Eve Hansen Gel de Vitamina C para os Olhos – Creme para Olheiras e Inchaço – Creme Reparador Anti-Envelhecimento com Ácido Hialurônico – Tratamento para Olheiras para Todos os Tipos de Pele – Olhos…
O Eve Hansen Gel de Vitamina C para os Olhos é um creme inovador que se destaca no combate às olheiras e ao inchaço, além de oferecer um poderoso efeito anti-envelhecimento. Com uma fórmula rica em ácido hialurônico, este gel proporciona hidratação profunda e suaviza a pele delicada ao redor dos olhos. Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, o tratamento é eficaz na redução dos sinais de envelhecimento, melhorando visivelmente a aparência da área dos olhos.
Produzido nos EUA, o Eve Hansen Gel de Vitamina C é leve e não oleoso, garantindo uma aplicação fácil e rápida absorção. Para utilizá-lo, basta aplicar uma pequena quantidade do tamanho de uma ervilha nos dedos anelares e dar leves batidinhas ao redor da área dos olhos e sobrancelhas. Este creme pode ser usado tanto sozinho quanto sob a maquiagem, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na sua rotina de beleza.
O gel não apenas uniformiza o tom da pele, mas também proporciona uma aparência jovem e radiante. Com ingredientes orgânicos, este creme reparador oferece hidratação intensa, essencial para a pele sensível ao redor dos olhos. Diga adeus às rugas e olheiras com este produto que promete transformar sua rotina de cuidados.
Com uma formulação cuidadosamente elaborada, o Eve Hansen Gel de Vitamina C reduz rapidamente a aparência de olhos inchados, bolsas sob os olhos e olheiras. Além disso, é um produto sem perfume, ideal para quem possui pele sensível. Sua versatilidade permite que seja utilizado tanto durante o dia quanto à noite, adaptando-se perfeitamente às necessidades de cada tipo de pele.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Reduz olheiras e inchaço dos olhos
- Hidratação intensa para a pele delicada dos olhos
- Fórmula leve e não oleosa
- Feito nos EUA com ingredientes naturais
- Adequado para todos os tipos de pele
O Eve Hansen Gel de Vitamina C para os Olhos oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Entre os principais, destacam-se: a redução eficaz de olheiras e inchaço, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado; a hidratação intensa que previne o ressecamento da pele delicada; a leveza da fórmula que não deixa resíduos oleosos; a utilização de ingredientes naturais que garantem segurança e eficácia; e a versatilidade do produto, que é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Eve Hansen Gel de Vitamina C para os Olhos, aplique uma pequena quantidade do creme na ponta dos dedos anelares. Em seguida, dê leves batidinhas ao redor da área dos olhos e sobrancelhas, garantindo que o produto seja absorvido completamente pela pele. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, como parte de sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, para maximizar os benefícios e manter a área dos olhos sempre rejuvenescida e iluminada.
Megs826 –
At first, when I got my product I will admit I was a little skeptical- especially for the size it was.
But Honestly, I only use the tiniest amount for both of my eyes since it spreads so easily.
I like that it is really light and gives a slight tingle when you put it on. I feel it really has reduced the puffiness under my eyes and I even put a little on my eyelids too. I have really fallen in love with this little magic potion in a bottle!
Customer –
I was skeptical about buying at first cause of the price and some reviews but honestly glad I went with it anyways. I’m pretty sure dark circles runs in my family since I remember my dad always having a hint of dark circles despite his healthy sleeping schedule and lifestyle in general so I figure I’ll always have a hint of it and my lack of sleeping schedule from stress and work doesn’t help so I was desperate for a fix. It took a couple of weeks applying it twice a day to see any results and now I can barely notice them. I only have a little dark circles compared to before and feel like I look a lot healthier and well rested compared to before as well. I’ve tried others that made my skin red and even gave me a burning sensation but this is nothing like the others. Its moisturizing, easy to massage under the eyes, and honestly jus phenomenal.
Angie –
I really like this product. I have been using it for several days now and it penetrates well and quickly into the skin. My skin is very sensitive to many ingredients, even safe ones, so I am always anxious when I buy a new product. So far i have had no negative reaction to this product. I need to use it longer to see the overall effect on my skin, but I have noticed that my skin is already smoother.
Justin Ramsey –
Male review: I’ve been using this eye gel for 5 weeks and I really like it. Under eye is less puffy and the product feels great on the skin. It goes on smooth/clean and doesn’t migrate into your eye like some creams do. It has a cooling feel when you apply it, and it has a light cucumber smell to it. I only use about a half pump for both eyes…a little goes a long way. NOTE: If you’re dehydrated, suffer from allergies, or generally have a poor, high sodium diet, this isn’t going to help your situation. Just throwing that out there. If I go out drinking and get little sleep, using this product the next morning isn’t going to erase my bad decisions. Ha! But, I definitely will continue to use this product as part of my daily routine, and I highly recommend it.
Ann Tanti –
I gave this product a try and went ahead and bought the item even though there were some negative comments, for me it just worked miracles. I had no burning sensation after applying the gel even though I do have sensitive skin, and I also notice a great difference to my under eye bags when I apply the gel they seem to diminish quite considerably. It is also scent free, overall I love this product and I have already ordered another one.
Angie –
I decided to try this product after so many great reviews but this is what this product did to my eyes after using it at night right before I went to bed. In the morning this is how I kept waking up. It scorched my eyes, dried out my lids & it burns like hell after applying it. I have very sensitive skin & while the package says for all skin types this is not correct.
I wish I could get my money back but I can’t all I can do is warn anyone considering to but it.
Did it get rid of the dark circles ? Sure but at the expensive of the rest of my eye burning and drying it to the point that I needed to apply Neosporin on my lids for two weeks. It made my fine lines worse too. I don’t know if my eyes will ever be the same..
Amazon Customer –
I usually don’t write product reviews, but I had to write this one because this product is amazing! I purchased the entire Even Hansen Vitamin C line; the face wash, toner, moisturizer, night cream, eye cream, and serum……. and my skin has truly transformed. I’ve been using the products for a few months now, there is less discoloration on my skin, my skin is more firm and even my small fine lines have vanished. Everyone says my skin looks so clear and has a glow. Even the stubborn dark areas under my eyes have lightened and appear more tight. I could not be more pleased with this product and I love the fact that they use more natural ingredients instead of a bunch of chemicals. I love, love, love this product line and will continue to be a customer! This is a true and honest review, if you’re looking for a great skincare line that deals with multiple skin issues THIS IS THE ONE!
Pamela J. Dennewitz –
I haven’t used the product long enough to see results yet, but I do want to suggest they change the packaging and delivery system of the product. The nozzle you press sticks and then shoots out way too much product so creates waste. Its not just this particular bottle, but the type of nozzle. There is little control to how much you dispense when you press on it. I’ve had this problem with any product with this type of nozzle. So much so that I probably won’t buy anything packaged this way again.