Descrição do Produto: SIRUNES Extrato de Folha de Mullein 4oz – Verbascum Thapsus
Descubra o poder da natureza com o SIRUNES Extrato de Folha de Mullein, uma tintura herbal líquida que promove a saúde dos pulmões e do sistema respiratório. Este suplemento é elaborado a partir da planta Verbascum Thapsus, conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas. Com uma fórmula pura e natural, o extrato é feito apenas de ervas secas orgânicas, glicerina vegetal e água destilada, garantindo que você receba apenas o que seu corpo realmente precisa, sem aditivos artificiais, organismos geneticamente modificados ou conservantes.
- Respire Confortavelmente – Este suplemento de mullein oferece um suporte notável para o seu sistema respiratório. Ele atua como um demulcente, ajudando a limpar as vias nasais para que você possa inalar com facilidade.
- Dorme a Noite Toda – Cansado de se revirar na cama à noite? O mullein pode servir como um sedativo seguro e natural, facilitando o seu sono.
- Cuidado para o Seu Intestino – Você sabia que as folhas de mullein auxiliam o seu trato digestivo? Este extrato herbal é rico em saponinas e antioxidantes que apoiam a digestão e aliviam o desconforto.
- Fórmula Pura e Natural – Obtenha apenas o que seu corpo precisa. Nossa tintura de mullein é feita apenas de ervas secas orgânicas, glicerina vegetal e água destilada. Sem GMOs ou conservantes.
- Escolha Local – Todos os nossos suplementos dietéticos, incluindo estas gotas de extrato de mullein, são fabricados nos Estados Unidos, em total conformidade com os padrões da indústria e protocolos de segurança relevantes.
1. Suporte Respiratório Eficaz: Melhora a respiração e alivia a congestão nasal.
2. Promove um Sono Tranquilo: Ajuda a relaxar e a adormecer mais rapidamente.
3. Apoio Digestivo: Contribui para a saúde do trato digestivo e alivia desconfortos.
4. Fórmula Segura e Natural: Sem aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável.
5. Produzido Localmente: Garantia de qualidade e conformidade com os padrões de segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 a 2 ml do extrato de mullein, diluído em água ou suco, de 1 a 3 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
4 Lil Lambs –
This seems to be a good mullein extract, it’s comparable to several others in my cabinet. I use it for congestion along with mullein tea and lemongrass and it’s quite effective especially in cold and flu season. I contacted the company about the listing, because it says on one of the pictures to the left of the page that this is “certified organic”, however it does not say organic on the bottle. I did not get a response. I think the product is fine and mullein grown for extracts is most likely chemical free anyway but the listing should be changed and “certified organic” should be removed from the description.
Shirley Winslett –
Great addition to my health
Colorgirl –
Have definetely experienced less mucus, and better sleep!
Breathe Comfortably – This mullein supplement offers remarkable support for your respiratory system. It functions as a demulcent and may help clear your nasal passageway so you can inhale with ease.
Sleep Soundly – No more counting sheep. Make every night rejuvenating with these mullein drops. As a natural sleep aid, it may calm your nerves and brain cells for easier and sounder slumbers.
TLC For Your Gut – Did you know that mullein leaves assist your digestive tract? This herbal Supplement is loaded with saponins and antioxidants that support digestion and relief from discomfort.
Pure, Natural Formula – Get only what your body needs. Just 100% natural Mullein leaf powder capsules made of hand-picked, fresh Mullein leaves. Each serving contains 1,000 mg equal to 2 capsules.
Choose Local – All our dietary supplements, including these mullein leaf capsules, are made in the United States in full compliance with relevant industry standards and safety protocols.
4 Lil Lambs –
About a year ago … I was super sick with a respiratory illness that I just couldn’t shake. The amount of mucus was causing choking several times a day. I was exhausted. Then I was given some Mullein to try.
It’s not a miracle cure, but it did help with the mucus build up … instead of coughing endlessly with unproductive coughs … now I was coughing it up. It gave my body and the meds a few steps up so my body could recover.
It is an herb .. so there is the possibility that it will work less effectively for you .. but it has been a game changer for me. I can take a few drops in my water when I go to bed and sleep without grabbing cold meds. And I sleep just as well.
This arrived in a white mailer package .. for me…. but this caused the brown box to smush and the bottle was not fully inside the box. Thankfully, it didn’t break.
The brown board box … no markings of any kind … was thick and it should protect the bottle most of the time during shipping.
This is an amber glass bottle with a short dropper .. it is a push and turn style .. and the rubber top has attracted so much fuzz lint
There is a tamper resistant neck band
This is a big bottle with a long glass dropper. Worked very well.
Smell is pungent and smelled leafy … impressed as it seems great quality.
And the price is great.
Kindle CustomerLEA –
I’m out $20 because Amazon will no longer return supplements.
This does product nothing at all. The only thing that works is hot mullein tea.
I didn’t want to drink anything hot all day and night because of the weather.
I will no longer buy any supplements from Amazon as they have suddenly changed many policies like charging $6.95 for groceries if below $150.
They are now always late on deliveries.
They have gotten too greedy.
Switching to Walmart. Bye.
Paula G. Cannon –
I don’t have as many issues with lungs as I used to, but once in a while if illness sweeps through or if there is cleaning with lots of mold and dust, I need some help with lungs.
This comes well packed in a box with a glass dropper.
This does not taste bad but I don’t mind the taste of mullein.
I use this by having hot water (not boiling) and adding the mullein to the water. I sip it slowly and allow it to get into my system.
This does help after taking for a day or up to a few days to clear my lungs and keeping me breathing well.
This is handy to have on hand. It really does help with lung issues.
FIVE STARS. This is something I always like to have in my cupboard and I would consider a repurchase.
Paula G. Cannon –
Have lungs full – used Mullen before and hope I get relief. But this bottle was horrible to OPEN.
KahluaKozKaneKeg –
I am new to Mullein leaf, as in I have recently started researching it. I am so thrilled to have this in my arsenal going into this flu/cold/whatever season. So many bugs going around and I try to keep my lungs as healthy as possible since I have scar tissue on them. This will hopefully help me in my quest. Love that it is liquid form and I don’t have to wait for a tea to brew when I need relief.