Eliminador de Odores Natural: O Esembly Pail Deodorant é feito de bicarbonato de sódio misturado com os aromas de limão, grapefruit e alecrim para ajudar a combater odores em sua Bolsa Esembly Day ou Pail Pouch (vendidos separadamente).
Fácil de Usar: Polvilhe 3-4 sacudidas generosas de Pail Deodorant em seu balde de fraldas, saco úmido ou cesto para absorver o excesso de umidade e manter as coisas com um cheiro fresco. Não é recomendado o uso no bebê.
Versátil: Pode ser usado em fraldas de pano reutilizáveis, fraldas descartáveis, roupas de academia com mau cheiro e roupas sujas.
Seguro para Fraldas de Pano: O Pail Deodorant, que absorve odores, não é apenas seguro para fraldas de pano, mas também ajuda a potencializar o poder de limpeza do seu detergente quando chega o dia de lavar as roupas.
Ingredientes: Bicarbonato de sódio (bicarbonato de sódio) com aromas naturais de limão, grapefruit e alecrim. Ótimo complemento para o seu cesto de fraldas!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Eliminação natural de odores;
- Fácil de usar;
- Versatilidade para uso em diferentes tipos de roupas;
- Seguro para fraldas de pano;
- Ingredientes naturais e agradáveis.
– Para usar o Esembly Pail Deodorant, basta polvilhar 3-4 sacudidas generosas no balde de fraldas, saco úmido ou cesto. Certifique-se de não usar diretamente no bebê. O Pail Deodorant é seguro para fraldas de pano e também ajuda a potencializar a eficácia do seu detergente durante a lavagem. Desfrute de um ambiente livre de odores desagradáveis com o aroma refrescante de limão, grapefruit e alecrim.
Amazon Customer –
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The whole system is just so simple and ingenious! The pail is a good size for a day or two of cloth diapering. The material is very water proof and no leaks and so easy to clean( just turn it inside out!) Recommend pairing with the pail deodorizer for odor control, though the draw string top helps some.
David T Sears –
I found it really difficult to empty into the wash and flip inside out and didn’t see a noticeable difference in other, cheaper wet bags that I have that warranted keeping this pricier one. I didn’t find it to stink less or prevent mold more so than the ones I already have that I paid much less for, so I wouldn’t recommend it, unlike the rest of the Esembly Cloth Diaper products that I have loved.
Evan L. –
While I now prefer liners with wider mouths, this one will stay in my regular rotation. The elastic opening is just tight enough to make it awkward to invert it into the washer. It’s possible but I can rarely do it without touching the inside of the bag. It has held up well through several uses though. It contains the smell and doesn’t leak.
Meagan Green –
Handy hangable waterproof bag for diapers (or whatever you choose). Does a good job on its own containing smell. We like the elastic around the top, as we just hang it on the back of a door knob between washes instead of using a diaper pail. I wish it was about 10 bucks cheaper like the other waterproof bags on the market and I would have two. $30 is kind of taking advantage of the baby market in my opinion.
Jean K. –
Works well will get again
Macy Martinez –
We have this hanging on the back of the door and it keeps the smell of cloth diapers trapped for about 3 days! It’s great quality with a plasticy feeling liner on the inside. It’s size is larger than I expected and would perform well with a stainless steel garage can for a cute pail!
Seven –
But you have to use it often and it runs out quick. I decided to create my own by using drops of a few essentials oils on baking soda, with similar results.
Kayla Bower –
This is so perfect for our family. I have been using this for a few months now and I love it, I needed 2 of them so I didn’t have to wait between washes. It’s water proof, keeps out the smells pretty well (I rinse my diapers before putting them in the pail) and it works great with my diaper pail. It doesn’t slip off and is waterproof. If your cloth diapering, it’s a must have.