Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder revitalizante do Amla com o extrato orgânico de Amla da Paradise Herbs. Este suplemento, que combina a sabedoria milenar da Ayurveda com a ciência moderna, é uma fonte rica de vitamina C e antioxidantes, proporcionando um rejuvenescimento holístico para o corpo e a mente. Cada cápsula é feita com ervas e superalimentos bioativos de espectro completo, cultivados de forma orgânica e selvagem, garantindo que você receba o máximo de benefícios sem aditivos desnecessários.
O extrato de Amla é conhecido por suas propriedades de suporte ao sistema imunológico, promovendo uma saúde robusta e vitalidade. Com a formulação projetada para uma absorção e biodisponibilidade aprimoradas, cada dose oferece um impulso significativo de nutrientes, tornando-se uma adição valiosa à sua rotina diária. Além disso, o produto é livre de glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e é vegano, atendendo a diversas necessidades dietéticas.
A Paradise Herbs se compromete com a pureza e a eficácia, evitando enchimentos, agentes de fluxo e vitaminas sintéticas. Isso garante que você esteja consumindo um produto potente e puro, que se alinha com seus valores de saúde e bem-estar. Para maximizar os benefícios, recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de 1 a 3 vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
– Suporte Imunológico: O Amla é conhecido por fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Antioxidante Poderoso: Rico em vitamina C, o extrato de Amla combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
– Rejuvenescimento da Pele: Contribui para uma pele mais saudável e radiante, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
– Apoio Digestivo: Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, promovendo um sistema digestivo saudável.
– Energia e Vitalidade: Aumenta os níveis de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e melhorando o desempenho diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de 1 a 3 vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também integra o suplemento de forma harmoniosa à sua rotina alimentar. Caso tenha dúvidas ou condições de saúde específicas, consulte um profissional de saúde para orientações personalizadas.
J. P. –
I’ve been taking for a month and it seems like they are helping me. Getting bloodwork today to see how the numbers look.
Tom Zlaket –
Actual Vitamin C
Harriet Barber –
Great source of vitamin C. One major advantage with Amla C is when you have a cold or some other condition that you want to bring in the big guns for, you can freely bombard it with Amla C in order to fight it. On the other hand, very high doses of regular vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will cause diarrhea — which only adds to your misery if you’re already under the weather. I swear by this product, take it daily as recommended (under normal circumstances), and always make sure I stock up during cold/flu season.
Heather Meadows –
I liked this product as I needed Vitamin C in my diet…this delivered that without the acidity I got from other Vitamin C products
1DzRussells –
Deceiving. Picture shows 100:1 concentration, which would be amazing, but my bottles (as is the description) used to show 20:1 which is still great. I have used this brand for about 2 years, but I am in good health and use this for natural vitamin C, so I can’t say that it has made an amazing difference. I just realized that my current bottles do NOT say 20:1 anymore, it is just plain 250mg. This is not such a good deal anymore, since I can take 500mg capsules of another brand that doesn’t have any fillers. Disappointed that I hadn’t paid attention to when their formula switched.
Maria Guerra –
I started taking amla cause I read it’s a good natural treatment for diabetes a tea made from amla was the recommendation but I don’t like hot tea so I looked for an alternative and found this. I’m trying to control my diabetes with diet alone and natural remedies appeal to me. When I did find this I learned that amla is also very good for hair loss which, I’m sorry to say, I seem to be experiencing.
I take one capsule e erg morning with a glass of water before breakfast. ‘Ve been taking it no for about three weeks. The little grey capsule is easy to swallow and does not irritate an empty stomach. I really have not noticed a change in my blood sugar. That swings from high to low no matter how careful I am. But my hair is looking great. I don’t know if I have new hair growth yet but I can tell you that the hair I have is soft and manageable. I don’t know if it’s worth taking one more pill every morning but I like what I’m seeing and will keep it up. Hopefully my blood sugars will respond soon.
David Lindsey –
Well satisfied with these. Amla is my preferred way of obtaining natural C, and this company has earned my trust over the years.
P Scott –
In early Jan 2021 I received some high cholesterol results.
Cholesterol, total 257 mg/dL
HDL cholesterol 73 mg/dL
Non-HDL cholesterol 184 mg/dL
Triglycerides 110 mg/dL
LDL 162 mg/dL
I am a 70 year old woman is good shape, normal weight, never smoked who eats pretty healthy.
By Mid-January I was on these 4 supplements hoping to bring my cholesterol into the normal range before my return testing and doc visit scheduled for April, 2021.
CholestOff Plus 4/day (Nature Made)
AMLA 250mg 1/day (Paradise AMLA)
Sytrinol 300mg 2/day (NOW Sytrinol Cholesterol Formula)
Omega-7 1000mg Sea Buckthorn Oil
Test Results for April 12, 2021 blood draw:
Cholesterol, total 185 mg/dL
HDL cholesterol 65 mg/dL
Non-HDL cholesterol 120 mg/dL
Triglycerides 108 mg/dL
LDL 98 mg/dL
Some or all of these made a big difference and kept me off Statins. I will now drop each in turn for a period and see if my numbers change and eliminate those that are not helping.