Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Answer Organic Hawthorn Extract 2 Oz – Baixo Álcool, Sem Glúten
O Extrato Orgânico de Hawthorn da Nature’s Answer é um suplemento premium que combina a pureza da natureza com a eficácia da ciência. Com 2 oz de extrato concentrado, este produto é formulado a partir de bagas de espinheiro colhidas de forma sustentável, garantindo a máxima qualidade e potência. Com baixo teor de álcool e livre de glúten, é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma alternativa saudável e natural para apoiar a saúde cardiovascular. O extrato é extraído utilizando um processo de extração a frio, preservando os compostos bioativos que promovem o bem-estar. Este produto é uma escolha excelente para quem deseja incorporar um suplemento natural em sua rotina diária, sem comprometer a saúde.
1. Suporte à Saúde Cardiovascular: O extrato de espinheiro é conhecido por ajudar a melhorar a circulação sanguínea e fortalecer o coração.
2. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Rico em flavonoides, o produto combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
3. Regulação da Pressão Arterial: Pode auxiliar na manutenção de níveis saudáveis de pressão arterial, contribuindo para um sistema cardiovascular equilibrado.
4. Efeito Calmante: O Hawthorn é tradicionalmente utilizado para reduzir a ansiedade e promover um estado de relaxamento.
5. Fácil de Incorporar na Rotina: Com um formato líquido, o extrato pode ser facilmente adicionado a bebidas ou consumido diretamente, facilitando o uso diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 ml do extrato de Hawthorn, diluído em água ou suco, duas a três vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Lovetoshopamazon –
So far it has brought my blood pressure down about 10 points top and bottom.
I’m using this twice a day. It works better than the capsules.
You can however purchase this cheaper online at other herbal stores, about 25% less.
They also make this in a “NO ALCOHOL” version but it costs a little more.
The low alcohol version puts it in the blood stream faster.
I place this under my tongue if I think I need it fast.
Otherwise, I mix about 2 droppers full with 4 ounces of water, and yes, that is a lot of drops.
There is a slight taste to it, but it’s very tolerable, much better than risking a stroke.
Health Conscious –
I’ve been reading for years about this wonderful herb. The properties I’ve been mostly focused on is benefits for high blood pressure. My mother recently has been diagnosed with Chronic Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation. After spending a week in the hospital and going through extensive tests, she was sent home with more drugs and she still was experiencing AFib. She was still having breathing problems and high BP. I don’t have much faith in pharma, so after reading medical articles about what Japan is doing…I had L-Taurine in the house since I was using it for working out and my father was at one time buying Hawthorne tea (he passed on a while ago), I decided to combine the two and see how my mom would respond. The combination has been working very well. Her BP has been normal and her AFib has been tolerable. Her physician has been amazed at how well she is doing.
Suzanne K. –
Amazon Customer –
As someone who is fairly skeptical of almost everything, whether pharmaceutical, homeopathic, or herbal, I have been delighted with this product.
I only take half a dropper every morning. Within a few weeks I noticed my heart actually feeling better. I know that sounds vague, but I had felt a heaviness in my heart and at 70, that is not a wonderful feeling. After a few weeks on Hawthorne extract, the heaviness was gone.
I had done a fair amount of research before buying the product, and every single well-known herbalist recommended Hawthorne for strengthening the heart.
Anna Adesina –
Good herbal medicine. I like 👍🏾
Phyllis C –
This product contains extracts of the whole hawthorn plant, something I find essential for dealing with my heart palpitations. Nothing else works as well. And the extract works better than capsules for me. I have compared whole plant capsules and whole plant extract, and this one does a better job at half the dose. The low alcohol formulation is much appreciated. I drink it in a little water and taste no harsh alcohol taste, just the hawthorn. I highly recommend this product.
#1RussellBoy –
This product works – I can feel the difference. I bought this product because I used to think about the health of my heart, especially at night when I’m sleeping and am wanting to take better care of my heart. Sometimes I feel pains in my chest that’s causes me to pause and think about what’s going on. I’m heavier than I would like to be and need to work out more. This product helps my blood flow and circulation – do not over use the product.
Roberta G. –
I used to have high blood pressure (160/100), but I figured out that it was mainly from other medications I was taking, such as Aleve. Once I discontinued the other medications, my blood pressure came down (130/90), but sometimes it goes up to 145/90 and I can feel the difference. I’ve tried prescription medication and have experienced bad side effects. I’m not a doctor, so don’t take this for medical advice, but taking Hawthorne extract seems to work for me. It mainly works by dilating blood vessels and by being a diuretic. However, I found out that Hawthorne can also have side effects too, such as dizziness and nausea, and you might not be able to tolerate Hawthorne at all if you’re allergic to roses. I cannot take this twice a day, as directed on the bottle. When I Googled Hawthorne side effects, I found out that 2000 mg is a very high dose, so I just take two dropperfuls ONCE a day. For more info, look it up on