Descrição do Produto: Extrato de Raiz de Alcaçuz | Cápsulas 900 mg | 200 Contagem | Suplemento Extrato | Sem OGM | Sem Glúten
O Extrato de Raiz de Alcaçuz em cápsulas de 900 mg é um suplemento natural de alta qualidade, projetado para oferecer os benefícios da raiz de alcaçuz de forma prática e eficaz. Cada frasco contém 200 cápsulas, garantindo um fornecimento prolongado para o seu bem-estar. Este produto é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e glúten, tornando-o uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares. O extrato de alcaçuz é conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, além de ser um aliado no suporte ao sistema digestivo e respiratório. Com uma dosagem concentrada, as cápsulas são fáceis de ingerir e se integram facilmente à sua rotina diária.
1. Suporte Digestivo: Ajuda a aliviar desconfortos estomacais e promove uma digestão saudável.
2. Ação Anti-inflamatória: Contribui para a redução da inflamação no corpo, auxiliando na recuperação de lesões.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Potencializa as defesas naturais do organismo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
4. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e o envelhecimento saudável.
5. Alívio de Sintomas Respiratórios: Auxilia no tratamento de problemas respiratórios, como tosse e irritações na garganta.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Extrato de Raiz de Alcaçuz (900 mg) duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, com um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, mantenha uma rotina consistente e combine o uso do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e hábitos saudáveis. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Ana –
B –
Capsules are quite large, other than that no odd smells or appearance other than the licorice root scent. Quality seems as good as any other.
Devan Moore –
I should have done more research before ordering this item because it totally slipped my mind that licorice root can elevate high blood pressure. These capsules also are of a higher dosage than what is normally recommended. Licorice root may be beneficial for those with digestive or stomach issues. Long term usage is not recommended. Best to consult your healthcare practitioner before consuming these high potency capsules. Exp. Date on bottle: 04/2024. USDA certified/GMP compliant/third-party lab tested.
Devan Moore –
It’s been said that getting old isn’t for the weak. Truer words have never been spoken. Take me for example. I’m 45 and in excellent shape. However, eating healthy and being physically active doesn’t nullify all of the detriments of aging. In my case, I struggle with digestives issues.
Foods I once enjoyed–those spicy, acidic, and greasy delights–wreck my gut. For that reason, I’m always searching for products that can ease my digestive suffering. In that effort, natural and holistic solutions will always be my preferred choices.
Or, I could simply eliminate the problem foods. But try being a sports fan and not washing down spicy wings with cold brew.
To make a long story short, Healthfare Ultra High Purity Licorice Root provides me the digestive relief I seek.
Until I came across this product, I had never heard of licorice root as a supplement, specifically as a digestive aide. Now that I’ve discovered licorice root, this brand in particular, I have a natural remedy that settles my upset stomach. Healthfare Ultra High Purity Licorice Root price is right, and the product is effective. It has definitely become a mainstay in my supplement stack.
Jo Anna Conrad –
A very generous sized bottle of licorice root capsules, 360 total. Keep in mind this is a 2-cap per day dose.
Still, all things considered a good sized bottle.
My hope is that the licorice root helps with my upper respiratory issues, which it is well known to do. In my case chronic bronchitis (COPD) and horrendous seasonal allergies have made my existence miserable, at times. This particular brand of licorice root seems to be very pure and of good quality.
Licorice is well know to be effective for this. I’m hoping that it works in my case. Time will tell the tale.
Pancho –
I got these as I’ve heard they can help with indigestion and acid reflux. It’s nice that they’re non-GMO, gluten-free, and plant-based. It’s difficult to quantify if or how well these have improved my digestive health, but I like to think they’re helping at least. It’s nice that they don’t have an unpleasant flavor, and they’re pretty easy to swallow. I mention to be cautious because they are quite potent, and licorice root can have some pretty serious side effects if not taken in moderation, including increased blood pressure, potassium imbalance, and interference with some medications. From what I’ve read, taking one a day for a long period of time is probably not a good idea; make sure to consult your doctor before getting into these if you’re worried, especially if you have any medical conditions or take other medications. Overall though, this is a good product for occasional use, but probably not something to rely on for long-term treatment. It has both benefits and drawbacks, both of which should be carefully considered, and probably discussed with a health professional.
Michael Mcdonald –
I have used Licorice Root for years it works very well for digestive health
bj –
I read the product label before purchasing. The picture of the label does not include rice powder. What I received had rice powder. I am allergic to rice!!!! Hives and face swelling. Taking Benadryl and using cord ozone cream. I go out of town in two days. Your luck found out it was in there before I was out on the woods with an even worse reaction