Descrição do Produto: Extrato de Cereja Ácida Bronson 2500 mg em Cápsulas Vegetarianas com Antioxidantes e Flavonoides – 180 Contagens
O Extrato de Cereja Ácida Bronson é uma poderosa adição à sua rotina de saúde, oferecendo 2500 mg de um superfruto rico em antioxidantes e flavonoides em cada cápsula vegetariana. Este extrato é classificado entre os alimentos com o mais alto conteúdo de antioxidantes por porção, proporcionando uma defesa robusta contra os radicais livres que podem danificar as células do corpo. A riqueza em antioxidantes e flavonoides não só promove a saúde geral, mas também desempenha um papel crucial na proteção do organismo contra o estresse oxidativo.
Além de suas propriedades antioxidantes, o extrato de cereja ácida é conhecido por promover a saúde das articulações. Ele ajuda a manter tecidos saudáveis e apoia uma resposta inflamatória equilibrada, sendo ideal para aqueles que buscam melhorar a mobilidade das articulações e reduzir o desconforto associado a atividades diárias.
A qualidade superior do produto é garantida, pois as cápsulas são vegetarianas, não contêm organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), e são livres de glúten e soja. Todos os produtos Bronson são testados em uma instalação registrada cGMP de última geração em Nova York, assegurando que você receba um suplemento de alta qualidade e eficácia.
Desde 1960, a Bronson Vitamins tem sido uma referência no mercado de suplementos, com seus fundadores, um grupo de farmacêuticos, reconhecendo os benefícios da suplementação de vitaminas e minerais em seus pacientes. A marca é frequentemente mencionada por profissionais médicos de destaque, consolidando sua reputação de confiança e eficácia.
– Rico em Antioxidantes e Flavonoides: Combate os radicais livres e promove a saúde celular.
– Suporte à Saúde das Articulações: Ajuda a manter a mobilidade e a saúde dos tecidos articulares.
– Qualidade Superior: Produto vegetariano, Non-GMO, livre de glúten e soja, testado em instalações de alta tecnologia.
– História de Confiança: Marca reconhecida e recomendada por profissionais de saúde desde 1960.
– Fácil de Incorporar: Cápsulas práticas que se adaptam facilmente à rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Extrato de Cereja Ácida Bronson diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que você aproveite todos os benefícios que este superfruto tem a oferecer. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
L. King –
I bought this because I got a good coupon for buying two items from the same company, and didn’t expect much.I hoped it would help with my arthritis and fibromyalgia pain, but I doubted it would. I’ve been using it for two months, and I just took the pills every day and thought no more about it.
Until…I realized last week that my skin was suddenly SO improved. I have rosacea, and those annoying bumps on the backs of my upper arms that nothing ever helps. But since I’ve been taking this, the bumps are gone, the rosacea is calm and almost faded away, and the rough patches on my face (due to the rosacea) are smooth and soft, as are my arms! Honestly, my arms feel like a baby’s behind!
I’ve been moving for the past month, and I had been a little surprised that I wasn’t suffering the terrible pain and fatigue I would have expected from shlepping boxes to and fro, up and down stairs. So I’m going to attribute that to this supplement as well. If I had done this much six months ago, it would have put me in bed for days, but I’m amazed that I’m functioning this well!
AK Pioneer –
Been using dark cherry Xtract for many years and believe its the reason my gaut has been under control all that time. Am very glad that I discovered it way back then. Will continue talking it forever.
Shiloh True –
I gave the product a trial of a little over a month for arthritic pain and joint inflamation. I thought it might be helping slightly, but also felt it might just be placebo effect. So, I tested going without it for the following month. However, by the second week, I noted some increasing discomfort. Coincidence? I finally added the product back to my regimen and after several days, I noted moderate improvement, once again. I’ll take any improvement I can get, that allows me to decrease NSAIDS. The caps are easy to swallow, with no stomach upset or after taste, which sure beats trying to drink unsweetened, tart cherry juice.
Effectiveness will likely depend on the issues being targeted. Frankly, some situations may have little response to cherry supplements. Even with prescription meds, one may work beautifully for one person, but have zero, or negative effects for another. Realistic trials may reap benefits, so it might be worth a go for you, if not otherwise contraindicated.
C –
Had my very nice pain mngt NP suggest this brand…been taking twice a day for 6+ months….ehhh…the price is right …I honestly can’t say I feel better neuropathy pain.
MrSept –
Been having terrible gout attacks 2-3 times a year where the foot and ankle are so swollen and painful that I cannot walk. Try to imagine not being able to walk for 3-4 months out of the year! Cut out soda, carbonated and sugar drinks, but still have gout 1-2 times a year. I suspect it’s from drinking coffee and tea and not drinking enough water. The last two times I felt a gout attack coming on when the big toe got stiff with some pain, I immediately take this tart cherry 3 times a day and also black currant oil 1000mg twice daily and drink 8 oz of water every 90 min or so. I did this for 4-5 days and the gout attacks did not flare up and went away! This is my new natural remedy instead of taking strong painkillers that damage your liver and really don’t prevent full flare ups.
Doug H. –
I was soooooo skeptical. So many people had told me that cherry would help my gout, but no… I was smarter than them. Yeah right. Finally I got desperate enough to give it a try… Let me back up.
I was having gout flareups 3 to 4 times a year that would last a month or so. It was crazy painful. So finally I got desperate enough to give cherry a try.
I could have saved myself a lot of pain for a lot of years if I had tried it earlier. I take 2 a day and have not had a flareup in 3 years. I actually went off of it for a couple of weeks just to see what would happen, yes the gout reared it’s ugly painful head and I got the message loud and clear. Started right back up and it did get better.
It may sound crazy to you too. It may not work for you. The only thing I know is that gout pain sucks. If you are suffering like I was, give it a try. If it works for you, enjoy! If not, I hope you can find something that does work for you!
Kev Pie –
Good product at a good price
After 2 bottles of 360 capsules, i can definitely write a review for this product. my husband has issues with gout and we’ve tried everything from diet modification, maintenance medicines, and supplements to help him keep it at a normal level. One time, he had a really bad acute gout attack and was unable to walk for a few days! It’s crazy. He has been on maintenance meds ever since. I didn’t want him to have to keep taking it for good so we decided diet modification but it just doesn’t work as we expected. His diet is so limited that he has to eat the same set of menu every week. I decided to give supplements a try instead. I bought this for him and he never had a gout attack over the last few months. In fact, we didn’t realize that his uric acid levels were twice the amount he’d normally be getting gout attacks because he doesn’t feel joint pains anymore. We still have to manage his uric acid levels but this has definitely help alleviate the pain from acute gout attacks.