Descrição do Produto: Herb Pharm Extrato Líquido de Verbena Orgânica Certificada, Azul, 1 Fl Oz
O Extrato Líquido de Verbena Orgânica Certificada da Herb Pharm é um produto de alta qualidade, elaborado a partir de plantas cultivadas de forma orgânica, garantindo pureza e eficácia. Com 30 ml de extrato, este produto é ideal para quem busca um suporte natural para o bem-estar. A verbena é conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes e relaxantes, sendo amplamente utilizada na fitoterapia para promover a tranquilidade e o equilíbrio emocional. O extrato é extraído de forma cuidadosa, utilizando um processo de extração a frio que preserva os compostos ativos da planta, resultando em um produto potente e de fácil absorção. A embalagem em vidro azul protege o extrato da luz, garantindo a integridade dos ingredientes ao longo do tempo.
1. Apoio ao Relaxamento: A verbena é tradicionalmente utilizada para ajudar a aliviar a tensão e promover um estado de calma, ideal para momentos de estresse.
2. Melhora do Sono: Pode auxiliar na qualidade do sono, tornando-se uma opção natural para quem enfrenta dificuldades para dormir.
3. Ação Antioxidante: Os compostos presentes na verbena possuem propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres no organismo.
4. Suporte Digestivo: A verbena pode contribuir para a saúde digestiva, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo uma digestão saudável.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: O extrato pode ser facilmente incorporado em bebidas, chás ou tomado diretamente, oferecendo praticidade no dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 30 a 40 gotas do extrato líquido de verbena, diluídas em um pouco de água ou suco, de 2 a 3 vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Lavender –
I have non-epileptic seizures so I’m trying this. I have high cholesterol, seizures, anxiety, a cutter, and have liver damage from drinking and vervain is said to help all these things. (It helps numb the pain of the wounds).
Please study before use though and cross check between a professional herbalist and a western doctor if you’re taking any medications or have any medical conditions.
Update: it does seem to have helped me not have any seizure symptoms, which is amazing.
The Truth Be Told…… –
This remedy is a tremendous nerve tonic. I was guided to it by my health coach as I recently had shingles and was taking gabapentin (a prescription drug which causes side effects for me), Blue Vervain has done a far superior job to controlling the lingering pain I have with no side effects. It is quite bitter tasting so be warned, but heavens does it work well.
Crystal Salgado –
I use it for pain relief it works great. You need to mix it with a sweet liquid because the taste is awful. But since it works I deal with it.
Darlene Cabot –
This is my 5th day taking this product. I am very happy with it. My arthritic pain is almost forgotten. My anxiety has become almost gone. Depression very low. I have essential tremor in my neck, it’s almost gone. My thinking is clear, I think because all my health issues are at such a low state I can enjoy living again. I am 70 yrs old and looking forward to life. Also I had become a heavy wine drinker everyday probably to masked all my ailments, no wine since I started taking blue vervain. Don’t even think about it. I will be a life-long taker of blue vervain. I take 1 dropper twice a day with a little cranberry juice.
Tricia –
Have to add lemon juice and honey which I feel defeats the purpose of this product but it’s ok with a good herbal tea
NM404 –
I had purchased this and did not take it until a few months later because I was not sure if it would agree with me. Fast forward to then, being hit with intense stress and feeling wound up…I put one dropper full in some water, gulped it down and later that day I noticed I felt less intensely stressed. It was as if my feelings were smoothed out, as if it dulls down the sting from stress. Since then, I have taken it when feeling wound up and it has the same affect. I noticed my muscle tension felt better as well. I also appreciate that is good for your liver and digestion. This is a healthy digestive bitter and as such, it tastes bitter but that is not a problem. The positive effects are more than worth that bitter flavor!
S. Epperson –
When I need that extra bit of relaxation to get to sleep, Blue Vervain helps me out.
Kam –
I just started taking this product for insomnia, anxiety, and depression due to menopause. This is my second-day taking blue vervain. I noticed the effects immediately after I took the product. I started to feel calm and relaxed. It didn’t give the loopy feelings that come from antidepressants. I was able to sleep five consecutive hours; this was a significant improvement from the sleepless nights I was experiencing the last few days. Although it has only been two nights, I am pleased. I will provide another update in a few weeks.