Nature’s Answer Alcohol-Free Ginkgo Leaf 2000mg 2oz Extract
Descubra o poder da natureza com o extrato de folha de ginkgo biloba da Nature’s Answer, uma fórmula livre de álcool que oferece uma experiência suave e eficaz. Com 2000mg por dose, este extrato líquido é uma escolha segura para todos que buscam melhorar sua memória e humor. A ausência de álcool garante que você possa desfrutar dos benefícios do ginkgo biloba sem os efeitos adversos que muitas vezes acompanham os extratos alcoólicos.
O ginkgo biloba é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades de suporte à visão e ao humor. Este extrato líquido não apenas ajuda a manter a clareza mental, mas também promove um equilíbrio emocional, essencial para o bem-estar diário. Ao incorporar o extrato de ginkgo biloba em sua rotina, você pode experimentar um aumento na concentração e na função cognitiva, permitindo que você permaneça alerta e focado ao longo do dia.
Além disso, o produto é livre de glúten e kosher, atendendo às necessidades dietéticas de uma ampla gama de consumidores. A confiança na qualidade é reforçada pelo fato de que este extrato é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, refletindo um compromisso com a excelência e altos padrões de fabricação.
– Fórmula Livre de Álcool: Seguro e eficaz para todos, sem os efeitos colaterais do álcool.
– Suporte à Visão e Humor: Ajuda a manter a clareza mental e o equilíbrio emocional.
– Apoio à Concentração: Melhora o foco e a função cognitiva, ideal para dias exigentes.
– Adequado para Dietas Especiais: Livre de glúten e kosher, atende a diversas necessidades alimentares.
– Fabricado nos EUA: Garantia de qualidade e compromisso com altos padrões de fabricação.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do extrato de folha de ginkgo biloba, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 ml do extrato, diluído em água ou suco, duas a três vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
ايمن صلاح –
رغم طعمها السيئ إلا أن فائدتها تفوق طعمها
Tchet –
I bought this because I was having problems thinking of the words I wanted to say and would draw a blank, but not anymore! The antidepressant I take I’m sure is to blame and I was very distressed about it. I don’t like the taste but if you mix it with water as instructed then it’s not so bad and well worth the results!
Jekaterina Romanova –
I had two severe head traumas, and as a result my memory and ability to concentrate has declined to about 40 percent of what it used to be. It’s not a good feeling when you cannot remember a number or a name, constantly forget everything and have a difficulty concentrating on any task requiring brain activity. I’ve started taking Ginkgo Biloba daily around last November because of the problems described above, and my memory and ability to concentrate have improved tremendously! The brain cloudiness has disappeared, my mind is clear unless I’m really deprived on sleep, and I’m able to memorize and retain information. Feel like a normal person again. Thank you!
Heather –
I’ve been ordering this ginkgo for over a year, always consistent texture and taste. This last
Order the dropper wasn’t working and upon opening the bottle noticed build up on the top of the dropper.
Kindle Customer –
I received it promptly and in good condition. The taste isn’t great but a quick swig of water after taking it takes care of that issue. And the effects are subtle but distinct. After taking it for a week I noticed I was able to think, remember, and concentrate better, even on less sleep than my usual, without the jitters that stimulants like coffee and black tea give me. Skipped taking it for a couple of days and sure enough I noticed that I was back to having periodic ‘brain fogs’ and less ability to deal effectively with mental stressors.
My only regret that it isn’t in a larger bottle with larger dropper or better taste – but those are trivial quibbles.
ND –
I’m often sleep deprived & suffer from fatigue, lack of motivation and brain fog as a result. I noticed when I take this tincture with water, I’m functioning as if I had more sleep—no hyperness or edginess, just awake. It’s only been a week so I’m being cautious but I hope these amazing effects keep up.
Winnifred Frith –
I like that the product came on time. But there was no label on the medicine dispenser to show how much to take , per day etc.
Curt –
I read a review recently that showed a direct link between people with severe migraines and tinnitus. When they introduced Ginkgo Leaf extract the migraines were reduced by 40%!! I’ve been trying everything for my migraines, so know that there’s many triggers and therefore other sources of relief that could be occurring with me, but this seems to be reducing my migraines. Not sure, just putting that out there. This has VERY minimal flavor to it – I really don’t notice a difference at all even just adding to water (2 droppers full is what I use at a time).
Tang2000 –
A real life changer for me – I have noticed results right away! I have been taking this for a few days now and my fibro brain fog is clearing. I have also noticed having more vivid dreams, better problem solving skills as well as an increase in energy. I love that they don’t use alcohol as a preservative; it smells and tastes fresh;