As cápsulas de Extrato de Chá Verde Orgânico da True Veda são uma verdadeira revolução no mundo dos suplementos naturais. Certificadas pelo USDA, essas cápsulas oferecem uma forma prática e eficaz de incorporar os benefícios do chá verde na sua rotina diária. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas, ricas em EGCG (epigalocatequina galato) e polifenóis, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades antioxidantes e potencial para auxiliar na perda de peso e na promoção da saúde geral. O extrato é derivado das folhas da planta Camellia Sinensis, garantindo um produto de espectro completo que maximiza os benefícios do chá verde, com uma potência três vezes maior em comparação a outras marcas.
A True Veda se destaca por seu compromisso com a qualidade e a pureza. As cápsulas são feitas sem enchimentos ou ligantes, utilizando apenas Extrato Orgânico de Chá Verde, adequado para vegetarianos e veganos, e isentas de ingredientes artificiais e conservantes. A tecnologia de Extração Natural Fusion, patenteada pela marca, evita o uso de solventes agressivos e resíduos de álcool, garantindo que todos os componentes ativos e nutrientes sejam extraídos da forma mais natural possível, utilizando apenas água e dióxido de carbono limpo. Isso resulta em um suplemento holístico, extremamente limpo e concentrado, que se alinha com a filosofia da True Veda de promover saúde e bem-estar.
Além disso, a True Veda é uma marca premiada, reconhecida por sua ética e compromisso com causas nobres, destinando parte de seus lucros a instituições de caridade. Com prêmios como o “Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards Best Organic Herbal Supplement Brand – 2022” e o “LUXLife Health, Beauty and Wellness Awards Best Organic Herbal Supplements Brand 2022”, a marca se estabelece como uma escolha confiável para quem busca qualidade e responsabilidade social.
1. Potente extrato de chá verde orgânico certificado pelo USDA, garantindo qualidade superior.
2. Máxima potência com pelo menos três vezes mais benefícios antioxidantes do que outras marcas.
3. Cápsulas veganas, ideais para quem não aprecia o sabor do chá verde.
4. Tecnologia de extração natural que elimina solventes agressivos e resíduos de álcool.
5. Marca premiada e ética, comprometida com a saúde e o bem-estar da comunidade.
Nijole Lapsys –
Great way to get your daily green tea. Small pill is easy to swallow. Love that it is organic. Seems to be the most potent of all that I reviewed.
Massiel –
The delivery was very fast. The capsules arrived very well sealed with their guarantee label. I am very satisfied with my purchase and with the quality of the product. I recommend this product and seller.
DL –
Provides great benefits and a little bit of energy too. Will continue to purchase.
Massiel –
I feel like I have more energy and less belly bloat, lost a couple of pounds but haven’t changed anything else so will attribute it to taking these pure organic capsules. I do love drinking flavoured green tea but I also don’t like micro plastics that a regular tea bag comes in, so taking these capsules I know I’m getting a super potent source of antioxidants from the wonderful green stuff. Bonus easy to swallow and super bonus no plastic bottle! Also ditched my crutch second cup of tea in the morning since I’ve been taking these. Slick packaging showcasing the Ayuverdic brand, I love their range of supplements already.
LT Turner Jr –
What initially caught my eye about this True Veda product is their presentation. Absolutely stunning! I truly appreciate a company that not only provides quality organic products, but really also takes the time to present their products in the best way. I love the fact that they are organic and smells just like the fresh aroma of green tea. Being someone who does not like the taste of green tea (but love the smell), this was the perfect solution. I love that it has only 400 mg per serving. I have tried other brands that has over 700mg, and that was just overkill for me. And lastly, you can feel good about this product because every bottle purchases goes towards feeding children via the Akshaya Patra Foundation which provides food for education to children in India. Can’t get any better than that. Would be great if there was a decaffeinated version of this brand, but thankfully the naturally occurring caffeine is very low, so tolerable.
Amazon Customer –
I hit a wall with weight-loss! I’ve known the benefits of green tea extract for a while, but not a fan of the flavor. I decided to give these a try since they are in pill form. I am so impressed. I immediately noticed a difference in my weight-loss. They are super easy to swallow. I will definitely be purchasing more.
Master –
One of the fewer organic options on the market
Great ingredients. Great price. No bad taste. Easy to swallow and you only have to take one a day. Easy on my stomach. I do recommend
Sheila Cosgrove –
This stuff is amazing. It gives me energy. Also helps Suppress my appetite. This is my second bottle.
Amazon Customer –
I’m not sure if it’s working or not, but it’s supposed to be good for numerous things, so I’ll keep taking it. I have noticed some positive changes in my body, I don’t know if it’s this or one of the other supplements I’m taking.