Descrição do Produto: Evlution Nutrition Stacked Plant Protein Powder – Natural Vanilla (1.5 LB)
O Evlution Nutrition Stacked Plant Protein Powder é uma opção premium de proteína vegetal, ideal para veganos e pessoas que buscam uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Com uma fórmula completa de proteínas à base de plantas, este pó fornece 20 gramas de proteína por porção, combinando diversas fontes vegetais para garantir um perfil de aminoácidos completo. Além de ser livre de OGM e glúten, o produto é enriquecido com probióticos, BCAAs (aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada) e fibras, promovendo não apenas a recuperação muscular, mas também a saúde digestiva. O sabor Natural Vanilla proporciona uma experiência deliciosa, tornando o consumo de proteína uma parte prazerosa da sua rotina. Com 1,5 LB de produto, você terá uma excelente quantidade para complementar suas refeições ou shakes pós-treino.
1. Proteína Completa: Fornece todos os aminoácidos essenciais, promovendo a recuperação e o crescimento muscular.
2. Saúde Digestiva: A adição de probióticos e fibras auxilia na digestão e na saúde intestinal.
3. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Produto livre de OGM e glúten, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação limpa e saudável.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em shakes, smoothies, receitas de bolos e panquecas, facilitando o aumento da ingestão de proteínas.
5. Sabor Agradável: O sabor Natural Vanilla torna o consumo do produto prazeroso, incentivando a adesão a uma dieta rica em proteínas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture 1 scoop (aproximadamente 30g) do Evlution Nutrition Stacked Plant Protein Powder em 240ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem em uma coqueteleira ou utilize um liquidificador para uma mistura mais homogênea. Recomenda-se consumir após o treino ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, adicione frutas, vegetais ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência.
devin huber –
I did a lot of research before I decided to stick with this protein for my primary post workout beverage. I love that it has greens, probiotics, and lots of dietary fiber. The taste is better when mixed with oat milk as opposed to just water and even better with a frozen banana!
C4-L –
This is easily the best tasting plant protein I’ve had. It has a great texture also. I love to mix it with peanut butter to dip my apples in.
I love that it has a greens blend, as well as a digestive blend mixed in.
Oksana –
Evlution Nutrition’s Stacked Plant Protein Powder in Natural Vanilla truly stands out as the most delectable plant protein I’ve ever tried. The rich and smooth vanilla flavor makes it a delightful addition to my daily routine. Its seamless blend makes it perfect for enhancing the taste of my smoothies, elevating my morning ritual to a new level of deliciousness. Beyond the taste, the product’s commitment to quality, with its vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free formula, coupled with added benefits like probiotics, BCAAs, and fiber, reinforces its position as a premium choice in the realm of plant-based protein supplements.
Hannah –
I have had a really hard time with plant protein. As much as I’ve wanted to love it, I never get past the first couple of sips of grainy, badly sweetened bleck. I’ve tried to mix just a bit into smoothies or other foods and it just ruins the entire thing. After giving up for a while and then talking to a friend about my health I decided to try another one. I did my research on ingredients after buying into Herbalife and realizing their ingredients weren’t what I wanted. Stacked protein is the best I’ve found, with good ingredients and taste. The sweetness is soft and rich in my opinion. I’ve found the best consistency with unsweetened almond milk, 1 Tbsp of PB2 and a serving of my collagen powder. I do not like it with water. The taste is tolerable, but it just doesn’t blend as well. Sometimes I add a banana to make it heartier. Overall, I feel like this protein helps with my energy, digestion and nutrition needs. I personally like to have it 3-5 times a week, first thing in the morning or right after an evening workout if I don’t feel like cooking.
Aaron –
Flavor was decent. I think this is a great alternative to the everyday protein powder. Whey and Soy made me very bloated and sick, almost. Tried plant protein and it worked great. I love the fact that is has a decent amount of fiber as well. Nice added benefit! I mixed this with almond or oat milk and it mixes pretty good. Flavor isn’t the greatest but if you’ve had protein shakes before, you know you aren’t expecting something to blow your taste buds away! I like it and will continue using it!
Neha Buchanan –
Love the protein powder the flavor is on point and easily mixes with other ingredients for smoothies. I have been using them for a year now. It is so good
Jessica Cortese –
THE BEST PROTEIN POWDER! I have tried others but always find my way back to this one. It tastes fantastic, no chalkiness, blends amazingly well, even in my shaker, and these ingredients, including probiotics AND digestive enzymes, and the lack of all the bad sugars and additives, is the reason I actually see results after I workout. I don’t get bloated, constipated, I’m regular again (sorry TMI) but these are real issues people have and whey protein is just too heavy for me. I workout 6 days a week, I lift, I do cardio and at a couple of months shy of 40, I was all of a sudden not seeing any of the cut and defined muscle I’ve had for years. I’m having to actually work for it now and HARD! This helps me stay on a clean diet, has helped me shed some age related weight and keep my muscles cut and lean!
Ara –
I absolutely love it!
Brian Keith Lane –
Ingredient profile is decent, protein to carb ratio is decent, and the flavor is decent.