As Esponjas Faciais MAXSOFT Comprimidas são a escolha ideal para quem busca uma limpeza facial eficaz e suave. Feitas de celulose 100% natural, essas esponjas oferecem uma experiência de cuidado com a pele que combina praticidade e qualidade. Cada pacote contém 50 unidades, tornando-as uma opção econômica e conveniente para o uso diário. Compactas e leves, são perfeitas para levar em viagens ou para o dia a dia, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma ferramenta de limpeza facial de alta qualidade.
Essas esponjas são super macias e projetadas para esfoliar delicadamente a pele, removendo impurezas e o excesso de óleo, enquanto limpam profundamente os poros. A segurança das esponjas para peles sensíveis é um dos seus grandes diferenciais, permitindo que todos possam desfrutar de uma limpeza eficaz sem irritações. Ao serem hidratadas, as esponjas expandem-se para aproximadamente 3″ de diâmetro e 3/8″ de espessura, proporcionando uma superfície ideal para a aplicação de produtos de limpeza facial ou removedores de maquiagem.
Com a garantia de que são feitas de fibras reais de celulose, as Esponjas Faciais MAXSOFT não apenas cuidam da sua pele, mas também são uma escolha amiga do meio ambiente. Cada esponja pode ser utilizada de 1 a 2 semanas, o que torna o pacote com 50 unidades uma solução prática e econômica para quem deseja manter uma rotina de cuidados com a pele.
- Limpeza suave e eficaz da pele, ideal para todos os tipos de pele.
- Remoção de impurezas e excesso de óleo, promovendo uma pele mais saudável.
- Segurança para peles sensíveis, evitando irritações e desconfortos.
- Qualidade premium, feita de materiais sustentáveis e amigáveis ao meio ambiente.
- Opção econômica com 50 unidades, garantindo um excelente custo-benefício.
Para utilizar as Esponjas Faciais MAXSOFT Comprimidas, comece umedecendo a esponja até que ela expanda completamente. Em seguida, aplique uma quantidade adequada do seu produto de limpeza facial ou removedor de maquiagem preferido diretamente na esponja. Massageie suavemente o rosto em movimentos circulares, permitindo que a esponja atue na remoção de sujeira e impurezas. Após o uso, enxágue bem a esponja e deixe-a secar completamente antes de guardá-la. Para garantir a máxima eficácia e higiene, recomenda-se substituir a esponja a cada 1-2 semanas.
Amazon Customer –
Love love love these sponges ! I wear lots of makeup everyday , it’s so quick & easy to take off the foundation , gets really nice & deep into your pores with a little micro exfoliation .
Stephanie Z. –
They are very gentle on my skin including around my eyes, my skin is very clean after I wash and my facial cleanser, which is a brightening cleanser, is more effective when used with these sponges, and considering how many come in the package, the price is great.
Mickey S –
These are just foam sponges. NOT cellulose sponge as described or shown in images.
alyxb –
I was given a similar sponge by my esthetician after dermaplaning and a lactic acid peel. I really liked it as it made my skin feel much cleaner when double cleansing. I went on Amazon and found these and ordered them. Wow. These are so much softer and slightly thinner than the ones my esthetician uses and I am in love!! I’ve told all my friends to buy them because of how much of an improvement I’ve seen and felt in my skin post cleanse. I love how soft these are, items like clarisonic brushes were too harsh and konjac sponges I didn’t really feel like I got the bang for the buck. If you’re looking at a few brands pick up this one. You’re supposed to replace it every 1-2 weeks so I should be set for a year but loved it so much I bought a second pack so I can give them to friends to try as well. Love, love, LOVE this product. 🙂
marcellina –
So practical and can’t wash my face without them
Misty Blue –
I recently ran out of replacement sponges for my Fisher Wallace Stimulator. I read an article that said this product could be used in place of the sponges previously available direct from the company, so I decided to give them a try. Note: it is necessary to cut them down to fit, but this is a very affordable and hygenic alternative. They also work well with the Stimulator in my own experience. So I thought it was worth posting a review to share this workaround.
S. Wong –
These are excellent face washes. I do wish they had a but more exfoliating texture, they’re rather soft, but my skin is more sensitive these days & these sponges work well to get any grime off and larger very well. They’re also soft enough to wash eyelids so I can’t complain as I def couldn’t do that with my buf scrub. Also good quality, dry out quickly, nice texture, clean well & no smell.
Misty Blue –
These facial sponges are fantastic! I have been using my hands for cleansing my face and splashing water all over the place to rinse it off for years. I wish I would have thought to get something like this sooner. The sponges come packaged as thin disks, but expand within seconds once they get wet. (Which is rather satisfying to witness.)
I have noticed a significant difference in my skin within a short time of using these sponges. It really does help get a deeper clean than just washing by hand. I feel like my complexion is much brighter and healthier due to the deeper clean and mild and gentle exfoliating effect produced by these sponges.
These are well worth the price and will last a long time. You can certainly get several uses from one sponge. I have been using the same sponge for almost a week. Just rinse well and then prop it on it’s side so it can completely dry between uses. I’m guessing this package should last the average person a good year or more if sponges are cleaned and stored properly between uses. (I have 3 teenage daughters, so I’m sure that I will be reordering more sooner than later.)
One of the advantages listed on the side of the box states that these sponges “Provide soft and hygienic usage of ladies.” Lord, I have no idea what that is supposed to mean! Oh well…
Shanana09 –
These compressed facial sponges are just as described. They come packaged appearing quite thin when dry but plump up nicely when adding water. Very gentle to use on face and one lasts for several days or more when air drying after each use. I found they are mildly exfoliating and leave a nice moisturizing and clean feeling. Great for travel because they are so thin when dry, and they dry quickly overnight. I highly recommend and will purchase again.