Mergulhe no poder transformador do Esfoliante Facial e Corporal de Ácido Kójico e Cúrcuma da Kojic Acid, formulado de forma única para diminuir a aparência de descoloração da pele e outras irregularidades na tez. Este esfoliante é a solução ideal para quem busca uma pele mais uniforme e radiante, combinando ingredientes eficazes que promovem a renovação celular.
Alcance um brilho invejável sem esforço com o nosso esfoliante mais vendido. Experimente a mágica de limpeza profunda e rejuvenescimento do Ácido Kójico e Cúrcuma, infundidos com açúcar e sal marinho, que esfoliam suavemente, removendo células mortas, sujeira e excesso de óleo. Diga adeus às manchas de acne e desfrute de uma tez radiante, luminosa e esclarecida.
Adaptado para cada tipo de pele, o Esfoliante Facial e Corporal de Ácido Kójico e Cúrcuma da Kojic Acid infunde a bondade do Ácido Kójico, Cúrcuma, Alcaçuz e Papaia. Enriquecido ainda com Manteiga de Karité, Vitamina E, Óleo de Limão, Óleo de Alecrim, Óleo de Abacate e Óleo de Oliva, nosso esfoliante garante hidratação sem obstruir os poros, tornando-o perfeito para peles sensíveis, secas, oleosas, mistas e normais.
Eleva a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele com nossa combinação orgânica de Ácido Kójico e Cúrcuma, meticulosamente formulada para realçar a beleza natural da sua pele. Minimize a aparência de cicatrizes de acne, cravos, rugas, descoloração, pelos encravados, marcas causadas pelo sol, irregularidades na tez e muito mais, revelando uma textura de pele impecável.
A Kojic Acid é um testemunho de qualidade e mistura genuína de ingredientes naturais. Aproveite o poder de esclarecimento e refinamento do nosso esfoliante, complementado com uma combinação de óleos hidratantes e anti-envelhecimento, garantindo que sua pele reflita saúde e vitalidade jovem.
- Diminui a aparência de descoloração da pele, promovendo um tom mais uniforme.
- Esfolia suavemente, removendo células mortas e impurezas, resultando em uma pele mais limpa.
- Hidrata sem obstruir os poros, ideal para todos os tipos de pele.
- Minimiza a aparência de cicatrizes de acne e rugas, promovendo um aspecto rejuvenescido.
- Realça a beleza natural da pele, revelando uma textura impecável e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Esfoliante Facial e Corporal de Ácido Kójico e Cúrcuma da Kojic Acid na pele úmida. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, evitando a área dos olhos. Enxágue bem com água morna. Utilize de 2 a 3 vezes por semana para uma pele radiante e revitalizada, garantindo que os benefícios do esfoliante sejam maximizados e sua pele mantenha-se saudável e luminosa.
Amani F –
I love turmeric since it’s such a powerful ingredient. In my culture, turmeric is a huge ingredient for healing skin. This scrub is really nicely scented, does exactly what you want in a scrub for exfoliating, and its a decently sized jar for the price. I don’t use it on my face however, as I typically have my own skincare for that, but as a body scrub it’s fantastic.
Tee –
This Kojic Acid & Turmeric Face and Body Scrub arrived well-packaged and in good Condition. I like the Smell of this Yellow Scrub. The Texture is fine enough so it can be used on the Face. I like how gentle it is. It’s easy to apply and wash off, leaving the Skin feeling soft, fresh and moisturized. Overall, I am happy with this Order.
I will say that I have noticed a difference in the texture of my skin. I have been using this for about 10 months now. It did not dry my face out nor was it harsh. I have not noticed a ‘brightening” of the skin per se because my tone is already pretty much even. The ingredients are all natural as well as kind of sweet. I will say that it was a fantastic scrub for my lips and I did notice a brightening tone with that. The fragrance is pleasant and does not have an overpowering smell. The consistency of the scrub is like a body scrub but with oils so that it doesn’t feel scratchy to the skin. The ingredients alone is enough to purchase considering other scrubs out there. If you follow the directions verbatim, you will see a difference while using. If you have sensitive skin, do a test before using it.
carp –
This product was well packaged! It smells very pleasant and your skin feels amazing on the skin. I haven’t noticed a difference just yet with my areas of hyperpigmentation, but the skin certainly feels soft and smooth after use!! Highly recommend this product!
Nikki –
I absolutely love this product. The smell is so delicious that I want to eat it… but I won’t. I’ve used this on both my face and my legs, and it leaves my skin feeling so soft and clean. I tend to get razor burn pretty badly on my legs, so I’ve been trying to find something to help me exfoliate prior to shaving, and this is definitely what I needed. I use just a few-finger scoop of the rough but still soapy mixture and rub it on my legs, and voila! They shave nice and easily now.
As for my face, I love to use this before bed, as it helps me feel clean and refreshed, like I got all the grime and grease and dirt out of my pores. I use about 2-3 times a week, and I love it.
Lilly –
I really like the smell of this facial/body scrub, it’s a mellow citrus scent. In my opinion it’s pretty coarse but it dissolves quickly. It comes in a widemouth jar – for me that’s more suited for something by my sink, so I use it as a facial scrub. I did use it as a body scrub once, but I take super hot showers and it dissolved way too quickly for me to get the scrubbing action I prefer.
The instructions recommend using this 2-3x weekly and to allow 8-12 weeks to start seeing results. I look forward to seeing what happens, until then I feel pretty confident in recommending it if facial scrubs are your thing. If you have delicate skin, this is probably too rough. Also note, sugar is the second ingredient and you can definitely taste it. Not a bad thing, just might need to take extra consideration to how you store it.
need to wait a few weeks for results so will be back to update. smells good and feels like a good exfoliant.
Miss Cannon –
This product smells great. Seems to be working well so far!