O Magic Gel Migraine Ice Head Wrap | Real Migraine é a solução ideal para quem sofre com enxaquecas intensas. Este envoltório de gelo para a cabeça foi projetado para proporcionar alívio eficaz e rápido, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem interrupções. Com um design ajustável, o produto se adapta confortavelmente à maioria das formas de cabeça, garantindo um encaixe seguro e agradável. O gel de qualidade médica utilizado mantém a temperatura por mais tempo, oferecendo um resfriamento prolongado que alivia a dor, reduz a inflamação e promove o relaxamento muscular.
Quando a enxaqueca ataca, a rapidez é essencial. O Magic Gel pode ser mantido no refrigerador ou freezer, permitindo que você alcance um estado de relaxamento profundo em questão de minutos. Versátil, pode ser utilizado como uma touca que cobre as têmporas ou como uma máscara de gelo que envolve todo o rosto, permitindo que você posicione as bolsas de gelo nas áreas que mais necessitam de alívio, como atrás das orelhas e sob os olhos. A durabilidade do produto é garantida, pois é feito de gel líquido de grau médico e uma capa de PVC premium, resistente a rasgos e vazamentos, podendo ser reutilizado por até 300 ciclos.
1. Alívio rápido e eficaz: Proporciona alívio imediato para dores de cabeça intensas, permitindo que você volte às suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
2. Versatilidade de uso: Pode ser utilizado como touca de gelo ou máscara de gelo, adaptando-se às suas necessidades específicas.
3. Durabilidade e qualidade: Fabricado com gel líquido de grau médico e uma capa de PVC premium, garantindo resistência e eficácia a longo prazo.
4. Conforto e ajuste perfeito: O design ajustável se adapta à maioria das formas de cabeça, proporcionando um uso confortável e seguro.
5. Garantia de satisfação: Oferece reembolso total caso não atenda às suas expectativas, sem perguntas.
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Para utilizar o Magic Gel Migraine Ice Head Wrap, coloque-o no refrigerador ou freezer por alguns minutos para resfriar. Após o resfriamento, ajuste a touca em sua cabeça, posicionando as bolsas de gelo nas áreas afetadas pela enxaqueca. É importante garantir que o produto esteja bem ajustado para maximizar o contato com a pele e, assim, potencializar o alívio. Relaxe e desfrute do efeito refrescante que o produto proporciona. Siga sempre as instruções de uso e armazenamento para garantir a melhor experiência possível.
Rain –
My sister in law sent me a viral video of someone swearing by this. I didn’t buy it at first because I thought the price tag attached to it was a bit much, and honestly still do but that’s my opinion.. But I have extremely disabling migraines I’ve had most of my life now that meds usually don’t help with so I figured I’d try it and just send it back if it ended up not working. Well I still have it as it works extremely well. Even with my more severe ones where I’m usually barely functional just because of the head pain alone this eases it to the point I can function again.
Pros: It helps with the pain and almost completely kills it in some cases. It’s easy to use and easy to put on and even fits my husband’s head and he’s got a much larger head than I do.
Cons: The price for what it is is a bit much. You cannot store this in the freezer as the ice packs become extremely hard and inflexible and it gets so cold it actually causes more pain that way. I was really hoping the icepacks were the flexible ones they sell that never get that cold but apparently not. So when you do get a headache you have to put this in the freezer and wait a good 30-45 minutes before it’s cold enough to be effective and that’s obviously inconvenient when you are in a lot of pain and would rather just be able to put it on immediately.
Overall if they change the type of icepacks that are in this I would buy it again, not just for myself, but for my family and friends who also suffer with headaches and migraines. I also feel like the price would be more reasonable with those types of icepacks in there.
Alejandra C –
La tela es de muy buen material y suave. Sin embargo, aunque haya estado mucho tiempo en el refrigerador, no dura suficiente tiempo frío para una migraña fuerte. Al llegar a la temperatura ambiente, se pone duro el gel, aprieta y molesta la cabeza. Según leí, hay un tamaño más grande, sugiero comprar ese, para evitar el apretón al terminar de usarlo.
B&B –
I purchased this because I get headaches and/or migraines at least a couple times a week. I’m sensitive to light, sounds, pain everywhere- everything. What I love about this ice pack is that it goes over the eyes and head because that is what personally gives me the most relief when the headaches come. I’d say this cold pack is pretty malleable even just out of the freezer. It didn’t fit over my eyes the way I thought it would but obviously they know what they are doing because it really helps anyway and I never feel too cold with it on- again even just out of the freezer. I have very long hair and have found that pulling my hair through the hole on the top gives me the most relief as then it’s not too tight. It’s easy to wear this around while doing chores, I’ve worn in in the tub( it was a lifesaver when I had COVID and had body aches and head aches), and I’ve even fallen asleep with it on and felt comfortable enough. I really do recommend this if you struggle with headaches or migraines. It has nice weight, never gets too cold or stiff, covers all the typical problem areas during migraines/headaches and is super easy to use! Now I just need to remember to put it back in the freezer when I’m done using it so it’s ready when I need it…
niki –
I use for migraine relief and have a couple different types of head wraps.
Here’s what I like about this one:
1. The ponytail opening- having an open for long hair is a plus and was a big selling point on this product.
2. The pressure- this product is tight to your face and offers the needed pressure when suffering a migraine.
3. The nose cut out – idk what else to call it; there is a place stitched to go over your nose so you don’t feel like you’re suffocating while wearing this product.
4. Does well if cold – the gel pack’s last about an hour if you use in it in the refrigerator. I don’t recommend the freeze
Things I dislike:
1. It’s advertised as an ice cap – this products gel packs froze solid after leaving it in the freezer and was extremely uncomfortable to wear once frozen
2. Gel packs – the packs are in a checked/woven design. For me they are uncomfortable even when soft.
L. Kiddy –
I bought this cap to help with migraines. A cold cloth or ice pack when you have a migraine can offer some relief but they either don’t get cold enough or stay cold long enough. I found this item during a search for an alternative and after reading the reviews decided to give this a go. After using this cap with several migraines I have mostly wonderful things to say about it and only a few minor negatives.
This thing gets cold and I mean freezing cold and it will stay cold for at least an hour. When I go to bed with a migraine, this thing is cold long enough for me to go to sleep. The cap is also a snug fit which is a great bonus because the tightness of the cap applies pressure which when combined with the cold is a winning combo! The cap is sectioned out in squares and inside each square is an ice cube which can be moved or pushed to the area that is hurting. The ice cubes are hard but not so hard that you can’t lay down on them. I can use this cap sitting in a chair or sleeping in bed and I never have to fear it will fall off!
The cap will probably freeze your eyeballs! No matter how you put the cap on, there is always an ice cube close to your eyes. If you headache is coming from your eyes then this is a good thing but if you are experiencing pain from another part of your head, then your eyes are going to hurt from the cold. Also, the square sections of the cap are too large (in my opinion). The cubes can only be moved around within their square and this means that when you put the cap on, that you might not be able to get a cube to actually sit on or be near your source of pain. I actually had this happen a few times. I think the squares should be smaller which would allow for more ice which in turn would provide for more coverage.
I considered these Cons to be minor because I was able to come up with a solution for both cons. For the ice not getting to the right area, I found that I could turn my cap sideways or put it on halfway and that would put a square in the right place. The cap is designed to go on one way so it can be a little uncomfortable when you have to wear it off center but not as uncomfortable as a migraine. My favorite solution was for the eyeball freezing part. which required the use of a sleeping mask that I had bought on Amazon but didn’t really like. The sleeping mask that I bought had claimed to have a Velcro band to help keep it secure at night but when I got it, there was no Velcro – it was just an elastic band which means it would slip off each and every night and I ended up throwing that sleeping mask in a drawer. That is until I got this cap. What I do is place the sleeping mask on my face and then place the cap over it. This had 3 positive side affects. The first was that the sleeping mask created a barrier between the cap and my eyes. I can still feel the coolness but its not so cold as to hurt my eyes anymore. The second was that the combination of the sleeping mask and the cap created a complete blackout from any and all light. As anyone who has ever suffered from a migraine knows – light is pain! And the third benefit is the cap is tighter on my head when I am wearing the sleeping mask which means it creates more pressure and pressure is relief where a migraine is concerned.
I really love this item even with the cons I had mentioned. I might have felt differently if I hadn’t been able to find a solution for them, but I did and I will never be without one of these. If they ever create an “Upgraded” version with smaller squares and maybe a built in eye cover that can be removed if needed, then I will be the first in line to purchase! I love this thing so much that I bought a second one and when I don’t have a headache, they are both in the freezer and when a migraine hits me – I can rotate between the two and always have a cold cap handy if I need it.
If you are a migraine sufferer and are looking for something to offer relief, then pull out your favorite sleeping mask and give this thing a try.
Amazon Kunde –
Hätte ich das mal früher gewusst! In den Kühlschrank legen, bei Migräne aufziehen, herrlich! Sollte jeder im Kühlschrank haben
Jargo –
Al colocarte el gorro sientes alivio momentáneo y disminuye la migraña pero no desaparece. El rato que lo llevas puesto tienes buenas sensaciones. Un consejo: mantenlo siempre en la nevera y cuando lo vayas a usar mételo en el congelador unos 20 minutos. De lo contrario es difícil soportar el frío.
Huron County –
Icy cold and pressure in all the right places, plus it can be adjusted to position ice pack over whichever eye is painful. While it did not “cure” the migraine it definitely made it more bearable so that I could just use Tylenol and Advil rather than a triptan, and shortened the episode. So much more effective than tying ice packs around my head!
Efficace –
Atteint d’algie vasculaire de la face, je met ce bonnet afin de diminuer mes maux de tête.
Assez efficace.