Descrição do Produto: BEE and You Extrato Líquido de Própolis, Solúvel em Água
O Extrato Líquido de Própolis BEE and You é um suplemento de alta potência que combina a riqueza da própolis com as vitaminas D3 e K2, oferecendo um suporte imune excepcional. Com um conteúdo elevado de CAPE (Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester), este extrato se destaca como um aliado natural, especialmente durante as temporadas de resfriados e gripes, superando até mesmo o nível antioxidante do mel Manuka de mais alta qualidade. Cada porção de 20 gotas fornece 125% da Dose Diária Recomendada (DDR) de Vitamina D3 e 16% da DDR de Vitamina K2, que atuam em sinergia para equilibrar os níveis de cálcio no sangue, promovendo a saúde dos vasos sanguíneos e dos ossos.
Além de seu potente efeito imunológico, o extrato de própolis BEE and You também possui um efeito detox no organismo, contribuindo para a eliminação de toxinas, tudo isso sem calorias. O produto é livre de álcool e açúcar, tornando-se uma opção saudável e prática para o dia a dia. Sua formulação solúvel em água permite que você adicione facilmente 20 gotas ao seu drink favorito, seja água, suco ou leite, tornando a suplementação uma tarefa simples e agradável.
A qualidade do produto é garantida por certificações rigorosas, incluindo GMP, BRC, ISO 22000, ISO 9001, IFS e OU Kosher. O extrato de própolis BEE and You é 100% natural e não contém conservantes artificiais, cores, açúcar refinado, glúten, trigo, levedura, milho, soja, laticínios ou ovos. Produzido na Turquia, este suplemento é uma escolha consciente para quem busca saúde e bem-estar.
– Suporte Imunológico: A alta concentração de antioxidantes e CAPE fortalece o sistema imunológico, especialmente em épocas de resfriados e gripes.
– Efeito Detox: Contribui para a desintoxicação do organismo, ajudando na eliminação de toxinas.
– Sem Álcool e Sem Açúcar: Ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável e livre de substâncias indesejadas.
– Fácil de Usar: A solubilidade em água permite a adição em diversas bebidas, facilitando a rotina de suplementação.
– Alta Qualidade: Com três vezes mais antioxidantes que o mel Manuka, o produto é certificado e livre de aditivos artificiais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se adicionar 20 gotas do Extrato Líquido de Própolis BEE and You em um copo de água, suco ou leite, uma vez ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e consuma preferencialmente em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. A formulação solúvel em água garante uma absorção rápida e eficaz dos nutrientes, promovendo benefícios imediatos para a saúde.
Mike&Carol B. –
I’ve used various propolis products from this company. I have also taken propolis products from other companies. From my experience, the taste of BEE and You products are more unique and does take getting used to. I used to try swallowing it quickly as I found the taste to be a bit strong. However, nowadays, I’ve gotten so used to it that I enjoy taking it. I leave it in the back of my throat as well before ingesting it.
Mitzy –
Propolis is a natural product found in beehives and some folks take it for its potential immune support benefits. This propolis is a liquid 15% propolis extract made by Bee & You. It contains D3 and K2 vitamins. The product is made in Turkey in an ISO and GMP registered facility which are real certifications which is good. The packaging lists the company’s website which has lots of information about propolis and their products that contain it. I found this to be particularly helpful in learning more about the product. Packaging contains clear manufacturing lot numbers and expiration dates. The taste is a bit bitter and best mixed with something else. This appears to be a quality source of propolis. I always check with my doctor before starting a new supplement.
Mike&Carol B. –
I tried BEE and You Liquid Propolis Extract is a water-soluble supplement that contains vitamins D3 and K2 for immune support and sore throat relief.
Propolis is a natural substance produced by bees that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. BEE and You Liquid Propolis Extract is suitable for keto, paleo, and gluten-free diets. It comes in a convenient 1 Fl Oz bottle that you can easily add to your water, juice, or smoothie. Try BEE and You Liquid Propolis Extract today and enjoy the benefits of nature’s gift from the bees.
Will update if needed.
Tried straight from dropper ……not a good flavor …..Gotta mix with something, IMO.
Caprica –
This is a beginner-friendly way to try propolis. The extract dissolves easily in water and doesn’t give me any stomach upset or digestive issues. If it’s good for the bees, then it’s good for me. I’ve only read good things about this, so I look forward to continued health with this. I’m a fan.
Amazon Customer –
This is not tasty. It’s definitely something one must be prepared for because it is intense. But it is far more tolerable than the alcohol version. So this one may actually get used.
It’s a great quality supplement but difficult to take as is. So definitely will need to disguise it in a drink of some kind.
crystal –
Seems like a lot of alcohol in the mix. Once you get over that it’s not terrible. I’ve tried this solo under the tongue and added to water. I don’t really think this helped me so the best I can do on this is three stars. Thanks -Mike
Astroidor –
I normally take Vitamin D3 and K2 so this supplement fits right into my daily regime. I usually take Vitamin K2 that is MK7 but the amount in this supplement isn’t that much. At 20 drops it is a 1 month supply.
This has propolis in it, which is a mixture of pollen and beeswax collected by bees from certain plants and trees. Rich in flavonoids, a class of antioxidants, propolis has a long history of use as a natural treatment for many health problems, but more research is needed in humans to support its use. Propolis is used as an ingredient in certain products applied directly to the skin, such as ointments and creams. In addition, propolis is sometimes found in nasal sprays and throat sprays, as well as in mouthwash and toothpaste.
Purported propolis benefits are varied. It is said to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, and wound-healing qualities, all due to chemical compounds called flavonoids.
I enjoy taking this because not only do I get my Vitamin D3 and K2, but I get the added benefits of the propolis!
Astroidor –
I was really excited to add bee propolis into my immune support regimen, especially during allergy season, but the taste of this is so bitter I just can’t get it down. It leaves a very strong aftertaste as well. I can stomach a lot of things, but the taste of this is way off for me.