Descrição do Produto: Toniiq 25,000mg 50x Extrato Concentrado de Cardo Mariano
O Toniiq 25,000mg 50x Extrato Concentrado de Cardo Mariano é um suplemento de alta potência que oferece uma forma altamente ativa de cardo mariano em cada cápsula. Com 500mg de cardo mariano de qualidade superior por dose, este produto é eticamente obtido e cultivado através de um processo de extração que garante uma proporção de extrato de 50:1, equivalente a impressionantes 25,000mg de pó de cardo mariano cru. O cardo mariano é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde, e o Toniiq se destaca por fornecer mais silimarina, um dos compostos mais estudados do cardo mariano, em cada porção.
Cada dose de 500mg do nosso cardo mariano oferece mais de 400mg de silimarina, superando muitos outros produtos que contêm menos de 200mg. Isso torna o Toniiq um dos suplementos de cardo mariano mais potentes disponíveis no mercado. Para garantir que você esteja recebendo um produto da mais alta qualidade, cada lote é testado quanto à qualidade e pureza durante e após o processo de fabricação. Os produtos Toniiq são produzidos em uma instalação de fabricação de última geração, certificada pela GMP, localizada nos Estados Unidos.
Além disso, cada lote é testado individualmente, tanto internamente quanto por um laboratório independente de terceiros, para assegurar que nossos ingredientes contenham o nível padronizado correto de pureza e ingredientes ativos. Também realizamos testes para detectar possíveis aditivos, contaminantes e impurezas, garantindo assim o mais alto nível de qualidade.
– Alta Potência: Com 500mg de cardo mariano por cápsula, oferece uma das concentrações mais elevadas do mercado.
– Rico em Silimarina: Cada dose fornece mais de 400mg de silimarina, potencializando os benefícios à saúde.
– Pureza Garantida: Testes rigorosos em cada lote asseguram a ausência de contaminantes e a qualidade do produto.
– Produzido nos EUA: Fabricado em instalações certificadas, garantindo padrões elevados de produção.
– Vegetariano: As cápsulas são 100% vegetarianas, adequadas para diversas dietas.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Toniiq 25,000mg 50x Extrato Concentrado de Cardo Mariano diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
Amazonian Shopper –
Love the Toniiq brand. They so far in my experience have had great authentic products & I now take several of their supplements. Please bring back your high potency Boswellia!!!! 🙏🙏🙏
I added milk thistle to help my system process all the meds I’m curreently taking due to medical issues. I feel they have made a positive impact on my overall health. They seem to have helped alleviate some gallstone issues also. I take these for liver health & gall bladder health. Fyi to anyone w gallbladder probs, I also recommend Traditional Medicinals Everyday Detox Lemon Tea also available on Amazon, the combo of that plus perhaps these supps eliminated my gallstones completely, something I’d never even expected.
This supplement has no side effects for me, no aftertaste, is large but easy to swallow. Please don’t gripe about the capsules not being all the way filled, people. If the product is sold by weight, what does it matter if wh capsule has a tiny amt of space left in it? Do they have to make all their encasings opaque just to stop the whining? So silly!
Anyway I definitely recommend this supplement. An herbalist dr had recommended me to start taking milk thistle many x over the years, & my friend who is a bartender & a heavy drinker recommendd it too.
Carla Latuda –
I started using this product after a blood test showed my blood enzymes were “off”. My levels are now normal.
Adam –
As far as I can tell my liver is doing fine, and I believe to a great extent that it’s from regularly using milk thistle. I take this with anything that is known to be harmful to your liver. Most people use Tylenol from time to time; that stuff is horrible on your liver. I take this milk thistle any time I take Tylenol, this is just one example of one of the many reasons I keep milk thistle around. This brand claims to be high in silymarin, which is actually a combo of chemicals found in milk thistle; the good stuff! To clarify, Silymarin is is a complex of many components (silybin A, silybin B, isosilybin A, isosilybin B, silychristin, neosilyhermin, silyhermin, silydianin, and other flavonolignants). If you didn’t know that silymarin was more than a single chemical, now you do. I’m not going to define each component, but take a moment to learn about them yourself and you’ll understand why you should be taking this regularly. I’ve even read studies showing that taking silymarin with Tylenol sincerely prevents liver damage! Google it! Many medications are very hard on your liver. If you take anything that isn’t as liver friendly as you’d prefer, keep this product on hand. Use it, keep it in your system, protect your liver! I can’t see my liver, but I believe 100% that this stuff has the potential to protect my liver from any dangers that I potentially expose it to. At this point in time, I imagine a spare liver is hard to come across, so when you’re picking out supplements, choose a good one for your liver. I suggest this brand; it’s high in the good stuff and isn’t too expensive. It cost a bit more than it would to grab a bottle from town, but I must like this brand the best because I always choose it when I’m running low. Definitely a good investment in my opinion! This is a dry powder in a capsule. Silymarin isn’t very water soluble, so take that until account when ingesting the capsule. Perhaps learn about the solubility of silymarin in safe, food grade solvents, oils, ect. Solubilized silymarin is much more bioavailable. The more bioavailable something becomes makes it more effective and bioactive. I take mine with omega 3 oils and curcumin with bioperine (black pepper extract) in hopes that if increases the bioavailability.
Michael K –
Okay, so I’ve always been a little reticent to go out of my way to leave reviews for simple purchases of everyday household, hygiene or health products, but I decided to actually go out of my way to leave a very favorable review of Toniq’s Milk Thistle. I’ve used a lot of competitor products in the past with average results (or even adverse side effects, god forbid!). But this turned out to be a great discovery. This is higher potency than most other brands on the market that I’ve tried (check the multipliers in concentration). How do I know? I’ve done the litmus test on myself and my close group of friends, most of whom have never even tried milk thistle before, after an all night weekend party at the summer cabin up north. Almost everyone, who are in decent to great health, recovered from too much imbibing by the next morning within hours of taking this, with of course a lot of water and clean hydration to add.
I personally take this as a supplement every other day in the morning to clean out my filtration organs after a night of deep sleep and my energy recovery is great by mid morning, so I know this product gives results! I bought this bottle several months ago, used half of the contents, then switched over to another competitor milk thistle product for a few months, and then noticed declining results. When I switched back to Toniq, I then noticed a marked improvement. I am sticking with this brand from here on out.
Denise Reis –
Quick delivery, very affordable, great support!
LastPsalms –
The only herb PROVEN to help heal your liver… and this is the strongest dose I’ve found…