Descrição do Produto
Experimente o nosso suplemento de extrato de feijão branco e aproveite os benefícios dos feijões brancos com ácido fólico e nutrientes de origem vegetal para melhorar a saúde do coração e o bem-estar geral. Este suplemento é um poderoso antioxidante que pode ajudar a proteger o corpo contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres. Além disso, ele também funciona como um impulsionador de energia natural, graças à sua fórmula que ativa a AMPK, proporcionando um aumento de energia duradouro. Com a adição de molibdênio, este suplemento também pode ajudar a melhorar a saúde digestiva, fornecendo uma fonte de fibra dietética. Se você está procurando um suplemento que possa ajudar a impulsionar sua energia, melhorar a saúde digestiva e fornecer antioxidantes essenciais, o extrato de feijão branco é a escolha certa para você. Além disso, este suplemento também pode ajudar a regular os níveis de leptina, o que pode ter um impacto positivo na sua aparência física, ajudando a controlar o peso e melhorar a saúde mental. Com nutrientes como molibdênio, enzima amilase, cobre, ácido fólico, ferro, polifenóis e aminoácidos, este suplemento é uma escolha potente para melhorar a aparência da pele, apoiar o humor e promover a saúde cerebral.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suplemento Antioxidante – Experimente nosso suplemento de extrato de feijão branco e aproveite os benefícios dos antioxidantes para proteger seu corpo contra danos causados pelos radicais livres.
- Suplemento Energético Natural – Escolha uma opção natural com nosso suplemento de impulso de energia AMPK e sinta a diferença que os suplementos de feijão branco e molibdênio podem fazer em sua vida.
- Pílulas de Leptina – Os suplementos de leptina para mulheres e homens podem fazer maravilhas para ajudá-lo a se sentir e parecer o melhor possível, além de serem suplementos energéticos para a constipação que ajudam a melhorar a acuidade mental e muito mais.
- Suplemento para Queima de Gordura – Os feijões brancos são ricos em nutrientes notáveis, como molibdênio, enzima amilase, cobre, ácido fólico, ferro, polifenóis, aminoácidos e muito mais, para ajudá-lo a ter a melhor aparência possível.
- Suplemento Potente – Nossas cápsulas de feijão branco também funcionam para melhorar sua aparência, graças a nutrientes anti-rugas como antioxidantes e vitamina B1 para a saúde da pele, suporte ao humor e saúde cerebral.
- Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde celular ideal.
- Aumento de Energia: A ativação do AMPK proporciona um impulso energético natural, ideal para treinos e atividades diárias.
- Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: A fibra dietética presente no extrato auxilia na digestão e no funcionamento intestinal.
- Regulação do Metabolismo: Ajuda a equilibrar os níveis de leptina, contribuindo para o controle do peso e da saciedade.
- Suporte à Saúde Mental: Nutrientes como ácido fólico e polifenóis promovem um melhor humor e saúde cerebral.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para garantir a eficácia do produto.
Leigh Anne –
Like any medication, you should probably check with your pharmacist or other health care provider before using…That said, I take these before my larger carbohydrate meals (usually 2, twice a day). I have no GI side effects, & it does not change the current medications I take (but I space these out b/c you don’t want to affect the absorption of your prescriptions, just 1/2 or 1 hour after taking my regular meds. I don’t have anything in my diet that changed, it doesn’t affect the taste of food for me, sadly I do not exercise; I don’t follow any diet plan–I eat pretty much what I want (watch the portion control), & I have been known to “sleep eat” after taking my night meds, and my weight fluctuates only a couple pounds up or down). I do not know how the kidney bean works to block the carbs, but something in this has absolutely helped me to maintain a healthy/weight/BMI for me. I was morbidly obese about 15 years ago, got a lap band, lost weight, but then complications r/t the band meant it had to come out, & I rapidly starting packing on the lbs–around that time is when I started looking at OTC appetite suppresents and came across these. Now, there are different mg’s depending on the brand, and I also utilize raspberry ketones, but it’s worth a shot if you are looking for some help losing a few pounds….
Deidre Official –
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS IT DOES WORK. My appetite skyrocketed due to a change in birth control and I was gaining weight to the point of causing depression. THIS DOES BLOCK CARBS. Take it 15 minutes before or in the middle of your HEAVY carb meals. It works within an hour. It has been helping me control the eating and cravings that I’ve gotten from the birth control. When I do eat a huge carb heavy meal, I don’t have to feel so awful and guilty because I KNOW these work. After I come off this awful birth control and hopefully my cravings subside, I’ll still be using this product. I did a lot of online research about white kidney bean extract and bought this brand originally because it had the best reviews of all these offered on Amazon and it was cheap so I figured I’d try it; now, I’m setting up the subscription in Amazon for it.
Candice G. –
I am not too big on too many products, but when I tell you that I absolutely love this one. And No this is not a fake review. I am bad with carbs and this product allows me to eat right and enjoy some carbs with one or two of my meals a day. Lol. I used this right before by bday trip to Vegas and I definitely saw a difference. I will be using it during a weight loss challenge at my job.
Britt –
I really can’t write much here because after going through a whole jar I just have no idea if these did anything at all. I never felt different, noticed any weight or hunger changes, etc. Knew this wasn’t going to make me lose 10 pounds all of a sudden with limited other changes but still expected something. Some swear by these, I know, but I personally won’t buy again. Also very large capsules! I had trouble swallowing them.
Danielle –
I gained a little over 13 pounds in a 6 month span and was at my heaviest I’ve ever been. I tried to diet/exercise at the beginning of November but I couldn’t control my appetite and actually ended up gaining an additional 3 lbs. I came across this gem and I started feeling the effects on the 3rd day. I wasn’t hungry all of the time and I had a boost of energy. With a combination of eating healthy, gym/active activity 5-6 times a week for 30-45 min doing cardio, I lost a total of 10 lbs in one month. I take 3 in the morning and I feel full throughout the day. I cut carbs out for the most part and have had at least 2 cheat meals since I started my diet/gym regimen. I don’t plan on crash dieting so I eat at least 1200 calories a day and don’t eat past 7. I always feel full and I’m on my second bottle. I’ll be a consistent customer since this has been a lifesaver for me and plan on losing the additional 23 lbs so I can be at a healthy weight again.
kyla –
I did a lot of research on white kidney bean and it looked very promising. This is the only brand I’ve tried so I guess I have nothing to compare it to but I don’t think I’ve ever dislike a vitamin so much. I am done with the bottle and took at least two pills a day with meals with carbs. I’m a 140lbs, that may not seem like a lot but I am short and to each there own. I kept track of him I wait the whole time taking the pills and only flexed a pound or two through the whole process and in the end after the bottle was empty I am still the exact same weight. Even though the scale says the same as before I fell flabbier. I feel like I eat pretty good. I love veggies, I love pasta and crackers but hardly ever eat chips or bead. I enjoy a few small pieces of chocolate or a pastry here and there but otherwise I don’t eat many sweets. I decided to give these pills a try because I do not like the chemical made weight pills, I don’t get to the gym much with a job and 3 kids and somethings always going on with one of them. I am going on my first cruise and would like to look somewhat nice in a swimsuit. Even if I lost only a few lbs I would have been happy and bought another bottle because I understand weight loss takes time but I didn’t even get that.
Rapture Me –
I’m almost done with my bottle of 60 capsules , having never tried a white kidney bean supplement, I am pleased with how they have aided in stabilizing my weight. I take 2 before dinner to help with my digestion. I feel fuller after my normal meal. They are easy to swallow, no smell and don’t upset my tummy. The price and fast shipping was great .I would recommend and use again.
Lisa T. –
I don’t normally leave reviews but just wanted to give my take. The first 2 days I saw a 3lb loss, but now my weight is back up. I take 2 before every meal that has carbs in it and when that didn’t seem to do the trick, took 2 before all 3 meals. So far, no results. I like that the pill is taken immediately before you eat as no one wants to wait 30 minutes so that’s a plus. Maybe it’s just my body chemistry. I will continue to finish the bottle since I paid for it but so far I’m not a fan. I’ve had these pills for almost a week now.