EZ Melts Dissolvable Vitamin B1 25 mg, Sugar-Free, 45-Day Supply é um suplemento de vitamina B1 que oferece uma ampla gama de benefícios para a saúde. Com este suplemento, você pode aproveitar ao máximo o seu dia, sem depender de cafeína que pode causar uma queda de energia. A vitamina B1 ajuda a apoiar o metabolismo, convertendo os alimentos em energia saudável, promovendo níveis de energia sustentáveis.
Além disso, este suplemento é perfeito para quem tem uma rotina agitada. Comprimidos dissolvíveis de vitamina B1 se dissolvem facilmente na ponta da língua, permitindo que os nutrientes sejam prontamente absorvidos pelo organismo. Isso ajuda a promover a saúde do sistema nervoso e celular, mesmo quando você está ocupado e não tem tempo para tomar um comprimido com água.
Se você segue uma dieta baseada em plantas, pode estar em risco de deficiência de vitaminas do complexo B. EZ Melts Dissolvable Vitamin B1 25 mg é uma ótima opção para preencher essas lacunas nutricionais. Todos os ingredientes são veganos, não transgênicos e livres de alérgenos comuns, como glúten, soja e laticínios.
Uma das melhores características deste suplemento é o seu sabor agradável. As vitaminas B1 podem ter um sabor amargo e difícil de engolir, mas a fórmula cuidadosamente desenvolvida deste suplemento é saborosa sem a necessidade de grandes quantidades de açúcar. Utilizamos adoçantes naturais e não incluímos sabores ou cores artificiais.
Além disso, você pode ter a tranquilidade de saber que este suplemento é fabricado nos Estados Unidos. Nossos comprimidos de vitamina B1 são produzidos em nossas instalações ensolaradas na Flórida. Utilizamos ingredientes globais de fornecedores dos EUA com os quais temos um relacionamento próximo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Aumento de energia sustentável: Este suplemento de vitamina B1 ajuda a promover níveis de energia saudáveis e sustentáveis, sem a necessidade de cafeína.
2. Fácil de usar: Os comprimidos dissolvíveis de vitamina B1 se dissolvem facilmente na ponta da língua, tornando-os convenientes para pessoas com uma rotina agitada.
3. Suplemento vegano e livre de alérgenos: Todos os ingredientes deste suplemento são veganos, não transgênicos e livres de alérgenos comuns, como glúten, soja e laticínios.
4. Sabor agradável: Ao contrário de outras vitaminas B1, este suplemento tem um sabor agradável sem a necessidade de grandes quantidades de açúcar ou aditivos artificiais.
5. Fabricado nos EUA: Este suplemento é fabricado em instalações ensolaradas na Flórida, utilizando ingredientes globais de fornecedores dos EUA.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome um comprimido dissolvível de EZ Melts Dissolvable Vitamin B1 25 mg por dia. Coloque o comprimido na ponta da língua e deixe-o dissolver completamente antes de engolir. Não é necessário tomar com água. Armazene em local fresco e seco.
Thomas Smith –
So easy to use and still get your B-Vitamins and some energy.
Courtland J. Carpenter –
Easy to take, and since today a lot of people have this deficiency. This is do to the over processing of food and some environmental factors that have caused it to decline in fish and other sources. It has to be taken daily if there is a deficiency, as it’s a water soluble vitamin, like the other B’s and C. For whatever reason although I take multivitamin and B supplements, I don’t see B1 in the formulation very often. Even the ones that have it have it in small amounts, too small to help a deficiency much. Since lack of it may be a factor in causing peripheral neuropathy, it may have helped cause that chronic condition in me. I don’t consume a lot of food that contains B1 and only recently read about the vitamin.
Neuropathy, will take several months to see any improvement with B1 therapy. I found one thing that may be an immediate effect and seems to work. I’ve only taken it now for 3 days, and since I consistently sleep only 5 hours at a stretch it was an unusual event that I slept for 8.5 hours. I use a BiPAP breathing machine to correct for severe sleep Apnea, and so I know by the display when I wake up how long I’ve slept. I’ve tried melatonin in the past, but didn’t take any recently, yet I slept very well. I was not unusually tired or anything that might facilitate longer sleep, so B1 may have helped. If this helps my neuropathy, I’ll be a lifetime user of this supplement. Besides what I mentioned this helps a number of othr processes in the body, and may help reverse type two diabetes. Recommended.
B. A. –
This product saved my life. I’m not kidding! I had gastric bypass surgery and needed to take sublingual or liquid vitamins and nobody carried melts or liquids for B1 ANYWHERE (not even vitamin shoppe, GNC or any health and herb store) I couldn’t eat or drink ANYTHING. It felt like I ate 10 plates of thanksgiving dinner after one bite or one sip. I became seriously dehydrated. My B1 was so low (not realizing it was my B1 until 2 1/2 months later. I just thought it was related to me healing from surgery) When I was hospitalized and labs were drawn I was told by my surgeon to double the dose of the B1! If I didn’t go to the doctor and it just continued, after time my nervous system could have shut down and I could have been paralyzed! After taking the first 2 tablets, I was able to eat and drink without feeling awful. It worked the first time!! After 3 months of taking this, I got labs done and my B1 was actually a little high so I had to cut back. The taste isn’t terrible. I personally liked it. It’s medicine, you’re not going to expect the best flavor but if it’s between the taste or helping you get your B1 levels up quick, I would suck it up and just take it. Its really worth it!! I will need to take B1 and B12 along with some other vitamins for the rest of my life due to the surgery and I would choose this product every time. Thank you for making such a great product 🙂
Adds to my stamina.
Pejutah –
I’d had high hopes for this sublingual….and it DID give me that glorious rush of B vitamin energy, however after a couple days of taking this and the other sublingual vitamins from this company I developed severe nasal issues with allergy where my entire nose swelled shut. Couldn’t breath. Still can’t really. I quit taking all of these sublinguals, and feel a little better, but if you are sensitive to binders or certain types of things, maybe pass on these. They made me feel otherwise, pretty great. In other news, however, I don’t think the taste is tolerable at all. Overwhelming chalky taste.
Judy –
Good product
jb –
Easy to swallow. Good product.
Sandy –
I like to give My Kids B1 and folate as daily supplements to help with their focus and mood swings. They’re in junior high and high school. They do not love to swallow a bunch of pills so this is an easy option plus some fish oil. I can tell a difference when we run out and they don’t have this for a couple weeks.