Descrição do Produto: Extrato Líquido de Raiz de Pleurisy Herb Pharm
O Extrato Líquido de Raiz de Pleurisy da Herb Pharm é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para o suporte do sistema respiratório. Este produto é meticulosamente extraído para garantir a máxima eficácia, utilizando raízes de Asclepias tuberosa que são certificadas como orgânicas e/ou coletadas de forma sustentável. A formulação líquida é rapidamente absorvida pelo organismo, proporcionando um alívio imediato e eficaz para as necessidades respiratórias.
Além de ser livre de glúten e não conter organismos geneticamente modificados (non-GMO), o extrato é garantido em sua potência através da análise de Cromatografia em Camada Fina de Alta Performance (HPTLC). Isso assegura que cada gota do extrato mantenha a integridade e a eficácia dos compostos ativos, oferecendo um suporte robusto e confiável para a saúde respiratória.
– Suporte Respiratório Eficaz: Ideal para quem busca alívio em condições respiratórias, promovendo uma respiração mais fácil e confortável.
– Extraído de Fontes Sustentáveis: A utilização de raízes orgânicas e coletadas de forma sustentável garante um produto de alta qualidade e respeito ao meio ambiente.
– Absorção Rápida: A forma líquida do extrato permite uma absorção rápida, proporcionando resultados mais imediatos em comparação com outras formas de suplementação.
– Segurança Alimentar: Sendo livre de glúten e não-GMO, é uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Análise de Potência: A garantia de potência através de HPTLC assegura que o consumidor está recebendo um produto eficaz e de alta qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a administração de 30 a 40 gotas do Extrato Líquido de Raiz de Pleurisy, diluídas em um pouco de água, de duas a três vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
sooglee –
I have kept Pleurisy Root extract with me at all times since 1992. A cold would always turn into bronchitis I would take strong antibiotics, but I was left with the cough that nothing could take away. I would cough around the clock, coughs that would wrack my chest. They would last up to 4 months and really wore my body down badly. Then someone in a healhfood store told me about Pleurisy Root extract. This WORKED for me when nothing else would. This is the first? Pleurisy Root extract I’ve used that isn’t dark and horrible tasting, but is every bit as effective. I put a whole dropper full in about 2 ounces of water and drink it down. It quiets my cough quickly. Or if I do cough, the cough is very productive and up comes the stuff that is causing the cough and it is gone. I highly recommend getting this and keeping it with you wherever you go . Try a small amount at first, as I know of one person that had a reaction to Pleurisy Root (not this one). It’s a miracle herb!
LowCarbLivin –
This stuff is wonderful. I refuse to use over the counter cold/cough/allergy symptom relievers because I am very sensistive to side effects.
You know how sometimes you get bronchitis or a bad cough, and you take antibiotics and it keeps lingering? Pleurisy Root will get rid of it. Fast. And with zero side effects. My husband is quite skeptical of herbal medicine and I bought some of this for him when he couldn’t get over a terrible cough. He is now a believer.
I use this anytime I feel a cough coming on. It liquifies the phlegm deep within your lungs, and will get rid of that pesky cough if it is related to an allergy or viral of bacterial infection. It won’t take the place or antibiotics if you need them, but it will certainly get you better faster!
LE –
After three rounds of antibiotics and a steroid I was feeling hopeless and thought the pain in my chest would never go away. When a family member suggested I might have pleurisy, I searched Amazon and found this product. I was skeptical if it would actually work for me, but after reading the other reviews I gave it a try and am so very glad I did. As one other reviewer stated I felt a minor improvement after one dose. I took it four times a day for a week and every morning the pain was less than the prior day. I ordered another bottle and have been taking it three times a day for about 4 days and I almost forget to take it because the pain is 99% gone. I plan to keep this on hand to try for other lung related issues in the future. Exceptional product and I agree that this deserves more than 5 stars. And the taste isn’t too bad at all, it’s worth feeling better!
Valeria Jones –
This upset my stomach immediately !
Sorry, didn’t work for me.
Just Me –
This is a miracle herb. I don’t know how else to describe it. The whole family came down with pneumonia, having small children I got it the worst out of everyone. I was on steroids, antibiotics, mucinex and xopenex via nebulizer. Once all of the meds ran out I still took the mucinex because I was still wheezing and was still having my breathing treatments. I decided to stop the mucinex and just try this 3 times a day. What a difference! What the mucinex did not do for me, this little herb it, it got rid of all the mucous. I was no longer blowing my nose constantly, did not have sinus congestion, post nasal drip, wheezing and coughing. This little herb really did cut the mucous and destroy it all in addition I think it even helps the xopenex work better. Also, I have been able to stop taking my allergy medicine because this takes care of all the congestion when I sleep so I’m no longer suppressing my immune system with those. This stuff really works and cuts it all out so I will reach for this next time and by pass the mucinex because really it helped a hundred times more.
Khaleesi –
My husband doesn’t get sick very often, but when he does he has a lingering cough that just will not quit. A few years ago, he had a cough that just would not go away. I suspected pertussis, but since coughing was the only symptom, he wouldn’t go to the doctor. I got him to try this and his cough was gone within the week. Gone! He decided it was just timing. He’d had the cough so long that it was just coincidence that he took this at the same time. So, he quit taking it prematurely and his cough started to return. I encouraged him to take it for 5 days after his coughing quit again to give everything time to work. It did. He cannot stand the taste, but he knows it works. Whenever he gets a cold or anything like that the only symptom he has trouble kicking is the cough. Since using pleurisy root, he hasn’t had any problems. We’re so grateful to have access to it through Herb Pharm. A 4 oz. bottle has lasted us a few years. It still isn’t gone. It still hasn’t lost its potency.
Irene Beth –
My boyfriend said it felt like he was breathing through a paperbag and couldn’t get a good breath of air. It hurt when he laughed, burped, hiccupped or took a deep breath. The symptoms fit the description of pleurisy. I wanted him to go to the ER. He went to the doctor but his symptoms weren’t bad at the time of his appointment – go figure. He was laying in bed trying not to move and was absolutely MISERABLE. His doctor said to take an expectorant, which was helping.. He took one twice a day but if he missed a dose, back to the symptoms. I was worried his lung was collapsed or would collapse if something wasnt done. His doctor said it’s cause he quit cigarettes but finally agreed to a chest xray, which showed nothing.. A catscan wouldve been better. His insurance doesnt cover the ER but i was about to drag him in. I ordered him this and all his symptoms disappeared. He takes it twice a day and then He took it once a day for 2 days and was still ok.. But then skipped a day and symptoms began returning, so he’s back on again. This is a matter of 2 weeks so far. Not sure yet if it’s going to fix the problem but it’s helping 100% while he’s on it. Said he feels great. I’ll try to update his condition when this change.