Descrição do Produto: Sayan Siberian Chaga Mushroom Extract – 90 Cápsulas/420mg ea – Natural
O Extrato de Cogumelo Chaga Sayan Siberian é um suplemento natural de alta qualidade, formulado para proporcionar os benefícios excepcionais deste fungo medicinal. Cada cápsula contém 420mg de extrato puro de Chaga, conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. O Chaga, que cresce em árvores de bétula nas regiões frias da Sibéria, é rico em betaglucanos, polifenóis e outros compostos bioativos que promovem a saúde geral. Este produto é ideal para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico, aumentar a energia e melhorar a saúde digestiva. As cápsulas são fáceis de ingerir e não contêm aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma experiência de consumo limpa e eficaz.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O Chaga é conhecido por suas propriedades imunomoduladoras, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções e doenças.
2. Ação Antioxidante: Rico em antioxidantes, o extrato de Chaga combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e retardando o envelhecimento.
3. Redução da Inflamação: Os compostos anti-inflamatórios presentes no Chaga podem ajudar a aliviar dores e inflamações, beneficiando condições como artrite.
4. Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: O Chaga pode auxiliar na regulação do sistema digestivo, promovendo um intestino saudável e melhor absorção de nutrientes.
5. Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: O uso regular do extrato de Chaga pode resultar em um aumento nos níveis de energia, melhorando a disposição para as atividades diárias.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, acompanhadas de um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto de forma contínua, integrando-o a uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
ken –
Wanted capsules so I would not need to mix up a powder to get the great benefit of chaga mushrooms. These are great. Thank you.
Rene N. –
I think the idea is good I have taken Chaga mushroom and Slilajit for a few years. They how ever was not combined in the same capsule. This product after the first bottle started giving me bad intestinal gas and loose bowels. I am not on any prescripts or taking any other herbal supplements. After this last bottle is gone I’m looking for something else.
Rae –
I read that when these two are combined, it creates an antibiotic property. I really appreciate this product is reasonably priced. I use it mostly in the winter to help protect my immune system.
Kyle-Muggle –
I’ve been taking Chaga for years and decided to hunt down the most convenient form. (For the absolute best form of Chaga, buy chunks from Wild Alaskin Chaga and simmer 1-2 chunks in water for an hour or so.)
I tried the following brands:
-Wild Alaskin tincture
-North American Herb and Spice tincture (love this brand)
-Vimergy (from Medical Medium)
-Sayan (this brand.. randomly found it on Amazon)
-Ancient Apothecary (Dr Axe’s brand)
-Freshcap (my go to for a mix or all mushrooms)
I’ve read a lot of books and watched a lot of videos on Chaga. I’ve read how people cured cancer with this stuff. I’ve read that it motivates. I read that it inspires. And I read that it’s the greatest supplement you can take.
Based on my experience, you should be able to notice 3 things within 20 minutes: (1) Motivation, (2) Confidence, and (3) Mentally collected.
I can confidently say Sayan is hands down the best brand out of the bunch! I feel absolutely amazing with this stuff. I personally like their +Betulin combo the best, which is the birch tree extract.
For those of you who are unfamiliar, Chaga mushrooms grow on birch trees. Birch trees are energy healing trees. They grow in the toughest, most harsh, cold climates in the world. They bring life to desolated land. The Chaga mushroom grows on these trees, after the trees start to age. The Chaga then becomes one with the tree. Kill the Chaga, and the tree dies, and vice versa. Our ancestors have used Chaga for thousands of years to heal from the most complex ailments.
Chaga is also an energy source mushroom. Meaning, you must think positively and be in a place of happiness for this to take full effect. When you consume Chaga, take a moment and honor it’s greatness. Visualize yourself completely healed after one serving. Do this everytime.
Again, this brand is the best. I take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. 2 pills. On days that I fast, I take it again in the afternoon.
Joann King –
I started using these pills because I wanted to cleanse my body, specifically decalcify my pineal gland. I had stopped taking my blue ice fermented skate fish liver oil and apple cider vinegar for some reason and wanted to try this method. I found that these chaga capsules really do work. I then started combining the use of them with the other two methods and I’ve had great success.
The only reason I didn’t give these pills the full five stars is because since I did implement the other two methods later on, I’m not sure how strong the effect would been on their own. I’m sure if that’s what you’re after, you can achieve it if you take two pills three times a day.
I ended up taking two pills either once or twice a day.
Larry Holmes –
Good price for product exactly what I wanted
Roman –
Sayan Siberian Chaga Mushroom Extract 90 Vegan Capsules are amazing. I have colitis/irritable bowel. I’ve even dealing with the terrible symptoms for years. Last year my doctor put me on a medicine that WAS NOT WORKING!!! Within two days of taking these pills everything began to change. My life is now livable once again. Also, I’ve done yoga faithfully for years but for the past few years I’ve been slowly losing the ability to do some poses as well as I had done in years before. Each day now I am able to do more. It is in these two areas where I’ve noticed the biggest change. I still get aches and pains from arthritis, but they’re not as severe or as often. I love what these pills are doing for me. I’ve even begun to lose some a little weight.
Kyle-Muggle –
I looked for USDA organic medicinal Reishi mushroom capsules and found them on Amazon, offered by Sayan. Sayan is a well-known vendor that I’ve purchased from previously. I have been taking these capsules for over two weeks now. Thus far, the results are impressive. My digestion improved, no more bloating or discomfort.
I believe these capsules also help with insomnia and the reduction of arthritis pain by decreasing inflammation. The immune system is also getting a boost. Great product, recommend it.