Descrição do Produto: Vital Nutrients Boswellia Extract 400mg
O extrato de Boswellia da Vital Nutrients é uma poderosa fórmula herbal que oferece suporte essencial para a saúde das articulações, do sistema imunológico e da digestão. Com 400mg de extrato de Boswellia Serrata por cápsula, este suplemento é uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam manter a integridade da cartilagem e a saúde das articulações. A Boswellia Serrata, uma erva amplamente utilizada na medicina ayurvédica, é reconhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e por ajudar a equilibrar a saúde das articulações e dos tecidos.
Além de seu papel na saúde articular, as cápsulas de extrato de Boswellia também promovem a saúde intestinal. Elas podem auxiliar na motilidade intestinal normal, proporcionando alívio em casos ocasionais de desconforto gastrointestinal. A fórmula é limpa e vegana, isenta de glúten, laticínios, amendoim, nozes, peixe, crustáceos, soja, gergelim e ovos. Além disso, é não-OGM e não contém enchimentos, revestimentos, ligantes ou corantes artificiais.
A qualidade é um compromisso da Vital Nutrients. Os suplementos são fabricados em uma instalação certificada pela NSF em Middletown, CT, que é livre de alérgenos. O rigoroso programa de garantia de qualidade inclui testes laboratoriais independentes de ingredientes brutos e produtos acabados para garantir que o que está no rótulo corresponda ao que está na embalagem. Com 30 anos de experiência, a Vital Nutrients é confiável por profissionais de saúde em todo o mundo, oferecendo fórmulas puras e clinicamente relevantes que impactam positivamente a saúde das pessoas e do planeta.
– Suporte à saúde das articulações e cartilagens, promovendo maior mobilidade e conforto.
– Alívio de desconfortos gastrointestinais ocasionais, contribuindo para uma digestão saudável.
– Fórmula limpa e vegana, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Garantia de qualidade com testes rigorosos, assegurando pureza e potência do produto.
– Confiança de profissionais de saúde, tornando-se uma escolha segura para quem busca melhorar sua saúde.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Vital Nutrients Boswellia Extract 400mg por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
Michelle –
I have inflammation in several joints, Achilles tendonitis, TMJ Syndrome and diabetes. I am very reluctant to take prescription medications, so when my husband researched this herb I was ecstatic albeit skeptical. Within a week most of my pain was gone. I take one every morning, 2 if it’s an achy day. Occasionally I need to take 2 more in the afternoon and once in a while at bed. It doesn’t tear up my stomach the way Naproxen and Aleve do. I also follow an anti-inflammatory diet that also makes a HUGE difference ( you can surf the web for info on this diet). The combination of them has changed my life and kept me free from prescription meds.
Madeleine –
The capsules that were delivered to me do not look right. It looks like there is something wrong with the pill. Pictures of the pill on product descriptions are a solid color.
Scanman –
We initially purchased Boswellia for our children to help fight inflammation resulting from serious digestive issues. My wife mentioned that she had read it also helps with arthritis and joint pain, and other issues. Since I get a stiff neck and back and have some arthritis in a knee, she convinced me to try it. After a few days I started to feel really good and without pain and stiffness. I felt better than I had felt in a long time. Before taking Boswellia, if I were feeling stiff or if my knee was sore, I would use an inversion table to stretch my body out. That worked well but not as well as taking Boswellia. Since taking Boswellia, I now don’t feel the need to use an inversion table nearly as frequently as before, only a couple times a week and that is just to keep my body stretched out as I feel it relieves the downward pressure on the spine and joints. I have been taking the Vital Nutrients Boswellia, either 400 or 600 mg and usually once a day. Sometimes I forget to take the pill. Once in a while I will take 2 a day.
A huge advantage with taking Boswellia for fighting inflammation is that you don’t have to then take NSAIDs, which can be very damaging to the stomach lining and can cause other serious problems.
Dalila –
Great product. We appreciate that it’s pure!! “I’m not near as sore getting out of bed this morning … it’s only been three days … an excellent idea …” was response of 80+ year old who is taking this instead of pharmaceuticals with many side effects and high cost … taking this instead for arthritis pain … THANK YOU!!!
Moseley7 –
Used it for rheumatoid arthritis.
Adara –
My (naturopath) Dr. recommended boswellia extract. The only place that I am able to find a good brand is here on Amazon. I am so grateful for that.
Since it is not advised to tout medicinal claims re: supplements suffice it to say that there have been great improvements noted by my Dr. from lab results. This is wonderful news, of course. Vital Nutrients – Boswellia Extract 400 mg is part of my daily dietary regimen.
Thank you, Amazon, for supplying supplements that may otherwise be difficult to find!
Madeleine –
3 times a day
This piil is goood
You sleep Beter ..
Make you very relaxing 😌 good for inflammation.
it’s amazing
check online about Boswellia .
Boswellia is franksence 👍🙏🏻👍
I have been taking this products for 2 years, 3 pills a day for my sobbing nerve pain on my right hip. I was prescribed with drugs for nerve pain & I end up running to emergency room. This is my life saver. I don’t know how it works but it work great w Cod liver oil. Instead of taking alleve or ibrofen , this work more naturally with no side effect. It works great on all inflammation. I am a firm believer of this nature supplements Thank you