O Evlution Nutrition Recover Mode é um suplemento pós-treino completo, projetado para otimizar a recuperação muscular e fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Com uma fórmula cientificamente elaborada, cada porção oferece 5 gramas de aminoácidos essenciais, incluindo L-Leucina, L-Isoleucina e L-Valina, em uma proporção eficaz de 2:1:1, que auxilia na reparação dos músculos danificados após treinos intensos. Além disso, contém 3 gramas de L-Glutamina e 1,5 gramas de Betaína Anidra, ingredientes fundamentais para manter um sistema imunológico robusto e impulsionar o desempenho atlético.
O Recover Mode também incorpora Creatina Monohidratada micronizada, reconhecida por sua capacidade de aumentar a força e a potência, ao mesmo tempo que apoia o crescimento de massa muscular magra. A adição de 5 mg de BioPerine (Extrato de Pimenta Preta) por porção garante uma absorção aprimorada e melhor biodisponibilidade, permitindo que o corpo aproveite ao máximo cada ingrediente. Fabricado em uma instalação cGMP e livre de glúten, o Recover Mode se destaca pela transparência em seus rótulos, que não contêm misturas proprietárias, permitindo que os consumidores conheçam a dosagem completa de cada componente.
1. Recuperação Avançada: O Recover Mode é formulado para acelerar a recuperação muscular, permitindo que você retorne à academia rapidamente após treinos intensos.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Com L-Glutamina e Betaína Anidra, o produto ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, aumentando sua resistência e desempenho.
3. Crescimento Muscular: A Creatina Monohidratada micronizada promove o crescimento de massa muscular magra, aumentando força e potência.
4. Melhor Absorção: A presença de BioPerine melhora a absorção dos nutrientes, garantindo que você obtenha o máximo de cada ingrediente.
5. Transparência e Qualidade: O Recover Mode é fabricado com ingredientes de alta qualidade e possui rótulos transparentes, permitindo que você saiba exatamente o que está consumindo.
Misture uma porção de Recover Mode com água durante ou imediatamente após o treino. Para melhores resultados, consuma a bebida logo após o preparo. É recomendado seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde qualificado e não exceder a dose recomendada. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
EliJones79 –
Very high quality post-workout supplement. It tastes great, mixes easily and doesn’t leave an aftertaste.
Helps to keep me going after an intense workout and I have noticed a decline in soreness and post workout fatigue.
Amanda –
I’m a VERY picky person when it comes to beverages so I rarely can handle these things. But I decided to give this one a shot and not only is the taste tolerable, it works. I can move the next day without any soreness. I probably water mine down a bit more than they recommend but it still works great. I would recommend this product.
Ansul Singh –
Past 3 months I have been using Evlution Nutrition products. All the products are top notch. RECOVERY MODE is one of them.
It has perfect combination of ingredients required for workout recovery. It contains creatine as well as creatine HCL which is stronger than creatine itself. Black pepper used to help in absorption. Currently I am working out twice and i take it just after my workout. Never felt lethargic or lack of motivation. I will be buying again.
Desert Consumer –
You can’t find a supplement mix with the same number of ingredients for anywhere near the same price. Tastes fine, gets boring after a while but they have good variety. I added my own creatine to the mix. Saw results, felt great, and didn’t have problems with soreness after daily workouts unless I really killed it that day.
Casey A. –
I’ve only used this three times so far, but each time about 30 min-1hour after drinking I’m getting an itchy flushy feeling all over my skin that lasts about an hour. Apparently it’s the high dose of beta alanine. Hoping my body gets used to it?
Happy with the recovery formula but may not purchase again due to the beta alanine and sucralose and FD&C Blue 1…
Dak –
I wanted one without Caffeine. I absolutely love this! I have bought all the flavors now and I love them all. I highly recommend this!
Mike –
I was super excited to try this stuff but unfortunately the seal was broken and powder was all up under the lid so I’m returning it.
Okay, I’m a reluctant person so I exchanged the first purchase and reordered it because like I said I was excited about it. This time the seal was fine. The product dissolves well and tastes awesome. I’m happy with it.
Okay, so I’ve been using it now for a few days and what started from one star, turned to 3 stars, now is being upgraded to 5 stars. I was upset about the first product being sent to me damaged but I’m a forgiving person and this product is really good. Packed with really great ingredients, I got blue raz which tastes delicious. Definitely helps me to feel recovered after a good workout. EVL all the way.
JMcV –
Not sure about the single 1 star review… I wasn’t compensated to review this but felt like it needed it. I like this product and it renews my energy after a hard workout session at the gym. It tastes great too so it’s something to look forward to between working out and the long cardio session to follow. Worth it, in my opinion!
Amber Bartell –
Product has great amounts of everything you need post workout
Doug S. –
I’d been using various versions of GNC’s Amplifiied Wheybolic Extreme recovery powders. That is, until they started changing the formula. My post tennis and workout soreness came back with a vengeance. Thank Go I discovered Evlution Recovery Mode. I could literally feel and see a difference within a day or two of using it.