Essential Living: Manteiga de Karité Não Refinada
- Para uma hidratação ultra intensa da pele: nossa manteiga de karité pura e não refinada é ideal para acalmar a pele seca e rachada, além de combater a inflamação.
- Perfeita para produtos orgânicos de cuidados com a pele feitos em casa: pode ser usada para fazer suas próprias manteigas corporais batidas, sabonetes, condicionadores de cabelo, loções e muito mais.
- Feita a partir de nozes de karité frescas e de alta qualidade: segura o suficiente para todos os tipos de pele, desde pele ressecada até oleosa.
- Autêntica e feita através do comércio justo: obtida de forma ética e produzida por cooperativas de mulheres ganenses na África Ocidental.
- Sua satisfação é nossa prioridade: a Essential Living aceita devoluções por até 30 dias a partir da data de entrega.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação intensa
- Versatilidade
- Ingredientes naturais
- Comércio justo
- Garantia de satisfação
A Manteiga de Karité Não Refinada da Essential Living oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados pessoais. Primeiramente, sua capacidade de hidratação intensa é ideal para combater a pele seca e rachada, proporcionando alívio imediato e duradouro. Além disso, sua versatilidade permite que você crie uma variedade de produtos personalizados, como manteigas corporais e sabonetes, adaptando-os às suas necessidades específicas. Os ingredientes 100% naturais garantem que você esteja cuidando da sua pele sem a adição de produtos químicos nocivos, enquanto o compromisso com o comércio justo apoia comunidades locais e promove práticas éticas. Por fim, a garantia de satisfação assegura que você possa experimentar o produto sem preocupações, sabendo que pode devolvê-lo caso não atenda às suas expectativas.
Aplique uma pequena quantidade da manteiga de karité nas áreas desejadas do corpo, massageando suavemente até completa absorção. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente após o banho ou sempre que sentir a pele ressecada. A manteiga pode ser aquecida em suas mãos para facilitar a aplicação. Evite o contato com os olhos. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar suas propriedades naturais.
Heather –
This is a beautiful product! I’m on my second jar. I just made my first batch of body butter with it and it turned out great. I love that it’s raw, unrefined, organic and fair trade. I’m thrilled to support this company’s efforts to help women in Africa.
Cat Mom –
I had such mixed feelings about this product. My criteria for purchasing Organic and well as Fair Trade was met. And the product has such a luxurious feel. The difficult part for me was when I opened the jar and was taken back by the strong scent. I haven’t purchased Shea butter in many years but I do not remember it as having a strong odor. I had to educate myself on the differences of refined vs unrefined. Refining takes much of the odor out of the butter but also take out much of the benefits as well. I do not find the scent to be smoky nor nutty, but more earthy. Having said all of that, I LOVE how it makes my skin feel and can use it just out of the jar for maximum skin protection. I find that the scent calms down after it has been applied and I am acquiring an appreciation for it. This is a top notch product and I will purchase it again.
Kathleen –
This stuff is great. I purchased it to mix with some cocoa butter and coconut oil for skin. Works great. I love it even when I use it by itself. When used by itself, it doesn’t have a very pleasing aroma, but that is just the way shea butter is. If you mix it with something else, say the cocoa butter, then the fragrance of the shea butter isn’t as noticeable. But if you want great skin, this is good stuff. Use it alone or melt it down and mix it with cocoa butter, coconut oil, and maybe some almond oil. I recommend this product. Smooth texture that melts right into skin. Does better than any product that boasts shea butter as an ingredient.
Jim Thompson –
This is my first time buying shea butter, let alone raw shea butter, so an acquaintance of mine referred me to this brand and seller. I read a lot of the reviews and educated myself on the product. When it arrived it looked like it had furry mold on top and I was a bit shocked. So I did some more homework and discovered that its normal to look like that sometimes, but its not mold at all and is normal with unrefined shea butter. It actually has a wonderful smooth and creamy texture and consistency and isn’t gritty at all. I’ve also learned that if it does get gritty its because it started to melt and then solidified too quickly, most likely due to weather conditions during shipping. All it takes is a gentle warm up and slow cool down to regain its smooth and creamy texture. I’m so happy with this product and seller and will continue to buy this product.
LoKayW –
I ordered this product before and it worked great. I order it earlier this week and the security part under the lid was slightly opened and the product discolored. I sent in for an exchange, and it came in the same condition today. The security part under the lid was open and the product was much darker. It looked almost molded. I am so disappointed because I use this for business, however I will have to find another brand somewhere else.
Foodie Mom –
Arrived sooner than expected. The protective paper seal was not fully sealed, but it didn’t look like the product had been tampered with. The exterior plastic wrapping was intact. I purchased this with the intent of making lotion bars — which I did, and which came out great — but also allowed some to melt in my palm and then applied it directly to my face as a moisturizer, and was surprised at how quickly it absorbed and how much it helped my dry, flaky, sensitive skin. I’ve since made a facial bar with shea, vitamin E oil, and rose essential oil, and am very pleased. Looking forward to seeing if it continues well. One star off for the packaging issue, but overall good product.
Suusje –
I gave this as a gift and it is loved. I’ve given my friend lotions over the years and shea butter has always been his key ingredient so this year I have him this product. He loved all it stood for being fair trade, organic, supports a cause and a wonderful product. I’m happy he’s happy. He’s looking forward to trying a few recipes with it too, but for the time he enjoys using it straight out of the jar.
Danielle Hughes –
The Shaw Butter is perfect. I would highly recommend