Descrição do Produto: Milk Thistle Extract Powder
Descubra o poder do extrato de cardo mariano com o nosso Milk Thistle Extract Powder da Este suplemento herbal, rico em nutrientes naturais, é uma verdadeira joia da natureza, projetado para promover a saúde do fígado e o bem-estar geral. Cada porção de 250mg oferece uma concentração ideal de compostos benéficos, permitindo que você aproveite ao máximo os efeitos positivos do cardo mariano em sua rotina diária.
- Rico em Nutrientes Naturais: Mergulhe em um mundo onde cada porção é um baú de tesouros de nutrientes essenciais, extraídos diretamente da natureza. Nosso pó de extrato de cardo mariano aproveita a generosidade da terra, fornecendo os nutrientes necessários para uma saúde e bem-estar vibrantes.
- Apoio Intuitivo ao Bem-Estar: Sinta-se apoiado em sua jornada de bem-estar com nosso extrato de cardo mariano, projetado para complementar seu estilo de vida natural. Adequado para uso diário, nossos suplementos de cardo mariano se encaixam perfeitamente em sua rotina de saúde, sem regimens complicados.
- Simplifique Sua Jornada de Bem-Estar: Com nosso pó de extrato de cardo mariano, alcançar suas metas nutricionais diárias se torna uma tarefa simples. Sem preparações complicadas ou receitas que consomem tempo; apenas uma maneira direta de apoiar seu bem-estar a cada gole.
- Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
- Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação que cumpre rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso suplemento de cardo mariano, em pó de extrato de cardo mariano, é um testemunho de nossa dedicação à qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência de nosso produto, lote após lote.
1. Saúde do Fígado: O extrato de cardo mariano é conhecido por suas propriedades hepatoprotetoras, ajudando a manter a função hepática saudável.
2. Antioxidante Natural: Rico em silimarina, o cardo mariano combate os radicais livres, promovendo a proteção celular.
3. Suporte Digestivo: Contribui para a saúde digestiva, auxiliando na digestão e na desintoxicação do organismo.
4. Fácil Integração: A forma em pó permite uma fácil adição a smoothies, sucos ou água, tornando o consumo prático e versátil.
5. Sem Glúten: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar de suas propriedades.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Milk Thistle Extract Powder, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma porção de 250mg diariamente. O pó pode ser misturado em água, sucos ou adicionado a smoothies. Para uma absorção ideal, consuma com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
The name says it all.
Great quality product, outstanding customer service, and very good sturdy resealable packaging.
Save your money and fill your own pills.
I couldn’t be happier with their products.
Great value, price is right. I would buy this one over many competing products because I trust their quality and effectiveness.
I use this both as part of liver detox (600mg 3x daily) and support (200 mg once per day) about 30 minutes before a meal with lots of water. It does an excellent job at both.
I think its important to realize a few things when using supplements and I believe it’s unfair to blame company’s for lack of results if you don’t take it correctly.
1) Use the correct measurement (Use real measuring spoons and sensitive scales) and dose for your purpose. Just like figuring out giving kids medicine figure out the correct amount (e.g. mg) for the Strength (e.g. extract strength) and purpose (e.g. Cleanse vs support)
2) Evaluate the product without taking other products (Especially for the same purpose) should be obvious but you’ll never know which one is working. Some supplements work against other supplements. Don’t use a shotgun approach throwing every supplement in the book at what you are doing.
3) Take it long enough, some supplements have to build up, some work right away. Do your research.
4) Take it at the right time and frequency. Empty stomach or with meal? Divide the dosage or take all at once? Morning, night, pre-workout or post-work out or anytime?
5) Know the signs of it working, if you are detoxing you won’t necessarily feel better right away since you are getting out toxins and the toxins releasing into your blood stream may give you headaches or mess with your body chemistry.
6) Eat right and drink lots of water, how can you detox while drinking that beer and eating pizza at 1:00 AM. Your body needs the water to flush.
7) Don’t write a negative review just because it didn’t work for you. I think it is just fine to say it didn’t work but you can’t just blame the company. Not everyone is built the same so you may have to try to find what works for you. Some people with allergies may have a reaction to milk thistle. Many people don’t do the above while taking one product only later to start doing the above and then claim that the new product works better. You have to keep all the conditions the same to really evaluate.
Good luck and get to it.
c –
Great value, trusted brand (several purchases and re-purchases on Amazon over the years), and an EXCELLENT product if you are into improving your liver function or you overall health.
Google Milk Thistle Seed Extract and liver cancer to see images of before and after as Milk Thistle Seed Extract rebuilds damaged/missing liver tissue in a short amount of time. Google Milk Thistle Seed Extract and poison to read about the tons of accounts where they’ve given this to people who’ve eaten poison mushrooms and then the ER gave them tons of Milk Thistle Seed Extract which saved their lives. Milk Thistle Seed Extract is truly amazing.
Oddly, if you suffer from red-face from just one beer (also known as Asian Drinking Syndrome), then take three doses three times a day for a few months and to your amazement you may not get the red face and itchy skin anymore; this was an experiment I tried on my friend who is Asian and now he can drink 4 beers without any redness instead of getting red and itchy at one beer.
If you are serious about your liver health combine this with Grape Seed Extract, as they have a synergistic effect and it’s safe for anyone.
This is also something that you can take pre-drinking and post-drinking to prevent a hangover (within reason).
These can be encapsulated or you can just mix with water as it doesn’t taste too bad.
Rick Sorrels –
Although Milk thistle is used most often for liver disorders, including liver damage caused by chemicals, Amanita phalloides mushroom poisoning, jaundice, chronic inflammatory liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and chronic hepatitis as well as hepatitis A, B and C., I purchased it for it’s other health benefits. I will admit, it has a taste that requires getting used to, but if added flavoring then it would most likely not be a ‘natural’ product. I like that it comes in a heavy-duty sealable package, as well as delivered in just a couple of days after ordering.
The United States National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have catalogued more than 400 scientific studies of milk thistle and its active compounds in their medicine database. Which was my main reason for purchasing. These studies reflect what generations past knew and depended on – that milk thistle is one of the most valuable and beneficial herbal remedies and treatments available anywhere in the world.
Liver related conditions indicating the use of milk thistle are varied, including, but not limited to:
Alcoholic cirrhosis
Chronic active hepatitis
Drug and alcohol induced liver damage
Acute viral hepatitis
Fatty liver, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
Fibrosis and Cirrhosis
Hepatic toxicity caused by steroid usage
Environmental sensitivities and toxins
A medical condition that necessitates the use of hepatotoxic medications
Regular moderate-to-heavy alcohol use
Experimental and clinical studies suggest that milk thistle extracts also have the following non-liver related benefits:
Lowers cholesterol levels, which benefits the heart
Reduces the growth of cancer cells in breast, lung, colon, prostate, cervical and renal cancers
Functions as a therapeutic agent for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease
Improves blood sugar levels
Contains numerous anti-aging properties
Reduces cell damage caused by radiation and chemotherapy treatments
Supplements sunscreen protection and may be useful against multiple types of skin disease
Works as a free radical scavenger and powerful antioxidant
Reduces hot flashes and other related menopausal symptoms
Helps with intestinal / indigestion issues
Reduces the effects of deathcap mushroom (Amanita phalloides) poisoning