Descrição do Produto
O Eveline Slim Extreme 4D Liposuction Body Serum, com 8,80 onças fluidas, é um produto revolucionário da Eveline Cosmetics que oferece uma solução fácil e rápida para eliminar a celulite persistente. Com resultados visíveis em apenas um clique, este serum cosmético profissional intensamente emagrecedor e remodelador é perfeito para uso doméstico, combatendo efetivamente a celulite difícil de remover.
Uma das principais características deste produto é a sua capacidade de inibir o crescimento do tecido adiposo. Ao atuar em nível celular, ele reduz visivelmente os caroços e covinhas sob a pele, superando efetivamente as células de gordura teimosas e a celulite. Além disso, o serum também possui ingredientes inovadores que energizam a pele, melhoram a circulação sanguínea e promovem o seu enrijecimento e firmeza. Ao massagear o produto na pele, você estará ajudando a queimar depósitos de gordura e purificar a pele.
- Eliminação eficaz da celulite persistente, proporcionando uma pele mais suave e uniforme.
- Inibição do crescimento do tecido adiposo, reduzindo a aparência de caroços e covinhas.
- Firmeza e enrijecimento da pele, resultando em uma aparência mais jovem e tonificada.
- Fácil de usar em casa, permitindo que você desfrute de um tratamento profissional no conforto do seu lar.
- Produto confiável da Eveline Cosmetics, garantindo qualidade e eficácia comprovada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Eveline Slim Extreme 4D Liposuction Body Serum diariamente na área afetada pela celulite. Utilize uma quantidade adequada do serum e massageie com movimentos circulares firmes até que o produto seja completamente absorvido pela pele. Para maximizar a eficácia, recomenda-se o uso contínuo do serum, aliado a uma rotina de cuidados com a pele e hábitos saudáveis. A consistência na aplicação é fundamental para alcançar resultados duradouros e satisfatórios.
Jessica –
I like the fact that it gives a nice cooling sensation. Also it is worth the money because it is a big tube and it should last a few months. I don’t know if it is doing what it’s supposed to do because I just started using it yesterday. Will update later.
Noniiee –
Makes you sweat
Adriana Sotres –
Good work, totally recommended
Jessica –
It works on me I lost 1 inch off my belly and everything is firmer it’s a cooling sensation once you put it on I wouldn’t recommend doing the whole body at once I do sections within hours apart
dosseyd –
This cream is working even though I have never felt the heat or burning sensation that some people have said they feel. I am really enjoying how my clothes are fitting and looking much better on me!
Megan –
I purchased this hoping it would help reduce cellulite and tighten some skin from weight loss. Mind you, I haven’t lost an incredible amount weight that would warrant plastic surgery, so my goal with this cream wasnt unrealistic.
First, let’s start with the smell, which is remarkably akin to that of aspercreme. So, right out the gate, pre-workout is started by smelling like an arthritic geriatric.
Let’s move on to the sensation the lotion gives you…. also, akin to that of aspercreme. Considering I dont actually have any chronic arthritis or muscle tension to compare relief to, I can neither confirm or deny that this isnt just a whole bottle of aspercreme. Let’s just get that out of way.
The majority of my exercise is running in between 7 and 10 miles a day. You would think, or at least hope, that using this in conjunction with an hour or more of cardio would give you some results. Pro tip: the lower your expectations, the less room you give for disappointment. (Keep those expectations at ground level)
I have seen reviews of this lotion working amazingly well with those sweet sweat wrap things (they kind of allow more concentrated areas to get more from a workout). I’ve been using those wraps for over a year with exercise and let me tell you this… there is ZERO discernable difference between the sweat you produce with the wraps alone, vs the sweat with the wraps and the lotion. None at all.
This creme has tightened f-all. Again, I dont have an extraordinarily large amount of skin that I’d like to be tightened. Mostly, it is around my abdomen, courtesy of growing a couple human beings and stress eating M&Ms. I eat healthy, I’m consistent with exercise, and I have glorious muscle tone, so it isnt like I’m morbidly obese and expected a miracle from this purchase. I did hope it would help me target my stubborn post baby pouch, but it only targeted my inner 75 year old.
D.S. –
Product works. Doesent break out my sensitive skin nor hands. Doesn’t have a foul oder. Smells zesty. Dri k water add workouts and you start seeing a difference. Be consistent and patient it won’t happen in weeks or over night. I’ll be purchasing again.
Philly guy –
Excelente producto! Si funciona.
emily marine –
I bought this 2 months ago and started using it twice a day on my stomach and chin area. The cooling/tingling feels amazing and right away I noticed a difference in my skins texture, way more moisturized than just with my lotion alone. I’m trying to lose the stubborn pregnancy weight and especially that waterbed belly so I thought I’d give this a try.
Honestly I noticed a bit of a difference after a couple weeks of regular use, BUT I’ve been eating better and exercising more regularly so I thought most of the slimming down was because of that. Boy was I wrong! Once I ran out a few weeks ago I decided not to reorder because again, I thought most of the changes were from my diet and exercise, but I am definitely starting to see a difference in the firmness of my skin – The flab has started to come back! Not as much as before but still.
So I am knocking off a star because the results don’t last and you need to keep using the product in order to see a difference. BUT it obviously does work and I don’t mind adding another step in my skincare routine if it actually makes a difference. Hopefully once I am back down to my pre-pregnancy weight I won’t have to use it as much but for now I am reordering for sure!
Carrie Deville –
All natural ingredients I have incorporated this into my weight loss routine it has all natural ingredients. It does smell a bit like flowers good texture as well as a nice cooling sensation you can feel it working some spots more than others. Will update soon.