Extrato Líquido de Erva-Cidreira – Gotas de Melissa Officinalis para Suporte ao Humor e ao Cérebro
Descubra a tranquilidade e mantenha a serenidade com o nosso Extrato Líquido de Erva-Cidreira, conhecido cientificamente como Melissa Officinalis. Este suplemento herbal relaxante é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades calmantes, proporcionando uma maneira natural de relaxar após a rotina agitada do dia a dia. Com nossas gotas orgânicas de Erva-Cidreira, você pode encontrar a paz interior e manter a calma em momentos de estresse.
Além de promover o relaxamento, este suplemento herbal é uma fonte poderosa de compostos benéficos que impulsionam a clareza mental. Formulado especificamente para o suporte cerebral, ele pode ajudar a preservar a memória e a função cognitiva. Ao aprimorar a acuidade mental, incluindo concentração e foco, você se sentirá mais produtivo e com os sentidos aguçados para um desempenho ideal.
Experimente um sono reparador e revitalizante com nossa tintura de Erva-Cidreira, projetada para ajudá-lo a desfrutar de um sono profundo e rejuvenescente após um longo dia. Essas gotas têm um efeito calmante essencial para um ciclo de sono adequado, facilitando o adormecer e garantindo uma boa noite de descanso.
O suplemento de folha de Erva-Cidreira vai além das propriedades calmantes; ele também promove o bem-estar digestivo e melhora a digestão. Com seu suporte digestivo natural, esta erva potente é sua aliada na manutenção de um intestino saudável, assegurando uma função intestinal ideal e um bem-estar geral.
Fácil de usar, basta agitar bem antes de usar. Duas vezes ao dia, combine uma pressão completa do conta-gotas com água ou suco.
– Propriedades calmantes que ajudam a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade.
– Melhora da clareza mental e da concentração, aumentando a produtividade.
– Auxílio na obtenção de um sono profundo e reparador.
– Suporte à saúde digestiva, promovendo um intestino saudável.
– Produto orgânico, 100% fabricado nos Estados Unidos, garantindo qualidade e pureza.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o frasco antes de cada uso. Administre uma pressão completa do conta-gotas duas vezes ao dia, diluindo em água ou suco de sua preferência. É recomendável seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
Leilani Stokes –
I’m surprised by this, it really does make me feel more chill in the evening when it’s time to wind down for bed after chasing my toddler around all day.
JoyfulVeg –
This does work really well I just couldn’t tolerate the sweetness. If you need it to be sweet, this would be good for you.
Vera King –
Packaged well
majormusiclover –
There’s more aspects to this herb than I knew or would have imagined.
Everyone knows Lemon Balm is calming and is frequently used in nighttime sleepaids.
It works by reducing excitatory transmission in the brain by inhibiting an enzyme called Gaba tea
that breaks down Gaba – which then allows an increased amount of Gaba in the brain.
Gaba which is known to decease anxiety.
It may interact with sedative’s or thyroid medications. It may lower blood pressure /
blood sugar so folks with diabetes should use Leman Balm carefully
Leman Balm – is also one of the best herbs for the immune system – improve digestion.
My interest was for a better appetite which this does work for me.
( I tend to rely on proteins shakes – etc which doesn’t build a storage of energy )
After taking Leman Balm for the first time = I felt an honest hunger (not snack) 2 hrs later
But soon after I felt a total calmness. Not tiredness / sleepiness – just calm.
> The opposite of what I want during the day.
> So for my appetite issue I’ll try a different herb.
It’s suggested to take one full squeeze in two oz water / juice = 2 times daily.
Has hardly any tastes – very light Leman – easy to use.
Refrigerate after opened.
Chelsea –
As a longtime lemon balm fan and avid user: I can verify that YES, this extract is the real deal.
I don’t make this claim lightly: I used to have a big lemon balm patch growing in my garden. I would harvest and dry the leaves, then brew them as tea, with measureable success to my anxiety levels.
If you have ever used lemon balm before, then you already know how wildly effective it is as a nerve tonic… In my experience, no other single herb even comes CLOSE to the immediate relaxing effects of lemon balm. (Other than lavender, of course… but lavender will induce drowsiness, whereas lemon balm has never had that effect for me. Nothing but calm focus, perfect for daytime anxiety).
Before trying this extract, I was skeptical about whether a simple extract could compare to my beloved tea (which is almost gone). To my delight, YES it meets my high standards. I tried it immediately after unpackaging with noticeable results within a half hour. And yes, it smells JUST like my garden used to smell! (Cue “Hallelujah” choir.)
I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to try this, because it will make a great replacement for the tea I am almost out of. At this VERY fair price, it will be easy to budget and replace as soon as the bottle runs out.
Again, having never heard of this company, and having such high standards for lemon balm, I was shocked and amazed at the high quality and will definitely be returning for more. Highly, highly recommend.
(Be sure to consult your doctor or do a patch test if this is your first time using the herb.)
Bethany –
I received this lovely bottle of lemon balm tincture (otherwise known as liquid extract) packaged well in a small box. The price is very reasonable for two ounces of tincture. Both the lemon balm AND the vegetable glycerin in the tincture are certified organic, and the water is distilled. Some glycerin extracts, while good for children and recovering alcoholics, can taste overly sweet or can react taste-wise with the herb. Not so with this liquid extract: the lemon balm is mellow and tastes subtly sweet combined with the glycerin. Lemon balm is calming, and a great herb to use alone for relaxation or in combination with other herbs like tulsi/holy basil. I would imagine that this could be a great tincture to take to work, as I can combine it with water or herbal tea to add a dose of calm to my day. It wouldn’t taste great in coffee, but would taste nice and neutral with water or herbal tisanes. I tested it in water, and waited for that calm feeling. 🙂
The company is new to me and there’s not much available online just yet. Usually I drop a star for that. However, this bottle has all the right labeling as far as certified organic, made in an FDA-approved facility, tested by 3rd party labs, and made in the USA. I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt. I will enjoy this tincture and will look for more Herbana products in the future. Highly recommended!
Liketheplanets –
Herbana Manufacturing’s Lemon Balm Leaf Liquid Extract (4 oz) tastes like a caramel mildly-lemonlike tincture.
Only three ingredients: organic lemon balm extract, organic vegetable glycerin, and distilled water
Taste: the vegetable glycerin definitely sweetens the mixture and brings down the lemon balm flavor I would have anticipated. The color and flavor are caramel-like, and the fresh and light characteristics of chomping on a lemon balm leaf don’t come through at all.
I’ll use it because I have it, but I can’t say I would jump on this stuff. If I can’t get my hands on the fresh stuff, I’d prefer using a food-grade essential oil—which doesn’t need to be refrigerated and will probably last longer. The price is about as high as food grade lemon balm essential oil, so I consider this supplement’s price exceedingly high for what this product is.
majormusiclover –
I wasn’t 100% sure about safety of ingesting it, and after researching it I decided against consuming it, but will use it in foot siaks and baths as well as possibly other cosmetic uses like hair oil treatment ECT after more research. If you are thinking of using this as a supplement I recommend researching it before you purchase to make an informed decision.