Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas de Extrato de Grão de Café Verde da PURE ORIGINAL INGREDIENTS são a escolha ideal para quem busca um suplemento puro e sem aditivos. Cada cápsula é preenchida com um único ingrediente, garantindo um suplemento não diluído e de alta qualidade. O extrato de grão de café verde não passa pelo processo de torrefação, o que resulta em um aroma herbal forte e marcante, refletindo sua pureza e potência. Com um fornecimento para 50 dias, você terá quase dois meses de suporte à saúde em sua rotina, promovendo um estilo de vida mais saudável e equilibrado. A PURE ORIGINAL INGREDIENTS se compromete a oferecer sempre produtos puros, sem aditivos, estearatos ou enchimentos de arroz, assegurando que você receba apenas o que há de melhor. Este produto é embalado em Utah, EUA, garantindo padrões rigorosos de qualidade e segurança.
– Suplemento Puro: Sem aditivos ou enchimentos, proporcionando uma experiência de consumo mais saudável.
– Apoio à Saúde Metabólica: O extrato de grão de café verde é conhecido por ajudar na regulação do metabolismo, contribuindo para a perda de peso.
– Antioxidantes Naturais: Rico em ácidos clorogênicos, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres no organismo.
– Aumento de Energia: Pode ajudar a melhorar os níveis de energia e a resistência durante atividades físicas.
– Facilidade de Uso: Com um fornecimento de 50 dias, é prático e conveniente para integrar à sua rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do Extrato de Grão de Café Verde da PURE ORIGINAL INGREDIENTS duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine o uso do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Rochell –
هذا المنتج غير مطابق له رائحة كريها إضافة انه لا يوجد اي تطابق مع اي منتج حبوب القهوة الخضراء وسبب لي مشاكل صحية عديدة مع الرغم ان السعر جدا مرتفع بالنسبة المنتجات التي استعملتها للإسف انا جدا مستاء صحية مما تسبب لي بعدة مشاكل صحية أنا أندم على شراء هذا المنتج
Hailey –
I started taking green coffee and green tea about two weeks into my diet because even though I was dieting hard core, eating mainly veggies only once a day and doing some light weight lifting and walking. I wasn’t really losing anything. I probably lost 3 lbs in two weeks, which just isn’t fast enough for me. Probably water weight anyway. I was very very aggravated. It used to be easier to lose weight before I was 34. I did a whole lot of reading and discovered green coffee and green tea weight loss benefits and health benefits. I went through one bottle of expensive green coffee that advertised weight loss and only supplied two weeks. You had to take a bunch of them like three at a time twice a day. Alongside my green tea supplement and also drinking it (fun fact, something no one told me, um don’t drink green tea on an empty stomach, you will be sick and it will come back up) anyway, I have been losing weight. I bought THIS less expensive green coffee hoping to continue success and so far it’s been great. Still dropping lbs at an average of 5 lbs a week ! These don’t say how much chlorogenic acid is in them which, I read, is the chemical that assists in weight loss, and apparently no one knows how much…. I asked…. But I assume its around 45% – 50% like all of the other green coffee supplements I read about before choosing these.
I really hope this will help someone. I wish I had found some real testimony like this to help me get started. Here is what I have been doing everyday to lose 5 lbs a week for the past 5 weeks, as a woman in her 30’s. I take:
1.) Green coffee in the morning. It curbs my appetite all day. I drink water and diet coke.
2.) I walk for 20 to 30 mins up and down our hilly road with my hubby and daughter and a 5lb weight in each hand, lifting the whole time. 3.) I eat small portion of veggies for dinner, mainly leafy greens, cabbage in broth or cauliflower, maybe green beans simmered in broth, every few days some grilled chicken or salmon.
4.) Then I take my green tea, and probiotic, and this one is rather important, I do take a mental health med (main cause of weight gain to begin with) that this hasn’t interfered with! These all say to take with a meal, that is why I take them right after dinner. Absolutely no snacking whatsoever. Drink your green tea AFTER DINNER.
5.) A colon cleansing once or twice a week, I suggest finding a tea, it works awesome for me. If I drink it before bed, I “go” when I wake up in the morning, then REHYDRATE, very important.
6.) I’m always hungry at night, unfortunately, so I chug 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar mixed in about two cups of water before bed so I don’t feel like I am starving going to bed also because it is very good for you.
I know this sounds like a lot, like too much for some, even. BUT If you are really struggling like I was, maybe some or all of these things could help. I got super serious about my health and did my own research. ( I even researched RX diet medication! ) This is what is working for me. I will be getting THIS green coffee from now on because it is working great for me.
C McK –
I take one every morning with my other morning supplements and vitamins. It gives me energy without the nauseating jitters some “energy” supplements give me. I can take them on an empty stomach with no issues. When I first started taking them, I wasn’t sure if it was a placebo affect or not. But, I will say, I can definitely tell a difference on my mood and energy levels when I forget to take it. If you’re looking for an energy supplement that works, buy this. I will be reordering when I run out.
Diana –
It helped me stay awake.
Nancy Hill –
Effective as an appetite suppressant.
M Lefty –
Well as I got into the bottle there were several capsules that look as though they were burnt. They had melted, black spots on them. It made me wary of the quality and efficacy of the product. So they’ve been sitting in my cabinet for a few weeks. I won’t take anymore and think it’s probably too late to return them. I didn’t keep the damaged capsules but should have so I could’ve shared a picture
Nancy Hill –
This product is excellent. I am very impressed with the quality. Came in great condition. I would order again!
Hailey –
Help this night shifter maintain consistent weight
True to size and extremely comfortable –
Should coffee bean extract smell like moth balls?? That is the powerful odor that emits from the bottle upon opening. I can have it a few feet away from my nose and still smell it.
There is a phone number on the bottle so I called the company. I tried 3x and never got connected to any human. It just goes to voice mail. I left a message a few days ago and they have never called back.
I checked and saw I have a few other supplements from this company and checked them all for smell. None were as bad as this coffee bean extract but their Proline had a mild odor like a gym locker room, and the ginkgo biloba smelled odd too but I cannot really describe it.