Descrição do Produto: Dr. Christopher’s – Organic Kid-e-trac Extract Liquid, 2 Oz
O Dr. Christopher’s Organic Kid-e-trac Extract Liquid é um suplemento natural formulado especialmente para apoiar a saúde das crianças. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes botânicos, este extrato líquido é projetado para promover o bem-estar geral, ajudando a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e a manter a saúde digestiva. Cada frasco contém 2 onças de um extrato concentrado, que é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, garantindo que as crianças recebam os nutrientes essenciais de forma eficaz.
Este produto é feito a partir de ingredientes orgânicos de alta qualidade, cuidadosamente selecionados para garantir a pureza e a eficácia. O Kid-e-trac é livre de aditivos artificiais, conservantes e corantes, tornando-o uma escolha segura e saudável para os pequenos. A fórmula é baseada em tradições herbais e na sabedoria da fitoterapia, proporcionando uma alternativa natural aos suplementos convencionais.
O extrato é apresentado em forma líquida, o que facilita a administração, permitindo que os pais adicionem ao suco ou à água, tornando a experiência mais agradável para as crianças. Além disso, o Dr. Christopher’s é uma marca reconhecida por seu compromisso com a qualidade e a eficácia, garantindo que cada gota do produto atenda aos mais altos padrões de fabricação.
1. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças comuns em crianças.
2. Saúde Digestiva: Promove um sistema digestivo saudável, aliviando desconfortos e melhorando a absorção de nutrientes.
3. Ingredientes Orgânicos: Composto por ervas e extratos 100% orgânicos, sem aditivos químicos, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
4. Fácil Administração: A forma líquida permite que o produto seja facilmente misturado em bebidas, tornando o uso mais prático e agradável para as crianças.
5. Compromisso com a Qualidade: Fabricado por uma marca respeitada, conhecida por sua dedicação à saúde e bem-estar, assegurando um produto confiável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Dr. Christopher’s Organic Kid-e-trac Extract Liquid, recomenda-se a administração de 1 a 2 ml do extrato, duas vezes ao dia. O produto pode ser diluído em água ou suco, facilitando a ingestão pelas crianças. É importante agitar bem o frasco antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade do extrato. Para crianças com condições específicas de saúde ou que estejam sob medicação, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do suplemento.
J. molanphy –
Not good flavor, but it is something that can help my child to feel better!
metjorge –
We have seen great improvement with our 10 year old boy since he started taking this product. We have noticed that he can focus more and is grasping concepts much faster when doing homework. His mind seems to be sharper and less tired when working at home. He has also seen great improvements at school going from C and D on Math and Reading to A and B in the second period. Teachers have also commented they have seen improvement in attention during class. We wanted to try a natural supplement before attempting other medications and we have been extremely satisfied with the results. I highly recommend that you try this product. Best of luck.
morgan –
I have been able to take my son off his RX Foclin .. But he has also started taking Omega 3 – 1600mg & B12 & B6 chewables. He takes Gaba Calm (source naturals)& Kid-E-Trac. & Busy Brain Release(rainbow light){These 3 he takes3 times a day} we just had Parent Teacher conference & his teacher said he is able to focus better now than the first of the year. I was nervous because we haven’t told her we have taken him off RX & have gone natural. This is only our first bottle and it wasn’t an instant change. we have our cute boy back that was over drugged and the RX wasn’t helping! we also feel that even though it does take more patience with him through out the day it is worth it thanks so much! he is learning coping skills and learning calm himself down which is hard for an ADHD & ODD child. but it gets better each day. it is not easy but we are learning together. but aren’t all 10 yr olds tough!! lol!
Jules –
Not sure if it helps my 9 year old son but were giving him it anyway after the teacher said he is to frigidity and can loose focus easily. He is not at the point for assessment or adhd and the sort, but exams coming up so were giving it a whirl.
CGwilliam –
When my kids are over tired or over stimulated or just plain cranky I give them some Kid-e-Trac and the tears turn into deep breathes. I LOVE this stuff! I always have it in my cupboard and I especially bring it on trips!!! From my two year old to my eleven year old Kid-e-Trac helps our family be happy.
LRo –
My son is just starting kindergarten and is having trouble adjusting. He has had trouble focusing for at least a year now which is why I bought this. I tried to give it to him a few weeks ago, but he sipped the 2 oz. of juice I gave it to him in for what seemed like forever and by the second morning, he wasn’t taking it all in–hardly any really. So I stopped trying. He has been getting into trouble in school and I had a talk with him about it. He told me I used to give him stuff to make him be good and I stopped. I realized what he was talking about and told him that that wasn’t why I gave it to him, but did he feel like it helped him to be good? He nodded yes. So I gave him a dose before bed and another upon waking. I talked to him again and for the first time he looked directly at me more than 5% of the time. It was really more like 98%. Incredible, but I am a skeptic, so we’re going to keep using it and see how it goes.
I also gave it to my 10 year old because she has trouble focusing too. She’s also very melodramatic, whiny, and aggressive. This is what has caused my 6 year old to become the way he is. We finally got through a school morning without me reminding her to get ready every minute. I’m not exaggerating. She wastes time talking all morning (jumping from one topic to another in a heartbeat) and being indecisive about her clothes and hair (one morning she changed 3 times and only stopped because I told her to). I wake her 2 hours and 25 minutes before the bus arrives and she still missed it one day with me staying on her to hurry. This morning, I woke them half an hour later than usual and she was actually ready with 15 minutes to spare. They had a very brief spat and when I told them to stop, they did. Huh.
So we’re on day 2 of this and I didn’t think things would improve so quickly. I hope they continue to improve or at least stay this way. Maybe I can start getting more sleep.
Peaseful –
After 24 hrs on this product I have already seen a huge change in my asd/add/ADHD child. No more aggression or frustration. She is able to concentrate and function in larger groups and so her school work. I am absolutely amazed.
Angela –
My son is nonverbal and this stuff is a life saver when he’s just having a bad day, definitely calms him down a bit.