Descrição do Produto: Extrato de Bugleweed da Herb Pharm para Suporte ao Sistema Endócrino – 1 Onça
O Extrato de Bugleweed da Herb Pharm é uma solução inovadora e eficaz, especialmente extraído para apoiar a função saudável do sistema endócrino. Este extrato é preparado a partir da parte aérea florida das plantas do gênero Lycopus spp., que são cultivadas de forma orgânica e/ou coletadas de maneira sustentável na natureza. A formulação líquida é rapidamente absorvida pelo organismo, garantindo que os compostos ativos sejam disponibilizados de forma eficiente para promover o equilíbrio hormonal.
Além de ser livre de glúten e não conter organismos geneticamente modificados (non-GMO), o extrato é submetido a análises rigorosas de potência através da Cromatografia em Camada Fina de Alta Performance (HPTLC), assegurando a qualidade e a eficácia do produto. Essa abordagem técnica garante que cada gota do extrato mantenha a integridade dos princípios ativos, proporcionando um suporte confiável para o sistema endócrino.
– Suporte eficaz para a regulação hormonal, promovendo um equilíbrio saudável no organismo.
– Extraído de plantas orgânicas e sustentáveis, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade e responsabilidade ambiental.
– Absorção rápida, permitindo que os efeitos benéficos sejam sentidos em um curto espaço de tempo.
– Livre de glúten e não-GMO, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Análise de potência garantida, assegurando que o produto atenda aos mais altos padrões de qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a administração de 30 a 40 gotas do extrato de Bugleweed da Herb Pharm, diluídas em um pouco de água ou suco, de uma a três vezes ao dia. É aconselhável agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso para garantir a homogeneidade do extrato. Para um suporte contínuo ao sistema endócrino, a utilização regular do produto é recomendada, sempre respeitando as orientações de um profissional de saúde qualificado.
deepest –
Seems to work pretty well, however not at the suggested dose. Maybe that depends on the person’s weight, but in our case 3 full size 00 capsules filled with this tincture 2-3 times daily were needed to make a difference. That is 6-9ml a day, which makes this bottle last about 14-20 days. Person who used it is about 200lbs. When we run out, we have definitely noticed the difference.
Taste is very unpleasant, but people do not take it for the taste. It always amazes me when people give negative reviews for herbs because of the flavor. We put it into capsules to avoid tasting it. Capsule has to be made right before taking as it will melt the capsule pretty quickly.
Placeholder –
This is my first review I always rely on them so I hope this helps someone else. I’m 39 with hyperthyroidism/Graves disease with terrible right eye inflammation. My doctor prescribed methimazole per usual and irridation. I was concerned about having to take meds forever but he said that’s the best option. I contacted the hospital to make my irridation appt and was told they don’t do radiation treatment on patients under 40. My doctor told me to just go elsewhere. This made me ponder enough that I decided to take the methimazole and wait since it took my thyroid from being large to small but I still have sweating and terrible eye trouble and not to mention weight gain/depression . Fast forward lost my job and medical insurance. I live in Texas so I don’t qualify for Medicare and Obamacare for me is 300 a week since our state doesn’t get any discounts (not possible for a non working single mom). I was running out of meds called my doctor and his receptionist flat out told me no i couldn’t get another prescription without an appt. Which I expected but you never know when a blessing can happen. Well my blessing is this bugleweed. I was skeptical about it .I’ve never self treated or have been that holistic. I am also a stage 4 cervical cancer survivor 4 years in remission and the only reason I am here today is because I continued going to different doctors after being told I didn’t have cancer several times. That was a little side note just to say there’s nothing wrong with listening to doctors , doing a little research , and making the best decisions for yourself! These drops are inexpensive and I’ve had immediate results! First I’ve regained energy, less sweats and my bulging crazy eye has gone down! Hallelujah as a 39 year old woman with loads of health issues vanity is last on my list but I can’t even describe the mental boost this new confidence I’ve gained has given me. It’s only been a week but I am so happy and will continue with this regimine. After the first day my thyroid which I could always feel on my neck has even gone down i can barely feel it anymore A++++…Also it is bitter. Reminds me of childhood cough meds. I just mix it with 2oz of water per directions and chug it. Then take a drink of fresh water, holding my breath the whole time. It works ! Cuts down on the taste and the benefits of the drops far outweigh the taste for me.
yogiguru –
Bugleweed works for me. Over the last few years I’ve had ups and downs with my blood pressure, my blood sugar and my over all sense of well being. The blood pressure medicine gave me a chronic cough. I weaned myself off of with diet, exercise, losing weight and hibiscus tea.
I also lowered my blood sugar with the same methods. My AC1 levels (I hope I got that right) went from 6.7 to 5.6. So using herbal remedies worked for me.
But I STILL had a chronic problem with shaking, AFIB on occasion (I have a healthy heart so that really stumped me). I do know my thyroid levels were just a slight bit off at the doctor’s office. So I thought, you know, maybe my thyroid and my adrenal glands are taking a hit, which they have been.
So I ordered this bugleweed. I got the bottle last Friday. I took one dropper full. I felt the results in about 5 minutes. I couldn’t believe it. I take it at night. I put one dropper full in a dixie cup (3 ounces) with distilled water. I also take 1/4 teaspoon of Tryptophan powder. I’m having deep restful sleep. I no longer have the shakes before or after working out.
Once I get enough money saved, I’m buying the 4 ounce bugleweed bottle.
Matthew –
Very high quality product, however it did not work for me, the purpose of this review is to share my experience with Grave disease, and my approach of treating it naturally.
For those who suffer from Graves May also suffer from insomnia, lemon balm tea puts me to sleep quickly, but it can only last for 2-3 hours. Then I start adding motherwort to my lemon balm tea, and the first time I drink it, I slept through the night. Now, both the lemon balm and motherwort I am using are REAL STUFF, I bought dry motherwort leafs from a Chinese acqupunture clinic, it’s called 益母草. as for lemon balm, I bought the leafs from Amazon. Put both in a boiling pot for 15 minutes, drink it before bed and you will sleep like a baby, and wake up refresh and energized.
The most important part – spend more time outdoor, try walking 15 minutes and 3 times everyday, it helps to calm your body and release your stress.
Methimisol is giving me very bad side effects, I stopped taking it without consulting my doctor because I have faith in Mother Nature, and I indeed recovered from graves, lifestyle change together with the herbal medicines works more effective than conventional medicine to me. I hope my experience help you in some way.
goldilvr –