Descrição do Produto: Extrato Líquido de Comfrey Orgânico Certificado da Herb Pharm – 1 Onça (DCOMF0)
O Extrato Líquido de Comfrey da Herb Pharm é uma formulação premium, especialmente preparada a partir da raiz seca de plantas de Symphytum officinale, cultivadas de forma orgânica e certificada. Este extrato é resultado de um rigoroso processo de extração que garante a preservação das propriedades benéficas da planta, proporcionando um produto de alta qualidade e eficácia. A potência das ervas é assegurada através da análise de Cromatografia em Camada Fina de Alta Performance (HPTLC), que permite verificar a concentração e a pureza dos compostos ativos presentes no extrato.
Além disso, o produto passa por uma triagem minuciosa para garantir que esteja livre de herbicidas e pesticidas sintéticos, metais pesados, bactérias, leveduras e fungos. Com um volume de 1 onça, o extrato é ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e eficaz para diversas aplicações terapêuticas.
– Qualidade Orgânica: Produzido a partir de raízes de comfrey cultivadas organicamente, garantindo um produto livre de contaminantes.
– Eficácia Comprovada: A análise HPTLC assegura a potência e a pureza do extrato, oferecendo resultados confiáveis.
– Segurança: Rigorosamente testado para a ausência de substâncias nocivas, proporcionando tranquilidade ao consumidor.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em diversas aplicações, desde cuidados com a pele até suporte para a saúde articular.
– Fácil de Usar: A forma líquida do extrato permite uma dosagem precisa e fácil incorporação na rotina diária.
Para utilizar o Extrato Líquido de Comfrey da Herb Pharm, recomenda-se diluir de 20 a 30 gotas em um copo de água ou suco, de uma a três vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. É importante agitar bem antes de usar e armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Para aplicações tópicas, o extrato pode ser aplicado diretamente na área afetada, massageando suavemente até a absorção completa. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob medicação.
Fredrick s. –
Help with the pain on my moms broken foot
phil –
I fell on April 1st and broke 5 ribs and displaced 2 others on my right side. I also fractured my right scapula. I could tell my ribs were healing but that scapula did not seem to get any better at all. I had used comfrey 30 years ago for a scrape on my leg and it healed amazingly fast. I bought 2 bottles of this product. When I 1st put the comfrey extract on the scapula it bought relief in an amazingly short time, actually helped with the constant pain. I am guessing the pain decreased because the fracture was healing. I have continued to apply comfrey extract on the skin over the ribs and scapula and it seems to help every time. I am a 60 year old woman and have some concerns about how well and how quickly I would heal. I do think the comfrey is helping although I have no objective evidence to back that up. If you have something that needs healing, try comfrey. It does not cost much, it will not hurt you applied externally and the worst that can happen is that it does not work for you. Worth a try.
🐆😺MeoW😸🐆 –
Just as i expected, well pkgd, seems to be good quality, using as a dryer day alternative to a salve i use at night for a torn muscle, seems to be healing nicely.
I would like to point out that some reviews said the dangerous alkaloids were mostly filtered out, I re checked description and went to website and dont see anything that says that..I dont know if thats possible, as ive never seen Any product say that …I would suggest reading up on many sites when using any comfrey item, Especially internally or in broken skin!
As for myself, i have used it on broken skin ( would NOT use on deeper wound because it can heal top layer too fast, instead of healing from inside out)
I also wouldnt use in Any form for very long periods of time in case there is a risk of liver problems ( I am not convinced that it would be a problem since from what ive read those doses were extremely high, also there are so many things in plants that work together its hard to know when part of it is studied alone. However since i like my liver, i think being a little careful is good, i also think using livercleanse capsules ( i use liversmart caps) is a good idea, not just with this but Any medication, junk food etc..
I think comfrey and bloodroot are amazing!! I think both require some research when using to make an informed decision..
Btw i ordered some russian comfrey
Plants on amazon for medicinal and compost/ mulch but i will still keep this format on hand and will order again!
《Update..used this in a.m. and dr. Christophers bone n tissue and cayenne at night.. in two weeks, only used this
( pain was so much better almost forgot! more weeks pain was 0… had been 8-9 w/ sweating n bad i had to knock myself out with benadryl at night!》
Esme –
Bought it to heal a sprained wrist that never healed, 4 months after injury. I have used comfrey in the past for a broken 5th metatarsal in my right foot. It was a miracle. Not the same brand as this however. I have used this on the wrist 3 times so far and I do feel it speeding up the healing. It is not healing quite as fast as my foot did with the other brand (from Poland) but it’s definitely working. Comfrey is an amazing herb and when you can find it in its purest, rawest state, it will heal your ligaments and bones very quickly.
PatriciaC –
I purchased this for my husband. His arms bruise so easily. Simply apply a few drops to bruises and massage in. This stuff really helps his skin heal much faster than normal.
Catherine Tracy –
Comfrey is such a cool plant. Definitely do some research.
I use this extract on my skin and nails. It has strengthened my weak nails that have ridges. My kitchen job is so hard on my hands. This helps me heal quickly over days off.
RS –
I purchased this with the hopes of avoiding $1,300 gum grafting surgery after having a root canal (the dentist also cut into my gums to make sure there wasn’t anything going on under the gumline that couldn’t be seen in an xray—or so she said, I don’t know, I had got 20 different opinions from different dentists so I’m still confused as to what the real issue was to begin with). Anyhow, I’ve been using this faithfully every day for 3 weeks now and my gums have grown back – not to where they are completely “normal”, but they’ve grown back A LOT considering I had ZERO gum around the front of one of my teeth to begin with (you could actually see part of the root). I just ordered my second bottle a few minutes ago, and I am looking forward to going back to the Periodontist in November for a “follow up” and hopefully hearing that the surgery is not going to be needed. I’ve taken pictures a long the way, and even my family has been amazed and say they can tell a difference from one day to the next.
UPDATE (10/1/13): I only used about 1/2 of the second bottle, and it was still working wonders, but I decided to stop using it because it was staining my teeth really bad (on the back side where it can’t be seen, but it’s still not a pretty sight to me). I’ve decided to just let the rest of my gums grow on their own (which isn’t very much to be “back to normal”), but the progress has definitely slowed down A LOT. I’ve been using Activated Charcoal to whiten my teeth, but it hasn’t been something that comes off in a brushing or two. Also, I went to the regular dentist for a quick follow-up a few weeks after writing the 1st part of my review, and she was impressed with how fast my gums had grown too and asked me what I had been using. I told her, and she asked me what Comfrey is, and said she was not aware that it helped stimulate gum growth. She also told me, “If you don’t mind the staining on the back side of your teeth, then I think you should keep using it”, which surprised me because I figured she would say that I’m out of my mind for thinking that Comfrey was doing anything to help. Anyhow, I think that I’ve avoided gum grafting surgery, but I will know for certain next month (November), when I see the periodontist. I’ll keep you all updated.
UPDATE (2/20/14): Sorry I did not get back to updating this until now (I am three months late)! Anyhow, when I went to the Periodontist in November, he said that no gum grafting surgery was needed! He was very impressed with my progress and said everything was looking great. As noted in the 10/1/13 update, I stopped using the Comfrey and have not used it since – and I can tell. My gums have grown VERY VERY little since then but since my root is no longer exposed, I chose to let it grow at this slow pace rather than staining my teeth. I have another follow-up appointment in a few weeks, I hope that things are still going to be okay since the gums have not grown much since I stopped using the Comfrey.