Descrição do Produto: Extrato de Garcinia 500mg – 60 Cápsulas Vegetarianas
O Extrato de Garcinia 500mg é um suplemento natural que se destaca pela sua pureza e eficácia. Com 60 cápsulas vegetarianas, este produto é formulado a partir da Garcinia Cambogia, uma fruta conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde. A Garcinia (Garcinia gummi-gutta), popularmente chamada de “tamarindo de Malabar”, é uma especiaria importante cultivada no Sudeste Asiático, bem como na África Ocidental e Central. O extrato da casca da fruta é amplamente utilizado na medicina tradicional para tratar diversas condições.
- 100%% Pure & Natural Ingredients
- 100%% Free From any chemicals
- 100%% Free from Preservative, Soy, Wheat, Gluten, Flavors & Others Additives
- Garcinia (Garcinia gummi-gutta, family Clusiaceae) also popularly known as “Malabar tamarind” is an important tree spice grown in Southeast Asia, West, and Central Africa. The fruit and the extract from the fruit rind of this spice tree have their use in medicines for multiple ailments.
- Our Garcinia capsules are easy to take and free of common allergens. This vegetarian Capsule is free from milk, soy, dairy, and egg, making it compatible with diverse diets.
As cápsulas de Garcinia são fáceis de ingerir e isentas de alérgenos comuns, tornando-se uma opção viável para diversas dietas. Com ingredientes 100% naturais e livres de aditivos químicos, este suplemento é ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável e eficaz para melhorar o bem-estar geral.
1. Apoio ao Controle de Peso: A Garcinia Cambogia é conhecida por ajudar na redução do apetite e na queima de gordura, facilitando o gerenciamento do peso.
2. Aumento da Energia: O extrato pode contribuir para um aumento nos níveis de energia, ajudando a manter a disposição ao longo do dia.
3. Melhora do Humor: Pode auxiliar na regulação do humor, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar e reduzindo a ansiedade.
4. Saúde Digestiva: A Garcinia é benéfica para a saúde digestiva, ajudando a regular o metabolismo e a digestão.
5. Compatibilidade Dietética: Por ser 100% vegana e livre de glúten, é adequada para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Extrato de Garcinia 500mg ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água e manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver grávida.
Ingrid –
I have taken Tulsi for years, gave this a try it smells like pure garlic. Gave me an upset stomach which has never happened before. Cannot return it.
Vine Reviewer –
Potent dose of Valerian root for calm nerves and better sleep. No additives.
tsymyn –
If you regularly use this supplement, this product might be great for you – it wasn’t effective for me, unfortunately.
Flowergirly –
I like this brand & their single herb supplements. I have not taken their products long enough to judge the effectiveness nor see any improvements yet,
so my review reflects the likes/dislikes what I’ve noticed about the company brand itself.
+++ Their labels reflect certification seals/badges that I look for when considering a company & their products. Their labels are very thorough however…
—> One thing that I wish to see is further confirmation of these claims on their online website (I’m not speaking of the seller’s linked site on the Amazon description page).
– Their website is bare in further details. I couldn’t pull up any supplements on their website, although they sell on Amazon.
+ I couldn’t pull up any contact information either. However, the contact information is ~ thorough ~ on the label.
+ All angles of the bottles that I purchased are visible on Amazon’s seller’s page for any information I was looking for. Seems to be the same for MOST of their consumables.
——> Either their website is in the process of being built or they consider the label details enough.
—> If I chose to seek further information, I can (anyone can) always contact the company to answer questions/concerns or requests for further proof of claims.
> I recently tried two of their products successfully without any adverse effects.
> I LIKE the following claims by this company;
+ GMP Compliant – Certified (facility) = CGMP or GMP seal/certification means that a product was made in an FDA approved facility. This does NOT mean that the product is confirmed as safe or federally approved, but it does say that the FDA approved the facility that was putting the manufacturing practices into place.
+ ISO Certified = a credential that validates a business’s fulfillment of requirements relating to quality process standards as defined by the International Standards Organization. The ISO is a non-governmental organization that determines specifications for products, services and systems for quality and efficiency.
+ HACCP Certified = An approval system that recognizes that a food business has implemented a HACCP based food safety system and procedures.
– I wondered if HACCP or ISO covers what a third-party lab test would. I did a search;
If a supplement is HACCP certified and/or ISO certified, it is still recommended to ~look for third-party lab testing~ to validate its effectiveness and ensure that it meets safety and quality standards, an additional layer of assurance. Independent labs test for contaminants, verify ingredient amounts, and ensure the product meets label claims, confirming that the supplement is safe and effective.
Overall, I’m happy with the company, brand & the two products I’ve tried so far.
I’d like to eventually see more details & confirmation of their claims & their website completed.
Meanwhile, I have the contact information off of the bottle if I choose to inquire about anything.
Take care, good health & always do some research into the supplements/consumables you’re considering! 🙂
Susan Mcdaniel –
I take these as directed before a meal. They are easy to swallow and no adverse side effects noted after taking. I trust these ingredients. Will continue to take.
CatMommy –
So easy to swallow, as compared to the powder. I’ve tried the powder form – it’s rather difficult to have (very bitter, and the powder is just difficult to mix into water). It’s not the taste – I can handle the bitterness, it’s the overall inconvenience of the powder that I’m referring to. The capsules are SO MUCH BETTER! I have taken one with dinner every day (although the label on the bottle says take 1-2 with every meal), and felt the same great results that my store bought triphala powder gave.
Aimee inman –
I specifically got this to try, tagar because I have pretty intense anxiety as well as alot of trouble sleeping. Ive been using consistently and I do feel more relaxed an at ease. I feel I have also been able to fall asleep easier as well. Super happy with results!
Aimee inman –
I’ve tried other brands of triphala in the past, but this brand is new to me. So far I think it performs just the same as other brands I am used to. The capsules are uniform and have no taste or smell to speak of, and I haven’t noticed any side effects while taking it. So far so good.