Descrição do Produto: Extrato de Butterbur 100mg 180 Cápsulas Vegetarianas
Descubra o poder do Extrato de Butterbur, um suplemento natural de alta qualidade, formulado para otimizar sua saúde e bem-estar. Cada cápsula vegetariana contém 100 mg de extrato puro de Butterbur (Petasites hybridus), uma planta conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas. Este arbusto, pertencente à família das margaridas, é amplamente reconhecido por suas folhas largas, que historicamente eram utilizadas para embrulhar manteiga durante as estações quentes. Cultivado na Europa, partes da Ásia e agora também encontrado nos Estados Unidos, o Butterbur é um aliado poderoso para homens e mulheres que buscam um suporte diário para a saúde.
Nosso produto é feito nos Estados Unidos, seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade, incluindo GMP, USP e USDA, garantindo que você receba um suplemento não transgênico e livre de glúten. Com 180 cápsulas veganas em cada frasco, você terá um suprimento para seis meses, com a dosagem perfeita recomendada para maximizar os benefícios. As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir e não causam desconforto estomacal, tornando a sua rotina de suplementação simples e eficaz.
Além disso, ao adquirir hoje, você receberá gratuitamente um autêntico estojo para pílulas LongLifeNutri, que mantém suas vitaminas frescas, seguras e organizadas. E para sua total tranquilidade, nosso produto é respaldado pela Garantia de Devolução do Dinheiro Vitalícia da LongLifeNutri. Se você não amar nosso Extrato de Butterbur, devolvemos cada centavo, sem perguntas.
– ✔ Suporte à Saúde Respiratória: O Butterbur é conhecido por ajudar a aliviar sintomas de alergias e problemas respiratórios.
– ✔ Alívio de Dores de Cabeça: Estudos sugerem que o extrato pode ser eficaz na redução da frequência e intensidade das enxaquecas.
– ✔ Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: O Butterbur possui compostos que podem ajudar a reduzir a inflamação no corpo.
– ✔ Fórmula Vegana e Natural: Ideal para aqueles que buscam uma opção de suplemento livre de produtos de origem animal.
– ✔ Praticidade e Conveniência: Com 180 cápsulas, você tem um suprimento de seis meses, facilitando a inclusão na sua rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula vegetariana de Extrato de Butterbur 100mg por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer potencial desconforto gastrointestinal. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Amazon Customer –
very easy to take
Mark Caskey –
I was hit by a drunk driver in 05 at the age of 26 I was permanently disabled with TBIs & internal organ damage I have no pancreas spleen or gallbladder I have had an aneurysm stroke and hundreds of seizures as well as suffer from chronic mungrajnes so my neurologist recommended I take this to hell limit the migraines I suffer from along with my antiseimzure cocktail of meds I’m in and it took a month to get it built up in my system but now it seems to be helping limit the amount and duration of the migraines I still have. I’ve gone from having migraines every couple days to having only 1-2 a week which is great as we’ve tried every combo and vitamin recommended by the drs but this to me has worked better than the B2 I was in and I inky have to take this 2x a day so I say order 2 bottle but ask your doc 1st because. Mine has me in a higher dose than the manufacturer recommends they don’t taste bad. They don’t s elk bad and they are in capsule form so they are very easy to swallow I just take them in the morning and night with my anti seizure meds and it takes 4-6weeks for hbiu to see results because they have to get built up in your system or atleast that was my experience I hope they bring you some relief too if you suffer as I do don’t expect them to stop them but you will see fewer migraines with a shorter time you have to.endure after the vitamins get into your system. I hope this helps those who suffer as it has me. Mine are very diilitstioni was out for days now it’s just Adair 2 and sometimes just a few hours I have to Kurt down.
Venice Debra –
This is the first time that I have bought this brand of Butterbur extract, because I was nearly out of my usual brand of Butterbur so I took a chance and bought it. It works because I have been taking 1 capsule twice a day instead of 1 capsule like the directions say to take. When I started Butterbur a few it was at a neurologist recommendation and after taking it for a few years it really works. I was taking Botox shots once every 3 months, but after about a month and a half the Botox stopped working.
James F. Palmer –
When a migraine onset symptoms come this butterburr will cut it off at the pass.
It is an ample potent supply for a reasonable price.
Plus I was provided their free pill case when I am away from my home for emergencies.
I recommend this product to my fellow migraine sufferers. Been there!!
I take 1 with a small dose of Tylenol and a caffeinated beverage combined with a dark quiet room for a while and rest it out.
Brandon & Whitney –
I am writing this to give people a heads up of possible side effects from this herb. When I took it it made me feel pretty weird throughout the day….almost spacey and kinda anxious as well. Then came bed time and wasn’t able to sleep. It gave me insomnia. I took it 5 different days and each time experienced these side effects. I gave it 3 stars because obviously the product works but the side effects were a bit much for me. Oh and it did take away my headache for the most part!
Venice Debra –
Butterbur was recommended by a fellow migraneur, and my neurologist gave it a thumbs up. It has worked better than any prescription medication I have tried. I have never had side effects, and there is no restriction on the number of times per month I can take it. (That is common with many prescription migraine meds.)
I take this when a migraine is coming on, although if I am having frequent migraines, I take it daily as a prophylactic.
This particular brand is the best price I could find, using both pill strength and number of pills per bottle. Microgram by microgram, this is the least expensive way to purchase butterbur from a reputable manufacturer. The “brand name” version is frightfully expensive. (I double checked my cost calculations again this year.)
I have good prescription insurance, but butterbur still costs a lot less, and I don’t have to call the doctor’s office or run to the pharmacy to get it.
I also use Migra-Free, not available on Amazon. The manufacturer is, but I buy from Hardin’s Natural Foods because free shipping is available.
To all the migraines suffers out there, I hope you find something that works for you. Migraines a misery, but I also get a less than sympathetic response from some family members and friends, who think I am a sissy because I let a little headache get in the way of living. If only they could live in my quiet, darkened room…
Rachel –
I love this brand and this product. I am happy to find a brand that finally works without hurting my stomach.! I am happy with the results. I liked the presentation and the case that comes with the product. I bought other products from this brand and they are very effective! I will keep purchasing them!
Crazy Aunt CC –
If in my shoes, daily chronic migraines 100% take in the mornings or when you wake up based on schedule, take on on-site it doesn’t work as much if you wake up with one or one is occurring but I have taken it on an empty stomach no issues and more than 1 a day max 2 it helps! I was shocked usually I wouldn’t post anything on vitamins but this did help within reason decrease the pain even anything helps on pain, nausea when you have one and the mood and function ability. They ruin my plans and daily life it’s a pain but I would give it a go!