Descrição do Produto:
O EZC Pak 5-Day Tapered Immune Support Booster é um suplemento de suporte imunológico formulado por médicos. Este sistema de suporte imunológico de 5 dias é projetado para impulsionar o sistema de defesa imunológica normal do seu corpo e reduzir o uso indevido de antibióticos. Formulado com doses de alta potência de Echinacea, Zinco e Vitamina C certificados como orgânicos, este suplemento oferece um impulso imunológico gradual ao longo de 5 dias.
O EZC Pak foi clinicamente estudado e mostrou reduções estatisticamente significativas na duração da doença e na gravidade dos sintomas, além de aumentar a satisfação do paciente em um estudo duplo-cego registrado no NIH.
Este suplemento é vegetariano, sem glúten e seguro para diabéticos. Ele é formulado com base nos melhores dados clínicos disponíveis em seus ingredientes ativos. Além disso, o EZC Pak contém doses de ingredientes muito mais altas do que as vitaminas de imunidade padrão encontradas no mercado, garantindo que você obtenha tudo o que precisa e nada do que não precisa.
O EZC Pak foi desenvolvido devido à crescente preocupação com o uso indevido de antibióticos. Este sistema de 5 dias, direcionado por médicos, elimina a incerteza e o palpite. Não adivinhe. Tome o controle da sua saúde.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Impulsiona o sistema imunológico: O EZC Pak fornece um impulso imunológico gradual ao longo de 5 dias, ajudando a fortalecer o sistema de defesa do seu corpo.
- Resultados comprovados clinicamente: Estudos clínicos mostraram reduções significativas na duração da doença e na gravidade dos sintomas em pacientes que utilizaram o EZC Pak.
- Seguro e adequado para vegetarianos e diabéticos: Este suplemento é vegetariano, sem glúten e seguro para diabéticos, atendendo às necessidades de diferentes estilos de vida e restrições alimentares.
- Doses mais altas de ingredientes: O EZC Pak contém doses muito mais altas de ingredientes do que as vitaminas de imunidade padrão, garantindo uma eficácia superior.
- Reduz o uso indevido de antibióticos: Com o EZC Pak, você pode evitar o uso desnecessário de antibióticos, seguindo um sistema de 5 dias direcionado por médicos.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome um pacote de EZC Pak por dia durante 5 dias. Cada pacote contém as doses necessárias de Echinacea, Zinco e Vitamina C para impulsionar o seu sistema imunológico. Certifique-se de seguir as instruções de uso fornecidas na embalagem e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Tammy –
My husband & I are both using this product. We both got diagnosed with Bronchitis on March 1st & got it from my parents. Thanks mom & dad….lol The doc put us Z-Pak & after taking the first 2 pills, we couldn’t stop vomiting. This same thing happened to my father. I ordered at least 60 dollars worth of Mucinex DM & Robitussin DM, since these are the only over the counter that helps with Bronchitis. I bought some for my parents to, with my Amazon Prime. I couldn’t take the cough medicine the doc prescribed with Codeine cause it made me higher than a kite & all I’d do was sleep. All 3 of us were fighting the Bronchitis without the Z-Pak and my mother didn’t have any problems. I went onto Amazon & found this product. We’re only on day 3 & my taste buds & my smell came back, after not having them since March 1st. My father is doing great, as well as my husband & this is only day 3 of being on EZC Pak. I honestly thought this product was going to be snake oil. Best 60.00 I ever spent, since I bought 3. I’m feeling great & I’m going shopping tonight! First time I’ve been out of the house in 3 weeks!
albina masgudov –
your health
K.Acey –
They work! I put everyone I know on to them. Even the kiddies prefer these over OTC medicine. Easy to swallow
BethH –
I recently felt like I had a chest cold — lots of drainage, chest congestion, cough and some fatigue. I was taking vitamins and using cough syrup as I waited for this to arrive. I started it on a Thursday evening and by Sunday, I felt much better. By Monday or Tuesday, the cough and all chest congestion was gone. A normal Zpac works well for me, but will upset my stomach on about day 4. This did as well, which tells me it’s just as effective as a prescription zpac, AND all my symptoms cleared up with it. Due to the upset stomach, I stopped taking it on day 4. Then my son started feeling bad – headache, sore throat and started getting congested. I gave him the remainder of my pack and after two doses, he also felt better. He only missed one day of work, and I think it’s because he started taking this as soon as he started feeling bad. I’ve been telling everyone about it!
vladimir lerman –
Nice item
montana deadbeat –
Haven’t used the product. Just wanted to have it on hand in the event I (or one of my family members) contract a virus or some other illness where some extra immune system support might be beneficial. The expiration date is 19 months out from the date I received the product, so I’m satisfied in that regard.
Amazon Customer –
This product is awesome. I had achy and itchy ears and throat so I know I needed a Z-Pak. My doctor would not prescribe a Z-Pak. I spent about $70 trying over the counter products recommended by others, nothing cleared my symptoms up, just eased the pain for a few hours. So, I began my own research to find meds equivalent to a Z-Pak and I found the EZC Pak. I received it 2 days ago, I took it immediately. Let me tell you, I feel brand new! It was just what I needed. My throat or ears no longer aches. However, Z-Paks always seems to upset my tummy and this product did as well, which made me realize the product is equivalent to a Z-Pak. My tummy ached for a few hours but it is better now and my throat and ears are healed.
Norah –
It really works to fight that tickle off