Descrição do Produto: Doctor’s Best Cinnamon Extract com Cinnulin PF
O Doctor’s Best Cinnamon Extract com Cinnulin PF é um suplemento inovador que combina a tradição da canela com a ciência moderna para oferecer um suporte excepcional à saúde do coração e ao equilíbrio glicêmico. Este extrato patenteado, que é uma forma solúvel em água de canela em casca, possui uma concentração de 20:1, o que significa que uma única dose de 125 mg é equivalente a 20 cápsulas comuns de canela. Essa formulação poderosa não apenas promove uma resposta metabólica equilibrada, mas também se destaca como um antioxidante eficaz, protegendo o corpo contra danos oxidativos causados por radicais livres.
A canela, além de seu aroma envolvente, desempenha um papel crucial em vias metabólicas essenciais, contribuindo para a função antioxidante que apoia a energia e a vitalidade. Os benefícios da canela vão além do paladar; ela é reconhecida por suas propriedades que favorecem a saúde cardiovascular e por seu potencial em fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a resistir a infecções e doenças. Com a garantia de ser não-OGM, sem glúten e vegano, o Doctor’s Best Cinnamon Extract é uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suplemento que se alinhe a um estilo de vida saudável e consciente.
– Suporte ao Equilíbrio Glicêmico: Ajuda a manter níveis de glicose no sangue dentro da faixa normal, promovendo um metabolismo saudável.
– Ação Antioxidante: Protege as células do corpo contra o estresse oxidativo, contribuindo para a saúde geral.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a manutenção de um coração saudável, promovendo a circulação e a função vascular.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência natural do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Concentração Potente: Cada cápsula oferece a eficácia equivalente a 20 cápsulas comuns de canela, garantindo resultados mais rápidos e eficazes.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Doctor’s Best Cinnamon Extract com Cinnulin PF diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do extrato de canela no organismo. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
Ronald –
This seems to perform as expected, by improving the body’s natural utilization of glucose. It is important to use an extract like this, that excludes the oils that can be damaging to the liver in repeated doses.
Gracilaria –
My fasting blood glucose level was creeping up, from below 100 to above 100 over several consecutive readings, reaching a high of 123 on my June 2020 blood test at my doctor’s office. The day after those results were given to me, my husband recommended this product, based on published clinical studies that showed the active ingredient in this product (Cinnulin PF) caused approximately an 8% decrease in fasting blood glucose. I have been taking one capsule per day since then (even though the manufacturer recommends two capsules per day). My last blood test in February 2021 showed a fasting blood glucose level of 108. That’s a 12.2% decrease! The clinical study I saw showed an 8.4% average decrease, based on two capsules per day. Nothing in my diet changed much in that time period, so it was probably the Cinnulin PF that caused the decrease. We are very happy with this result.
Let me update this review. My recent blood test (August 26, 2021) showed a further decrease in fasting blood glucose to 102 from the last reading of 108. a likely consequence of taking the recommended two capsules per day instead of the previous one capsule per day I was taking, since nothing else changed in my diet or supplements. That gives a total decrease of 17.1% in fasting blood glucose–associated with the recommended dose of two capsules per day–from the high fasting blood glucose level of 123 measured two blood tests ago. This product works for me!
Tina zambrano –
I have tried a few cinnamon products but this is the best for the price by far.
Ronald M. Chavin –
Cinnulin PF combined with alpha-lipoic acid lowers the serum glucose readings of type 2 diabetics by about half as much as metformin (Glucophage) alone or pioglitazone (Actos) alone. Combining generic metformin with generic pioglitazone remains the best treatment for most type 2 diabetics because the vast majority of type 2 diabetics are suffering from insulin resistance and not from lack of insulin. However, these two highly praised drugs (metformin and pioglitazone) will require a prescription. Cinnulin PF is better than cinnamon because cinnamon has toxic inclusions which make it impractical to use for prolonged periods of time. Type 2 diabetics who decide to go with cinnulin PF plus alpha-lipoic acid might benefit by also swallowing acetyl-l-carnitine capsules (prevents diabetic neuropathy), drinking green tea (slightly lowers weight and also slightly lowers blood glucose), swallowing psyllium capsules (prevents constipation and also slightly lowers blood glucose), eating 3 shiitake mushrooms daily (substantially boosts immune system), losing weight (reduces the amount of tumor necrosis factor alpha in their blood, the main cause of their insulin resistance), swallowing several krill oil softgels daily (prevents high blood pressure, diabetic nephropathy, and diabetic cardiovascular disease), swallowing one 2,000 IU vitamin D3 softgel daily (prevents diabetic cardiovascular disease), swallowing one 6mg lutein softgel daily (protects the retina during diabetic retinopathy), and eating Japanese natto or swallowing nattokinase capsules (prevents diabetic blood clots).
old_MK –
Taking only 1 per day for about 3 months before latest bloodwork, having really changed nothing else, my A1C, cholesterol, triglycerides were all down, and other numbers (liver, kidney, etc) still within normal ranges and looking good. Think I’ll try 2 per day, IF AMAZON GETS IT BACK IN STOCK! ;D Don’t know the difference between Cinnulin PF and this newer CinSulin, so I’d like to stick with the Doctor’s Best Cinnamon Extract w/Cinnulin PF for now.
A W –
The capsules are small & slim enough to swallow easily. The “Doctor’s Best” brand contains the ‘cinnulin PF’ proprietary blend of a water extracted cinnamon @ a more affordable price than other brands (which also contain ‘cinnulin PF’). I take 3 capsules spread out thru each day.
Do your research & you’ll find that even the NIH has investigated ‘cinnulin PF’ & declared it useful for aiding in the control of several health issues. I use it for helping to control my glucose, even when I go off the deep end & eat way too many glazed donuts… it does help.
I have been using different brands of the ‘cinnulin PF’ blend for years & expect to continue.
Thisis a great choice and great price for capsulated cinnamon with Cinnulin PF. A must for diabetics.
W.P. –
Having read of the benefits of cinnamon I used to sprinkle some on my oatmeal. Found out that there are 2 types of cinnamon, and this is the recommended one.