Descrição do Produto: Extrato Líquido de Erva de São João da Herb Pharm
O Extrato Líquido de Erva de São João da Herb Pharm é uma solução herbal projetada para promover um estado de ânimo positivo e um equilíbrio emocional saudável. Este extrato é elaborado a partir das partes frescas e floridas da planta Hypericum perforatum, que é cuidadosamente coletada de forma sustentável. A forma líquida do extrato permite uma absorção rápida e eficaz, engajando os sentidos de paladar e olfato, o que ajuda o corpo a reconhecer e utilizar as propriedades benéficas das ervas.
- Extrato herbal líquido para promover um humor positivo e um equilíbrio emocional saudável.*
- Fácil absorção do líquido que ativa os sentidos de gosto e olfato, auxiliando o corpo a reconhecer e utilizar as ervas.
- Preparado a partir da parte superior da planta Hypericum perforatum, colhida de forma sustentável e fresca.
- Vegan, não transgênico e livre de glúten. A identidade da erva é garantida por meio de impressão digital HPTLC e outros métodos específicos para cada erva.
- * Esta afirmação não foi avaliada pela FDA. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
1. Apoio Emocional: Contribui para a manutenção de um humor positivo, ajudando a lidar com os altos e baixos emocionais do dia a dia.
2. Absorção Rápida: A forma líquida do extrato permite uma absorção mais eficiente, potencializando os efeitos benéficos das ervas.
3. Sustentabilidade: Produzido a partir de plantas colhidas de forma sustentável, respeitando o meio ambiente e a biodiversidade.
4. Qualidade Garantida: A identidade da erva é assegurada por métodos rigorosos, garantindo a pureza e a eficácia do produto.
5. Adequado para Dietas Especiais: Sendo vegano, não transgênico e livre de glúten, é uma opção acessível para diversas restrições alimentares.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 30 a 40 gotas do extrato líquido de Erva de São João, diluídas em um pouco de água ou suco, de 2 a 3 vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade do produto. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Amazon Customer –
Every tincture I have tried by Herb Pharm has been much more effective than other brands. I believe this is because they use FRESH plant material rather than DRIED in their products when that distinction matters. I use this St. Johns’s Wort daily and have found my moods to be much more stable, and feel more resilient to stress. I take 15-30 drops once or twice a day. It seems to be something that helps with chronic situations, rather than something to take to quell an immediate rise in anxiety or bad mood. For that, a small amount of Motherwort tincture as needed by this same company has worked very well for me. This is also useful as an antiviral, another big plus!
Sue Lilly –
A dropper full of this St. John’s Wort in juice 2x a day for 3 weeks (I used cranberry juice to mask the bitter taste,) makes me feel brighter and more positive about life. Just like people have a “set point” for weight – some fatter, some thinner – I believe humans have a “set point” for happiness, and mine is set a little low. I’m not clinically depressed -I don’t have a feeling of hopelessness, or lack of ambition around activities that give me joy – but I do feel a blanket of small sadness that is felt in every aspect of life. This St. John’s Wort throws off that blanket so I can look at at the sunshine in my life. 🌞
Middleton Mom –
Once in a while a product comes along that really works. It definitely enhances mood on a bad day. It’s very subtle, but it seems to even out the brain chemistry.
Favorite Sandwiches –
It’s a big bottle so I take maybe not even 1/5-1/4 of a dropper because the standard dosage is about 300 (whatever the sizing metric is.. i forget just now) and I think the serving size is 600 or so so I halve that, and people should keep in mind it’s a bigger dropper than the usual which is usually about half of that length. So probably a lot of people getting this size bottle are taking a mega mega dose of this herb!
I’m extremely sensitive to pharmaceutical medicine.. If there are any side effects I’ll experience every rare one of them! So this is a game changer. If I feel remotely sad, or very sad… I’ll take a bit of this just right on my tongue, swallow with some water, and I feel perfectly fine within what seems like 5 or 10 minutes. Maybe my tongue absorbs a bit since I put it right on there (without touching.. don’t want the bacteria). No side effects that I have ever experienced, though I know there are a lot of contraindications, maybe for things like birth control, alcohol, lots of common things so everyone should check. but in Germany I think this is prescribed in lieu of antidepressants, and they certainly drink and I wonder about what other medicines they might take with this with less concern about caution. Maybe it’s a matter of just taking a very small amount and that’s not so dangerous, but be aware of that at least, talk to your doctor all that jazz.
I keep it in the refrigerator so it will last longer, and I assume it shouldn’t be put under the light either.
This stuff is powerful; I don’t really notice herbs.. I’ll take something and then forget I took it and won’t really know if it served its purpose but this is phenomenal because I’ll forget that I took it but then a bit later I’ll think gosh, earlier I felt really bad… Oh yeah That St John’s wort must have really worked! Now that’s happened a few hundred times at this rate since I have taken this for years. The bottle lasts a very long time though so actually one bottle lasted me several years since I didn’t use it much the first few and kept it in the fridge. but it’s a good deal compared to the small bottle, so I prefer just having it on hand for long-term use.
Ira Tompkins –
I feel no different!
Aggy D. –
I struggle with depression and this product helps me with mood and energy levels. The reason I gave it four stars instead of five is because the recommended dose does not work for me. I am 5’5 and weigh 124 lbs. when I take a full droplet, I do not feel a difference in mood /energy. Two full droplets, I feel better than most days but not by a lot. When I take three, I feel like a normal human being. I do not know what taking this dosage does to my physical health in terms of organ functionality and I am not making that recommendation. I’m willing to risk it because depression is a bxxch!! and I figure whatever chemicals in antidepressants have to be way worse than over dose of a natural product. The taste is pretty gross but again, the benefits of functioning like a normal human opposed to being in a catatonic state of depression outweighs the awful taste. If you drop it in a glass of water mixed with Emergency-C the taste becomes tolerable. I usually chug it and taste does not linger. If I run out, within a week of not taking it, I immediately see a decline in mood and energy. I hope this review helps anyone who may be going through similar struggles with depression. Hang in there and I hope you find something that works for you.
LMLM285 –
I have used this particular product for more than 8 years. I used a tablet form first and another brand of the tinctured form. Herb Pharms St. John’s Wort has proven superior over anything I have taken in the past. And works its magic as proven when I forget it on long trips or just for a week or two at home because I haven’t pulled the next one out of the closet ( I always keep one or two stocked ). The product has helped to tremendously. It is not a one and done, must be taken daily and I don’t ever want to live without it. ( suggest a splash or OJ or other juice to camouflage the taste).