Descrição do Produto: Fall Asleep
O Fall Asleep da Utzzz foi meticulosamente formulado para ajudar seu corpo a desacelerar de maneira eficaz e oportuna, preparando-o para uma noite de sono reparador. Com uma combinação poderosa de ervas naturais, incluindo valeriana, flor de maracujá e skullcap, este suplemento é uma solução ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para adormecer. A valeriana, um dos principais ingredientes, é amplamente estudada e reconhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e promovendo um estado de relaxamento profundo.
Além das ervas, o Fall Asleep é enriquecido com magnésio, um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na regulação do sono e na redução do estresse. A presença de minerais quelados Albion garante uma absorção fácil e eficaz, potencializando os efeitos relaxantes do produto. O uso deste suplemento é uma abordagem natural e não viciante para quem busca uma solução para a insônia ou para noites de sono inquietas. Com sua formulação suave, o Fall Asleep atua gentilmente no organismo, permitindo que você se entregue ao sono sem preocupações.
– Promove um sono reparador: Ajuda a adormecer mais rapidamente e a manter um sono profundo.
– Reduz a ansiedade: Os ingredientes naturais trabalham em sinergia para acalmar a mente e o corpo.
– Não é viciante: Uma alternativa segura e natural aos medicamentos para dormir, sem risco de dependência.
– Fácil absorção: A presença de minerais quelados garante que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os nutrientes.
– Apoio ao relaxamento: Ideal para momentos de estresse ou antes de atividades que exigem tranquilidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Fall Asleep, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o produto com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo, onde você possa relaxar. Para maximizar os efeitos, evite o uso de dispositivos eletrônicos e crie um ambiente propício ao sono, como um quarto escuro e fresco. O uso regular pode ajudar a estabelecer um padrão de sono saudável e restaurador.
Moderate Risk –
These smell disgusting but they do help relax me but not really knock me out so overall they are just okay.
Moderate Risk –
Utzzzy’s Fall Asleep combines Magnesium, Valerian Root, Lemon Balm Leaf Extract, Passionflower Extract, Skullcap Root Extract and other ingredients that have a calming effect. It does not have melatonin so if you prefer not to take melatonin, this is a good choice. This works well for me on most nights. I like to take it about about a half hour before I plan to drift off. It comes in a colored glass jar that helps protect the capsules from being degraded by light. The capsules are easy for me to swallow and would most likely be easy for most people to swallow. This is a good choice for people who need fairly gentle ingredients that don’t leave you groggy in the morning.
Jessie –
I got this to help myself sleep. I have had insomnia for many years from lyme disease and sleep is a huge factor in my quality of life day to day. I know you shouldn’t take melatonin long term but it has literally been the only answer for me getting the sleep I desperately need. However with treatment i have seen changes in sleep and so wanted to see if I could get off melatonin and use other things to reset my circadian rhythm and adjust. Nothing herbal helped, including this, for the 3 months I went without melatonin. I feel like the quality of this is probably good but it isn’t something that helped me, which is typical for my situation. It may work better for people with less complicated issues. I didn’t feel relaxed, drowsy, in a daze, calm, or anything. I felt like I still cannot sleep on my own without melatonin and went back on it but tried a blue light breathing machine and started seeing immediate results without melatonin, so the herbs may not be the best quality after all. I can’t be sure.
Princess –
While I strongly believe supplements are subjective these offered me no results in my sleep pattern and upset my stomach besides. I don’t want to be too negative however they just weren’t the right fit for me.
SS –
I really tried to use this product, but it is not effective for me. I’ve had insomnia for most of my life. The can’t fall asleep type. The capsules smell atrocious. I have to wash my hands after touching them. I could have looked past this, if they had made me sleepy at all. It may be helpful for those who don’t have insomnia as stubborn as mine, but it did nothing for me.
☁️ Everly –
Overall I was disappointed as this didn’t seem to work for me. I need help falling asleep (once I’m asleep I’m good though) and this didn’t really make me feel tired or help me doze off faster. I do like the natural and non habit-forming ingredients however, and that this contains magnesium which does help with my nighttime palpitations.
Kevin & Liz –
I have tried many different sleep aids because I have a problem getting to sleep and then if I get up to pee in the middle of the night I often cannot go back to sleep. I take a Kirkland sleep aid pill every night and usually augment that with a sleep aid pill similar to these. I’ve been taking these for the last few nights and I have to say these are the best sleep a pills I’ve ever used. I am having some amazing dreams that I’m able to recall. I’m talking very vivid dreams. Some of the dreams I have wished were true. I have not had a single issue with getting back to sleep when I get up to pee which is a nightly ritual. And about an hour after taking these, I am yawning and ready for bed. I cannot even watch TV like I normally do and I’m just out. I would give these pills 10 Stars if I could. I will definitely continue buying this brand. I’m going to start alternating nights so that I don’t build a tolerance to the ingredients and this blend because I like how well it works. I highly recommend that you try this if you’re reading my review and also have issues of sleeping.
BeenThereTriedThat –
I like this formula and really expected it to work well with this amount of valerian in it, but it only had a light effect on me. I love to hear that some of the products are even home-grown organically, and its nice that the company advertises that they test the formula for purity but third-party testing would also have made me feel more confident in both the purity and content.
Still, the product did seem well made, like the company is really trying, so I would still give it a try, especially if your body tires quickly with valerian because this has a good dose of it that should really relax you. The passionflower, lemonbalm and skullcap are also calming to many people so even though they are in lighter doses, they should help the valerian in calming most people and promoting sleep.