Descrição do Produto:
O Extrato de Fruta Haskap da Better Berry Co é uma poderosa fonte de antioxidantes, oferecendo uma concentração excepcional de antocianinas, polifenóis e bioflavonoides. Com 100% de extrato de fruta prensada, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma solução natural para combater a inflamação e promover a saúde geral. Apresentado em uma garrafa de 17 fl oz, o extrato é totalmente puro, sem adição de açúcares, conservantes ou aditivos artificiais. Com apenas 1 a 2 colheres de sopa por dia, você pode incorporar facilmente este superalimento na sua rotina, seja em sucos, smoothies ou até mesmo em receitas culinárias. O Haskap, conhecido por seu sabor único e benefícios nutricionais, é uma escolha inteligente para quem deseja melhorar sua saúde de forma prática e eficaz.
1. Rico em Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo.
2. Ação Anti-inflamatória: Contribui para a redução da inflamação, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo a saúde articular.
3. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do organismo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
4. Melhora da Saúde Cardiovascular: Os polifenóis presentes podem auxiliar na saúde do coração, promovendo uma melhor circulação sanguínea.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Com apenas 1-2 colheres de sopa por dia, é simples de incorporar na dieta, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do Extrato de Fruta Haskap diariamente. O produto pode ser diluído em água, sucos ou adicionado a smoothies e iogurtes. Para uma absorção otimizada, é aconselhável consumir o extrato em jejum ou entre as refeições. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades nutricionais.
Cassandra Freeman –
I love running and cycling. This is probably my favorite mixer for a energy throughout!
Amazon Customer –
Not as sweet as expected, but vibrant flavour. Excellent for deciding if I’m planting haskap berries.
Puppy –
Excellent taste. Dark purple color indicating high content of flavinoids. I will buy again.
Sharon –
I’ve been using 1-2 tablespoons of it in my protein shake each morning, and it has been helping with inflammation. It’s nice to have a product that I can use in a variety of my breakfast meals. So glad to be buying a great product from a small business. Definitely would buy again!
Colleen Coffeen –
After having haskap I really liked the way it made me feel a bit more energetic but in a healthy way. Not in a caffeinated way at all. I had never heard of haskap before and was curious what it was like or if it did help with metabolism, mental clarity and energy. I love this juice. I prefer it cold and not mixed with anything because the taste is quite good. I have already ordered this a few times and will continue to do so!
Gardner Family –
I love this Haskap Berry concentrate! I can drink it straight or dilute it with just about anything! I’ve been adding it to my vodka-tonics to give a fabulous splash of color and flavor AND it’s great for you! It’s been about two months that I’ve been drinking the Haskap juice and I’ve been feeling better in many ways. My mood is better, I feel stronger and I don’t know how to explain this but my gut has been less argumentative. I’m definitely going to keep buying this stuff! Wonderful!
jm –
fine as a fruit. If you have a medical condition and think this will help your medical condition, make sure you find out by getting checked out.
R. Kline –
I had bought this Haskap Concentrate because I had tried it at my local farmers market and at the time it was very concentrated and had a good taste. I decided to subscribe on Amazon to save a bit of money since the product is quite expensive. The first batch I got was just like I tried and I liked it. The second batch came very watery and it had no viscosity. The bottle is very hard to pour without spilling. I tried to reach out to the company about the change in their product and never heard back from them. I recently got another notice they were sending out another bottle and I cancelled it based on the support I received from the company and the cost they charge what I think is a very small bottle of juice that will not last a month as they advertise. The product is OK and I like the taste but it way too expensive for what you are getting.