O Extrato de Cúrcuma 95% Curcuminoides (Extrato Natural de Cúrcuma e Suplementos de Cúrcuma), 100g, é um produto de alta qualidade que se destaca pela sua elevada concentração de curcuminoides, compostos bioativos presentes na cúrcuma, conhecidos por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. Este extrato é ideal para quem busca suporte à saúde das articulações, promovendo uma melhor mobilidade e conforto no dia a dia. Com 95% de curcuminoides, este suplemento é uma das formas mais potentes de aproveitar os benefícios da cúrcuma, sendo uma excelente adição à sua rotina diária.
Produzido a partir de cúrcuma de origem indiana, o extrato é 100% natural, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs) e é vegano, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto puro e seguro. A presença de antioxidantes, especialmente os curcuminoides, ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e a melhorar a circulação interna, combatendo os radicais livres e protegendo as células do estresse oxidativo. Além disso, o produto é livre de aditivos, conservantes, cores artificiais e glúten, o que o torna uma escolha saudável e confiável.
Para facilitar o uso, cada embalagem vem com uma colher dosadora, permitindo que você meça a quantidade exata de extrato a ser consumida. O extrato pode ser facilmente incorporado em shakes, smoothies ou outras bebidas, tornando a experiência de consumo prática e agradável. Se você busca uma absorção mais rápida e uma concentração ainda maior, o produto também está disponível em forma de pó, que é mais leve para o estômago e versátil em suas aplicações.
- Suplemento de curcumina pura com 95% de curcuminoides, garantindo alta eficácia.
- Rico em antioxidantes que fortalecem o sistema imunológico e combatem o estresse oxidativo.
- Livre de transgênicos, aditivos e conservantes, proporcionando um produto seguro e natural.
- Inclui colher dosadora para facilitar a medição e o consumo adequado.
- Disponível em pó, permitindo maior concentração e absorção rápida, ideal para quem busca resultados imediatos.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Extrato de Cúrcuma 95% Curcuminoides, recomenda-se a ingestão diária. Adicione a quantidade desejada à sua bebida favorita, como shakes ou smoothies, e consuma com ou entre as refeições. A dosagem pode variar conforme suas necessidades individuais, sendo aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação. A incorporação deste extrato à sua dieta pode contribuir significativamente para a saúde das suas articulações e bem-estar geral.
Nobody –
I have quite a bit of background pain from previous injuries that I have sustained over my life time (I’m 66). I can’t take NSAIDs since I took them so much over time and my stomach can’t handle them anymore. I had been using a couple of other tumeric-based products including raw turmeric mixed with avocado oil for helping to prevent attacks of diverticulitis (I read about this years ago in an Australian blog-it has worked 100%). I was interested in Tumeric derivatives because raw turmeric seems to lower my background level of overall pain. I tried this product and really noticed a difference compared to the raw tumeric powder and an additional Tumeric supplement from another natural health company. This product won hands down and I will continue to keep using this. The flavor is very good, almost sweet, not bitter as I had feared. I highly recommend it!!!
Princess Di –
My hubby takes this everyday. He said that it is really helping with his health. I am going to start taking this on a regular as well. You have to have some water or juice to take immediately after you put it in your mouth to get rid of the taste. LOL!
The Notorious TM-B –
This is the 4th type of circumin/turmeric that I’ve tried, and I waited almost a month before writing my review because I believe in giving things time to do whatever they’re going to do. I suffer from diverticular disease, chronic migraines, gluten intolerance, and an as yet undiagnosed condition that has resulted in severe joint pain. The common denominator in all of these, with the exception of the migraines, is inflammation according to my doctor, and circumin is known to be beneficial for that and has helped in the past, so for me it was just a matter of finding the best one.
I’m so glad to say that THIS is the best! It mixes well, and when I slip up and have some gluten by mistake (or on purpose because I still miss it terribly) I take some of this mixed with tart cherry juice and my discomfort clears up very quickly. I’m feeling much better and I highly recommend this for anyone looking for a high quality, non-gritty circumin/turmeric for the health benefits.
Lmnop –
I do very few product reviews on Amazon but WOW! After trying regular organic Turmeric for a few months, I switched to this Curcumin extract. I’ve been taking 1 scoop in a juice drink mornings and evenings with added coconut milk for better absorption (total 2 scoops) and within an hour I definitely feel the aches and pains receding. I’d heard alternative doctors (Dr. Sears) describing how fast this works, but you have to try it to believe it! Neck and knee pain are almost totally gone after only 2 weeks! A nagging back pain is also gone. The effect carries through the entire day. Sleeping better, less brain fog and skin seems clearer. This is something that works system wide and with no side effects so far. It IS oil soluble so the powder tends to float to the top after mixing – some powdered lecithin may mitigate this… Will try it with some MCT oil in my coffee, but it’s not a big deal. Even has a slightly sweet/fruity flavor. It would probably go well in yogurt.
AAWoolz –
Using it to make a tall cup of turmeric and ginger tea!
Craving it!! It has left a faint trace of bright golden powder on my finger tips or on the counter so a note of caution if not careful!! 😄😄 even left a mark on my dog’s ear 🐩 when I wasn’t paying attention.
Delightful smooth and elegant taste and consistency- great way to start my day!!
AmazonUser –
Seems like a great quality product – it’s too early to notice any results though. Actually using this is a bit tricky.
For anyone else trying to make golden paste out of this, know that it won’t mix with water…. at all. No matter how long I tried heating this in a pan with water/ coconut oil/ black pepper, it just clumped together in one big mass that almost resembled rock candy. What I had to do was just pour the whole mixture into a magic bullet and blend the *&@#$ out of it until most of the clumps were broken down.
I saw a youtube video where a lady poured the mixture into one of these to make ‘pills’ of sorts:
This may have worked if the mat was greased – I didn’t grease and had a heck of a time getting them out once frozen – they melt almost immediately out of the freezer making a mess. I store this in a mason jar in the fridge and take about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of the mixture twice a day.
Esta Bhairo –
A Ziplock filled with the turmeric turned downwards into the seal package. Your products I believe are great, but if you’re going to sell products that are non-refundable, at least, put them in packages that actually seals once you cut it open. What a mess!
Bob –
What I like:
-950mg of Curcumin standardized to 95% is outstanding!
-Comes with a scoop inside the bag
-Comes double-wrapped (clear bag inside the zip lock bag
-TASTE: I was in a hurry and put the powder directly into my mouth (expecting a horrible taste) but it was actually pleasant. I added water, and although it gets pasty in your mouth, I was able to swish it around and swallow it
What I wish it had:
-Since Curcumin doesn’t absorb well without fats or oils or Bioperine, I really wish it had the Bioperine (pepper extract) included. I would gladly pay extra. I purchased a bottle of 120 10mg Bioperine tablets so I take one of those a few minutes before taking the powder.
BOTTOMLINE: You can really tell the difference taking a Curcumin product with 950mg of Curcumin standardized to 95%. I take it twice a day and within a few days, felt relief from joint pain. There are so many other health benefits too. I love this product!