 to 5 minutes. Drink 8 ounces and save the other half for evening or the next morning. I do use honey as a sweetener – but the flavor is really good so it’s truly not needed. Hot or Cold either way its an easy swallow.
Pros: No stomach cramping, no running to the toilet, no headaches, no nausea, no heart racing…
Decreased appetite, decreased craving for sweets, decreased need for caffeine, and better sleep.
My mood is more calming and relaxed. The price is pretty comparable to other teas – honestly less than I spend on coffee cream and ginger ales monthly.
Con: None
Overall: Great tea will continue to purchase as a regular alternative to coffee and wellness. Made in USA a plus, All Natural Ingredients, beautiful aroma and sachet.
Going forward: I’ll be signing up for auto ship so that I can keep it on hand with no excuses. For the warmer months I’ll drink on ice with mint to get me through those days of soda, frozen ice drinks, and frappuccino cravings. I’m a Holistic Wellness Practitioner and will be using Zero Tea in future meetings and workshops.
This is a keeper
I Hate TEA…
Mari –
Hi! So I am a college student and I have been struggling with losing weight for a while now. I have two jobs and go to school. It is difficult to find time to go to the gym and it is even more difficult to find motivation when you feel like you rather sleep. I have tried multiple teas, chewables, additives, powders, shakes and nothing has ever worked for me as well as this tea has and has had such a good taste. Yes, I have tried apple cider vinegar and water, but that was just painful to drink. This tea has such a delicious taste that I want to drink it after every meal as my dessert. The first day I received my product, I was ecstatic to finally try it out. I started it on Monday and it is now Thursday and when I tell you that my food intake has drastically decreased, I am not kidding. There was one day where I ran solely on a cliff bar because I just did not have a taste to eat anything more. This tea ceased my appetite completely. Additionally, it does not work like a strong laxative, it just helps you go to the bathroom without the painful stomach ache and without the churning of your insides. I have also gotten an amazing amount of energy after starting the consumption of this detox tea. I have found some time to go to the gym and now I can actually run without being out of breath! Yes, I watch what I eat, but I did not change my diet completely, I just don’t want to eat anymore. I never leave reviews for any product, no makeup, no perfume, nothing. I just felt that I had to leave a review for this product because I am hoping that some perspective customer will see that this is the product that might just be “the one” for them.