Descrição do Produto: Christopher’s Original Formulas Hot Cayenne Extract, 1 fl oz
O Extrato de Pimenta Caiena da Christopher’s Original Formulas é um suplemento herbal natural que traz consigo a tradição e os benefícios das ervas. Com uma fórmula concentrada, este extrato líquido é feito a partir de pimenta caiena de alta qualidade, conhecida por suas propriedades estimulantes e benéficas para a saúde. A embalagem compacta de 1 fl oz torna este produto ideal para o uso diário ou para levar em viagens, garantindo que você possa manter sua rotina de saúde em qualquer lugar.
- Suplemento Herbal: Feito com pimenta caiena quente para benefícios herbais tradicionais.
- Fácil de Usar: Extrato líquido para aplicação rápida e simples.
- Ingredientes Puros: Elaborado a partir de ervas naturais de alta qualidade.
- Tamanho Compacto: Frasco de 1 fl oz, perfeito para uso diário ou viagens.
- Marca Confiável: Da Christopher’s Original Formulas, líder em produtos de saúde natural.
1. Aumento da Circulação Sanguínea: A pimenta caiena é conhecida por ajudar a melhorar a circulação, promovendo um fluxo sanguíneo saudável.
2. Apoio ao Metabolismo: Este extrato pode auxiliar na aceleração do metabolismo, contribuindo para a perda de peso e controle de apetite.
3. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Os compostos presentes na pimenta caiena oferecem proteção contra os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
4. Alívio de Congestão: O uso do extrato pode ajudar a aliviar a congestão nasal e melhorar a respiração, especialmente em épocas de resfriados.
5. Facilidade de Uso: A forma líquida do extrato permite uma dosagem precisa e rápida, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Extrato de Pimenta Caiena da Christopher’s Original Formulas, recomenda-se a ingestão de 10 a 15 gotas diluídas em água ou suco, de uma a três vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade do produto. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade dos ingredientes.
Shawn Gore –
Hot as the label says.. i put 20 drops in 6 oz water and drink fast then swallow again/rinse with fresh 4 oz water to minimize heat in mouth, def very hot.. I do it for health circulation benefits.. gotta work your way up, start with 6 or 7 drops.. will lower blood pressure in 20 minutes by atleast 10 points if your at 20 drops.. cayenne is the go to formula if having heart attack or starting to feel heart sensations.. Take 2 aspirin 325 mg for thinning blood and two full dropperfuls of this in 4 oz water and drink.. very hot but it will save your life..cayenne levels out bp throught your entire body, dialates vessels fast and gives heart nutrition.. for emergency also keep liquid magnesium chloride at hand, magnesium deficiency is one of the top reasons for heart issues.. studies show dramatic increase in lives saved by getting magnesium to our heart asap.. magnesium is our oil/lubrication. Magnesium in itself will dialte vessels fast in high doses.. you cant overdose on magnesium, it will just make you visit the bathroom fairly quick.. aka use Epsom salts 4 tsp per 20 oz water and flood gates open in 1-2 hrs.. very healthy detox to clean out insides.. cayene capsules are great too, they are more time released because of the powder instead of liquid and will do the same but last little longer.. if you want excellent blood pressure results add ginger too..1 tsp ginger powder can lower it 20 points, mixed in water.. also Hawthorne is another great one for reducing pressure in addition to its heart healthy qualities in studies, Hawthorne, Cayenne and Ginger, very very effective..Tumeric is another great one for lowering BP, it is in the ginger family.. Ginger and Tumeric also lowers blood sugar by stimulating insulin. Niacin B3 is another BP lowering. Really you should get to the root cause of your high BP.. its always high yeast/parasites/bacteria causing inflamation in your adrenals which regulate BP. Olive Leaf Extract is very powerful, it will cleans/kill all pathogens eventually with daily doses, it is a very potent cleanser top notch for candida, uti, flies colds, you name it, it works. Eating strong probiotic such as raw homemade cabbage replenished your gut with good bacteria.. Goid bacteria is your life. Without it you have poor digestion, poor immune system, no energy, poor nutrition due to inefficient good bacteria.. to make things worse candida overgrown and causes over 80 toxins that eat your nutrients and poop toxins making you feel tired constantly, leading to adrenal fatigue, psorasis and the list goes on.. doctors are correct in saying that psoriasis isn’t curable.. that’s only because they don’t do cleansing, that’s all psoriasis is , is toxins coming out of the skin from body overload from candida, bacteria etc. Detox, strong probiotic, baths with Epsom salt, baking soda and sodium thiosulfate will heal you… doctors don’t know how to detox your poisons that accumulate over the years, they don’t know how to repopulate your intestines with good bacteria. They give you antibiotics and tell you to eat a yogurt and you’ll be fine. What garbage they tell us.. most yogurts are full of sugar and barely have any bacteria in it. Yogurt and kefir are great but you have to get the right ones, preferable make it yourself with organic milk.. best route is 50 billion probiotic per day so its easy… also eat lots of raw saurkraut, tons of good bacteria, make it yourself or buy it on amazon, organic non pasturized Not heated! Your body will heal itself if you remove toxins, add probiotics, eat high nutritious foods, cut out manmade breads, sugars, high fructose and excercise for circulation.. Eat beets for betaine to cleanse body and liver.. Get away from Man’s food and eat God’s food, let the healing begin! As He says.. eat the fruit for food and the leaves for medicine!.. Ps, sorry for typos, Im doing this on my phone, little letters typing this trying to help anyone that will read this 🙂
Gary Mucha –
This is the best cayenne pepper extract at the best price.
bdb –
I actually used this for getting rid of fingernail fungus. I am an avid gardner and for the first time in my life, I got fungus under my fingernail so bad that it eventually cause my whole nail to have to be removed. I’m am a holistic/natural/organic kind of a person who does not use chemicals for drugs, so I tried many things. What finally worked was taking a surgical glove and cutting the end of a finger off (about 1″). Then I took a tiny piece of cotton and saturated it with tea tree oil and this pepper and put it on top of my whole finger nail and cuticle. Then I put the rubber finger tip over it and put tape around my finger and the rubber tip to waterproof it and seal everything inside. I left this on until it started leaking, then replaced with the same thing. After about a week of soaking my finger nail in this solution, the fungus was gone. I always cut my fingernail as close to my nail bed as possible, so the bed was exposed to the solution. It will burn, but that just means it’s working. Let it burn! The burning feeling is not hurting your bed.
The fungus may start coming back soon after you stop this treatment. You may have killed it in your nail bed, but if you didn’t kill it in your cuticle too, it will return. I tried many other DIY/natural treatments over 5 months, but this is the only one that worked for me. It takes time and perseverance!
I also use this pepper on bug bites to stop the itching.
Sheila Haouchine –
I rated Christopher’s Hot Cayenne Extract 4 Stars because it is hot and does circulate the scalp for faster hair growth. The Company needs to manufacture the Cayenne Extract in a larger bottle and with a tip dispenser. Also, the Company needs to know that there is a huge demand for people who use Hot Cayenne Extract to circulate the scalp for faster hair growth.
Christopher Richardson –
Thank you so much!!! Works great!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Amazon Customer –
Product received as shown.
Charlotte –
This should be a staple in everyone’s home and medicine cabinet.
comp_junk –
A few drops are enough to spice up a glass of any drink!
Linda –
Currently using 2 drops daily in coffee or water