Descrição do Produto: Extrato de Aronia Berry 20:1 (120 cápsulas de 500mg)
O Extrato de Aronia Berry 20:1 é um suplemento poderoso que traz a essência da natureza diretamente para o seu bem-estar. As bagas de Aronia, também conhecidas como chokeberries, são reconhecidas por sua impressionante concentração de antioxidantes e flavonoides, superando outras frutas em valor ORAC (Capacidade de Absorção de Radicais Oxigênio). Com 120 cápsulas de 500mg, este extrato é uma forma prática e eficaz de incorporar os benefícios das bagas nativas americanas à sua rotina diária.
- SUPER BERRY – A Aronia é uma fonte incrível de antioxidantes e flavonoides. Comparada a outros tipos de frutas, a baga de Aronia possui o mais alto valor ORAC. Não se preocupe mais, você escolheu a melhor baga disponível!
- SAUDÁVEL É FELIZ – Ao dar uma mãozinha ao seu corpo na limpeza, ele retribuirá com mais felicidade. Ao prevenir danos, você terá mais energia para estar no seu melhor. É assim que adoramos ver!
- GARANTIA DE DEVOLUÇÃO DO DINHEIRO – Se você é novo em suplementos que melhoram a saúde ou nunca experimentou o extrato de Aronia antes, você pode elevar sua vida cotidiana sem preocupações com nossa Garantia de Devolução do Dinheiro de 30 Dias. Descubra hoje por que milhares de pessoas usam Aronia!
- Não-OGM
1. Potente Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e prevenindo o envelhecimento precoce.
2. Aumento de Energia: Melhora a disposição e a vitalidade, ajudando você a se sentir mais ativo e produtivo ao longo do dia.
3. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, tornando-o mais resistente a doenças.
4. Melhora da Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol e pressão arterial.
5. Facilidade de Uso: As cápsulas são práticas e podem ser facilmente integradas à sua rotina diária, sem necessidade de preparação.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas do Extrato de Aronia Berry 20:1 diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água durante uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Silimarin –
I am a believer in the Aronia berry health benefits, I grew up calling them Chokecherry. My Dad made the best syrup and jellies form the Chokecherries. He would go out into the field and find a stream and walked until he found the old bushes. He would pick all day and come home and we would eat them and can them with sugar. I love the flavors and I believe I hardly ever got sick because of eating these. I was glad to find this wonderful Aronia Powder. I do not live where they grow as I DID AS A CHILD.
Lisa C –
I was recommended to take these due to pretty painful arthritis I have in my back and hands. I have been taking two a day now for over a month. I have had no trouble swallowing them nor any after taste. I take them first thing in the morning with breakfast. I could not work thru the day without them. This berry has made the biggest difference in my pain. I have not had to take any ibuprofen or Tylenol since starting them. I feel good and I’ve also noticed an increase in energy.
Ronalds –
Nice to deal with.
Michelle Redmond –
I purchased the aronia berry extract powder for my mother. She’s recently finished chemo and radiation treatments and was interested in the aronia berry extract powder as a means to increase her nutrition. She’s very happy with the quality of the extract powder and sprinkles it on everything she eats from oatmeal to salads. She said there’s not much flavor but she’s reported increase in her energy and improved sleep. Samsara Herbs was great in getting the product out to her in the timeframe stated and have followed up with a coupon to use for future purchases.
Lynda J –
Great Aronia Berry Powder. It is smooth, not gritty, has a slight tanginess & definitely gives me extra energy. I put 1/2 teaspoon on plain yogurt (not the average commercial brands but a probiotic rich Bulgarian sugar free yogurt available at a local store) add some fresh berries, pineapple, walnuts & a sprinkle of Ceylon cinnamon & it’s a great way to start the day! I haven’t tried any other brands of aronia powder but understand some are grainy & don’t have the smooth rich taste & texture that Samsara does. I only wish it was less expensive, but a little goes a long way. Love it!
phoenix rising –
Now that I’ve found all the benefits of aronia supplementation, I will always have some on hand in my cabinet! Do your own research, there is plenty of published and peer reviewed scientific research as well as history of aronia supplementation that one can find online. This brand met my potency needs in a convenient capsule that’s easy to swallow. And I’ve reordered also as a powder to add to smoothies.
Stephanie –
I have been mixing this in with honey and peanut butter and applying it on my toasts in the morning, kinda like a jam replacer? It has a subtle but tart taste so it’s perfect. I also ttied just drinking it mixed in with water. Use very little water and just take a shot of it and it tastes fine. It’s hard to say whether or not it’s giving me any health benefits just yet but I think it does help with my chronic UTI symptoms. Been feeling pretty good when I take this once a day.
Carroll Straus –
This does seem to help very much with inflammation, because when I take enough anti-inflammatories I wake up with very little if any pain. This one also taste good and it’s the most gorgeous shade of pink. I love it.